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  1. tinyBigGAMES

    CPas - C for Delphi

    Overview What if you were able to load and use C99 sources directly from Delphi? There is a vast quantity of C libraries out there and being able to take advantage of them, without being a pain would be nice. You could even compile a bunch of sources and save them as a library file, then load them back in from disk, a resource or even from a stream. You can get the symbols, map to a C routine, and execute from the Delphi side all from a simple API. Downloads Releases - These are the official release versions. Features Free for commercial use. Allow C integration with Delphi at run-time. Support Windows 64-bit platform. Support for C99. Fast run-time compilation. Can run C sources directly or compile to (.LIB, .EXE, .DLL). Library files can be loaded and used at run-time from a file, a resource or stream. Import symbols directly from a dynamic linked library (.DLL) or module-definition (.DEF) file. You can reference the symbols from Delphi and directly access their value (mapping to a routine and data). Your application can dynamically or statically link to CPas. Direct access to the vast quantity of C99 libraries inside Delphi. Minimum System Requirements Delphi 10 (Win64 target only) FreePascal 3.3.3 (Win64 target only) Microsoft Windows 10, 64-bits 20MB of free hard drive space How to use in Delphi Unzip the archive to a desired location. Add installdir\sources, folder to Delphi's library path so the CPas source files can be found for any project or for a specific project add to its search path. Add installdir\bin, folder to Windows path so that CPas.dll file can be found for any project or place beside project executable. See examples in installdir\examples for more information about usage. You must include CPas.dll in your project distribution when dynamically linked to CPas. See CPAS_STATIC define in the CPas unit file. See installdir\docs for documentation. A Tour of CPas CPas API You access the easy to use API in Delphi from the CPas unit. {.$DEFINE CPAS_STATIC} //<-- define for static distribution type { TCPas } TCPas = type Pointer; { TCPasOutput } TCPasOutput = (cpMemory, cpLib); { TCPasExe } TCPasExe = (cpConsole, cpGUI); { TCPasErrorMessageEvent } TCPasErrorEvent = procedure(aSender: Pointer; const aMsg: WideString); { Misc } function cpVersion: WideString; { State management } function cpNew: TCPas; procedure cpFree(var aCPas: TCPas); procedure cpReset(aCPas: TCPas); { Error handling } procedure cpSetErrorHandler(aCPas: TCPas; aSender: Pointer; aHandler: TCPasErrorEvent); procedure cpGetErrorHandler(aCPas: TCPas; var aSender: Pointer; var aHandler: TCPasErrorEvent); { Preprocessing } procedure cpDefineSymbol(aCPas: TCPas; const aName: WideString; const aValue: WideString); procedure cpUndefineSymbol(aCPas: TCPas; const aName: WideString); function cpAddIncludePath(aCPas: TCPas; const aPath: WideString): Boolean; function cpAddLibraryPath(aCPas: TCPas; const aPath: WideString): Boolean; { Compiling } procedure cpSetOuput(aCPas: TCPas; aOutput: TCPasOutput); function cpGetOutput(aCPas: TCPas): TCPasOutput; procedure cpSetExe(aCPas: TCPas; aExe: TCPasExe); function cpGetExe(aCPas: TCPas): TCPasExe; function cpAddLibrary(aCPas: TCPas; const aName: WideString): Boolean; function cpAddFile(aCPas: TCPas; const aFilename: WideString): Boolean; function cpCompileString(aCPas: TCPas; const aBuffer: string): Boolean; procedure cpAddSymbol(aCPas: TCPas; const aName: WideString; aValue: Pointer); function cpLoadLibFromFile(aCPas: TCPas; const aFilename: WideString): Boolean; function cpLoadLibFromResource(aCPas: TCPas; const aResName: WideString): Boolean; function cpLoadLibFromStream(aCPas: TCPas; aStream: TStream): Boolean; function cpSaveOutputFile(aCPas: TCPas; const aFilename: WideString): Boolean; function cpRelocate(aCPas: TCPas): Boolean; function cpRun(aCPas: TCPas): Boolean; function cpGetSymbol(aCPas: TCPas; const aName: WideString): Pointer; { Stats } procedure cpStartStats(aCPas: TCPas); function cpEndStats(aCPas: TCPas; aShow: Boolean): WideString; If you want CPas to be statically bound to your application, enable the {$CPAS_STATIC} define in the CPas unit. How to use A minimal implementation example: uses System.SysUtils, CPas; var c: TCPas; // CPas error handler procedure ErrorHandler(aSender: Pointer; const aMsg: WideString); begin WriteLn(aMsg); end; begin // create a CPas instance c := cpNew; try // setup the error handler cpSetErrorHandler(c, nil, ErrorHandler); // add source file cpAddFile(cp, 'test1.c'); // link and call main cpRun(cp); finally // destroy CPas instance cpFree(c); end; end. Compatibility These are some libraries that I've tested. If you have tried more, let me know and I can add them to the list. miniaudio (https://github.com/mackron/miniaudio) raylib (https://github.com/raysan5/raylib) sfml (https://github.com/SFML/CSFML) stb_image (https://github.com/nothings/stb) stb_image_write (https://github.com/nothings/stb) stb_truetype (https://github.com/nothings/stb) stb_vorbis (https://github.com/nothings/stb) Media ❤ Made in Delphi
  2. DJof SD

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Yes, it does feel like it. But there's the old adage about never installing anything ".0" and Alexandra is 11.0 is it not? Yes, I have it installed but I've not migrated anything to it. And why apparently some shops have ported projects to it is something I can understand only in very narrow circumstances. As some one that purchases the license to RAD Studio, it's a bit disappointing it's not ready for prime time. And I'm not just referring to the current issue of the Parnassus bookmark facility, I'm also looking at the list of open issues on the QC site.
  3. Uwe Raabe

