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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/21 in Posts

  1. David Heffernan

    Patch for Delphi 11 Alexandria available

    Uwe is providing useful information that your problem may have an environmental aspect to it. Your antagonistic response is very counterproductive.
  2. baoquan.zuo

    PixelsPerInch property in datamodules and services :-(

    type {$I jedi.inc} {$IFDEF DELPHI28_UP} {$DEFINE HasPixelsPerInch} {$ENDIF} TBaseDataModule = class(TDataModule) {$IFNDEF HasPixelsPerInch} protected // Ignore PixelsPerInch property in TFrame introduced since Delphi 11 procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override; procedure IgnorePixelsPerInch(Reader: TReader); {$ENDIF} end; {$IFNDEF HasPixelsPerInch} procedure TBaseDataModule.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); begin inherited DefineProperties(Filer); Filer.DefineProperty('PixelsPerInch', IgnorePixelsPerInch, nil, False); end; procedure TBaseDataModule.IgnorePixelsPerInch(Reader: TReader); begin Reader.ReadInteger; end; {$ENDIF} I created a base module to solve this kind of issue
  3. David Heffernan

    Unit testing for beginners

    You don't need a Delphi specific text to learn about unit testing. In fact I expect that the best texts won't be Delphi specific.
  4. aehimself

    Patch for Delphi 11 Alexandria available

    Seems... you are perfect, too? 🙂
  5. corneliusdavid

    Strategies for minimizing app start time

    On a more serious note, I often use a ListBox or something and show the types of things that are being loaded which are taking time, such as opening datasets or connecting to a remote resource. Not only does it inform the user of what is happening but also might show (visually) where the bottlenecks are when there's a pause in the scrolling list of activities.
  6. Uwe Raabe

    Strategies for minimizing app start time

    Sounds to me like chasing the wrong rabbit.
  7. haentschman

    Pos, SplitString

    Hi... I hope this SQL is only for you in the development? For editing SQL by users...have you heard of SQL Injection? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection
  8. Stano

    Pos, SplitString

    What happens if you add over time WITH XX AS (... ?
  9. KenR

    iOS 15.1

    I downloaded and the PAServer patch shortly after it was made available and can confirm that it is
  10. timfrost

    Moving from Per Monitor V1 to V2

    I would suggest that before you claim to support pmv2 you should add a second monitor which you can run at a different DPI, and test everything. This is the best way to be confident that your users will find no surprises in your software. But even then if the user setup differs from yours, it may not be enough.
  11. David Heffernan

    Any good replacement for Indy email?

    I strongly recommend that you identify the problem before trying to solve it.