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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/21 in Posts

  1. Alexander Sviridenkov

    Parsing Text search expression

    HTML Library Bundle contains SQL framework with SQL parser for Firebird, Oracle, MySQL, Postgres, Microsof SQL, Elevate and SQLite. Library supports query parsing, formatting, translation between SQL dialects, modifying (change order, where, limit, fields, etc) syntax check and DB schema check, editor completion implementation and much more. https://delphihtmlcomponents.com/SQLLibrary.pdf
  2. Yes, I meanwhile put such "prominent disclosure" dialog in front of all my apps ( even if Windows ) 🙂 No matter if iOS don't require this, I think that is a good policy too. Regarding the permissions I do it similar as in some websites, saying we have "required" permissions, and explaining why they were required. Also explaining some privacy stuff there. If the user don't agree's, he should leave the app. But of course the user still can choose other settings in the OS dialog, than he did in the "prominent disclosure". The whole permission stuff is a permanent pain ....
  3. dummzeuch

    Tool to inspect properties at run-time?

    There is also an object inspector component in the jvcl.
  4. SwiftExpat

    Tool to inspect properties at run-time?

    This is correct, you can see sample source code on Github here with compiled demos here. The component is a simple button which is appropriate for starting out. In an established application I take the approach to not use any extra space on the form by utilizing an onclick event handler of a label. The FMX sample shows a click 3 times on a label to invoke, similar to the 7 long presses in Android. This design allows you to ifdef out the code for your release and not modify the form. Note the ifdefs in the samples. This is correct. This code maintains the tree of forms, data modules, components. The Inspector loads the component details but is not automatically aware of changes that occur. On the Inspector tab there is a button that always allows you to reload. In general workflow it stays up to date, but depending on what events are assigned on the component you may need to reload. An example would be modifying the align edit1 from center to client, The Inspector updates the align property because it is aware it made the change. The width still shows 100 as in the Inspector because it is unaware of the new width due to alignment. A click on the reload button will force it to load the current values.
  5. Understood, however there will always be someone, and they may still contact support to ask why the app is not working 😉
  6. Angus Robertson

    THttpAppSrv - Add*Handler for PUT and DELETE

    SVN has been updated with a new OverbyteIcsHttpAppServer adding support for PUT and DELETE verbs, also OverbyteIcsDDWebServiceSrv.pas now uses TUrlHandlerRestApi instead of as a virtual page, little simpler. Angus
  7. Carlo Barazzetta

    Looking for SVG support in Delphi?

    Good news about 2.4.0 version of SVGIconImageList: - Added new engine: Image32 library (ver.3.0) by Angus Johnson (VCL+FMX) - Image32 is now the default native Delphi engine, because has more SVG functionalities like blur, gradient, merge, drop-shadow, markers, simbol, pattern, subpixel. - Added support for Android and iOS platforms (by Image32 engine) - Added support for backward Delphi versions (from XE3) - Added demo to compare the four engines (SVGViewer)
  8. Dalija Prasnikar

    TListView filled by Thread = Freeze

    Animation is not working because thread is doing very little work besides queuing work to the main thread. This gives very little chance to the main thread to do anything besides processing the queued work and repaint animation. This is matter of timing so it is not surprising that you have different behavior on different platforms. You can either use ProcessMessages to force main thread message processing and repainting the animation, or you can put thread to sleep for short period of time. However, sleeping will slow down the whole process, so you don't want to call it at every iteration. Following code works without issues. There are some additional notes, some already mentioned by @Remy Lebeau First, I have changed StopThread procedure to just call FreeAndNil(FMyThread) - freeing the thread will also call Terminate and WaitFor - this is why it causes the deadlock is you are using Synchronize. Niling the thread is there so you can click the button again otherwise you would leak the thread. If the thread is already running you will not be able to start the thread again, but you will be able to do so after the first thread is finished. NotifyComplete procedure will also call StopThread to release the thread because it makes no sense to keep dead thread around. Calling TThread.Queue(TThread.CurrentThread will discard any queued events after the thread is dead. In this example it is important to do so, because form is closing any we don't want to run any already queued events after form is released as this would cause AV. If there is something that needs to be always executed then such code should be in OnTerminate event. When it comes to anonymous method variable capture, they will be captured and their lifetime will be extended, but that only means variable will be accessible, but does not guarantee that the content (object) will be alive, you can only safely use variables of value types and managed types. For others, you need to be sure that they will be alive as long as anonymous method is running. In this case ListView1 and Button2 will not be alive when the form is closed. procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin StopThread; end; procedure TForm1.StopThread; begin FreeAndNil(FMyThread); end; procedure TForm1.NotifyComplete; begin AniIndicator1.Visible := False; AniIndicator1.Enabled := False; ListView1.EndUpdate; ListView1.Enabled := true; StopThread; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(FMyThread) then Exit; AniIndicator1.Visible := True; AniIndicator1.Enabled := True; ListView1.Enabled:=false; ListView1.BeginUpdate; FMyThread:=TThread.CreateAnonymousThread(procedure () var I: Integer; Total: Integer; begin Total := 0; for I := 1 to MaxValue do begin TThread.Queue(TThread.CurrentThread, procedure () begin ListView1.Items.Add.Text := 'Th: ' + I.ToString; Button2.text:= i.tostring; end); if Application.Terminated then begin break; end else begin if i mod 10 = 0 then Sleep(1); end; end; TThread.Queue(TThread.CurrentThread, procedure() begin ListView1.Items.Add.Text := 'Thread: ' + Total.ToString; NotifyComplete; end); end); FMyThread.FreeOnTerminate := False; FMyThread.Start; end;
  9. uligerhardt


    https://blogs.windows.com/windowsdeveloper/2021/01/21/making-win32-apis-more-accessible-to-more-languages/ Sounds very interesting.