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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/21 in all areas

  1. There is a better choice, at least if the VCL application has to be preserved as well which is handy for debugging. The way to design that is to move all the code to a new class without any GUI interaction. This class could be a TDataModule to have GUI design. That class will interact with the GUI or the service thru methods, properties and events. Anyway, this is how a good application is always designed! It is a good advice to always separated the user interface from the actual code doing something.
  2. This is exactly (!) the way it should look! Thank you so much, my dear helpers, all of you, here in this forum! I must confess that today within 2 hours I have learnt and understood more than during a long period of time coding in different languages as I had never really made use of one which had this Form Creator in it - I was always hooked onto the bare code. I cannot even express how thankful I am! And still, I have two last questions: This piece of software is running as a 32-bit release. If I want to compile also a 64-bit version, is there a general tip for me as to what to look for regarding "compile parameters" or can I simply change the compiler directive to 64-bit? I want to bring this "application" into a Windows service. Is there a standard procedure for handling this? Have you got some instructions where I might learn that from?
  3. Unfortunately Emba never implemented proper generics support for sets which would make this trivial and type safe.