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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/21 in all areas

  1. Lars Fosdal

    Delphi 11 Announced

  2. Idefix Pack: Sounds a little strange to me, at least in German, like to order the dog to grasp
  3. Isn't fastest and using Delphi's own classes mutually exclusive? My personal recommendation goes to https://github.com/ahausladen/JsonDataObjects
  4. I would check first if all the permissions handling is correct, there had been many changes. If that doesnt helps, have you tried to recreate a new project under 10.4.2 and reset your project to the latest projects defaults ?
  5. Soulflesh

    Unable to compile P4D with Delphi 10.4 for Linux64

    This raises an exception: SetLength(Test,0); Result := UCS4StringToUnicodeString(Test); Your suggested code has solved the problem! 😀 Python Scripts runs now on Linux (Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS with Python 3.9.6). Best regards
  6. Uwe Raabe

    Format uses clause

    You have to activate that option:
  7. Has anyone done any benchmarking lately on JSON libs? Ones I have seen are bit old I think. (I am not needing one right now, but would be good for the community if someone woulöd do something like that) .Tee.
  8. Stefan Glienke

    Test Insight not drawing correctly

    Make the duration column smaller - there seems to be some glitch with it sporadically spanning the entire width making the name column not visible which I have seen occasionally but could not repro yet.
  9. Christophe E.

    ANN: TECNativeMap 4.3

    This version brings the support of the Mapillary api version 4 (a kind of google street view) TECNativeMap is an equivalent of Google Map without any use of a WebBrowser because it is 100% Delphi. It is available in VCL and FMX versions on all platforms supported by Delphi Download the trial version for Delphi 10.4.x
  10. Uwe Raabe

    Format uses clause

    You can define the group names per project in MMX Properties - Project options: A single identifier is treated as a group prefix which has to be followed by a dot (like System, VCL, FireDAC). You can also use wildcards like Rz* for all units from Raize Components (KSVC). Unit names not covered in one of the schemes above can be listet in brackets. This is the setting for MMX itself: (ToolsApi,DesignIntf,DCCStrs,DockForm,TabDock);Winapi;System.Win;System;Xml;Vcl;VirtualTrees*;Rz*;Tb*;Png*;MMX The settings are stored in the dproj file.
  11. The DDevExtensions 2.85 and the DFMCheck 1.6 are now available for Delphi 10.3 Rio. DDevExtensions Changelog Added: Support for Delphi 10.3 Rio Added: Use Unit dialog option “Every unit on a single line” Improved: UnitSelector Dialog in Delphi 2009 opens much faster Fixed: Structure-View search dropdown had a max height of 2 items Downloads