    Identify "reference to procedure"

    Actually I prefer this method anyway. It is simple, deterministic and failure proof.
  4. Tom F

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    The entire product sometimes feels like that. <🙁> And the website's erratic availability definitely feels like that.
  5. Anders Melander

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    I think you would do everybody a favor if these plugins were completely disassociated from the core product and from Embarcadero. As it is now, being marketed as "official plugins", people expect them to be of a certain quality and to be delivered on schedule with the core product and there's obviously no resources to make that happen. If they were just "some dudes hobby project" then people would know what to expect.
  6. Lajos Juhász

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    David Millington answered earlier that it will be most probably Delphi 11.1. Next week is the webinar "What's Coming in RAD Studio" there we can expect to get a promise that it will be available as soon as they can compile it (I mean alpha tested for us to do the beta testing).
  7. jeroenp

    docwiki.embarcadero.com is not working

    There is some progress: response times have become faster (no more 10 seconds to wait for the error 500 response) and some bits of the Alexandria wiki are working. Working: - [Wayback/Archive] RAD Studio (Alexandria: RADStudio) - [Wayback/Archive] RAD Studio API Documentation (Alexandria: Libraries) Failing: [Archive] Internal error - RAD Studio Code Examples (Alexandria: CodeExamples) But hey: getting 2 out of the some 42 wikis for the English language (in the mean time I figured out there are 3 wikis for each Delphi version; the actual number is times 4 as there is English, French, German and Japanese) working in some 38 hours is still slow. From [Wayback/Archive] Docwiki https - EmbarcaderoMonitoring Response Time Last 2 days 4952.09ms / 11117.00ms / 214.00ms Avg. response time / Max. response time / Min. response time
  8. tinyBigGAMES

    CPas - C for Delphi

    Version 1.2.stable released! 😯 Added updated existing examples to use new/updates functions cpGetVersionInfo, get version information cpSetVersionInfo, set version information cpGetAddVersionInfo, get add version info cpSetAddVersionInfo, set add version info Added cpGetExeIcon, get EXE icon filename Added cpSetExeIcon, set EXE icon filename Miscellaneous enhancements
  9. Dalija Prasnikar

    quality.embarcadero.com not working?

    Logging problems with Quality Portal are nothing new. I had them for at least a year. I am logging in every day, and at least once a week I run into captcha glitch and I cannot pass it. Clearing cookies usually helps.
  10. Remy Lebeau

    Using COM to update Word docx files

    Try something like this: procedure update_toc(const docx_file: string); var word, doc: Variant; begin word := CreateOleObject('Word.Application'); doc := word.Documents.Open(WideString(docx_file)); doc.TablesOfContents.Item(1).Update; doc.Close(-1); word.Quit; end;
  11. Chris Rutkowski

    TWSocket problem on Delphi Intraweb

    Hi Baxing, Address and port are interchanged: address should be localhost and port should be telnet.
  12. I've heard about the Omni Thread Library for years, authored by Primož Gabrijelcic, but have never more than glanced at it. Most of the examples I've seen have been fairly basic, and I didn't have any reason to suspect it might be more than what you find in Delphi's PPL. Boy, I couldn't have been more wrong! It took an amazing amount of digging around to find stuff, and after all of this I thought it would be helpful to memorialize my discoveries here for everybody to see. This is truly a remarkable piece of work. The library itself is FOSS, and Primož has posted stuff in his blog about it over time -- which spans 10 years now! It's a LOT of material to go through. You can get the latest source code (V3.07.9) on github here: https://github.com/gabr42/OmniThreadLibrary The version in GetIt is a bit outdated (3.07.7) Rather than publish a detailed Help guide or online resource, he chose to publish a book that can be purchased here: https://leanpub.com/omnithreadlibrary NOTE: you can get the book + the 3 webinars described later for even less than it says below at the LeanPub link. For the record, I don't particularly like digging through source code trying to figure things out, so I started hunting around for other resources. I found a recording (33 min) of CodeRage talk he gave at CodeRage 6 in 2011, and a free replay (MP4 download) of it can be found here: https://cc.embarcadero.com/item/28591 I watched that video and discovered that this is an UTTERLY AMAZING treasure trove of material, and it covers things I never imagined to see! It actually has seven (7) high-level abstract APIs (if you will) that really surprised me to see -- I'd figured it was mostly just the first few that are found in most threading libraries. * Async -- start a background task and continue -- this is similar to, yet more than what Delphi's PPL does * Future -- start background task, do some work, then wait to retrieve the result * ParallelTask -- start multiple copies of one task (for background procesing) and then wait for them all to complete * Join -- start several different background tasks and then wait for them to complete * Fork/Join -- do a divide and conquer, in parallel * ForEach -- perform a parallel iteration over an integer range, or on the contents of any container with built-in iterators (ie, that support for-in) * Pipeline -- run a multi-stage process I found a post here referring to an article using Deplhi's TCountdownEvent that has a bunch of code that does what Fork/Join does in just a handful of lines of code. What really blew my socks off were the ForEach and the Pipeline methods. I wanted more and kept digging.... eventually I found this: https://thedelphigeek.gumroad.com There you can find three hour-long tutorial videos on all of those high-level APIs. The link I found only went to the first video. I took a wild guess and found #3 that had the info on ForEach and Parallel, which is what I wanted, and bought that one. They're $10 each. Later I found out you can get all three for $25. ** EDIT: you can get these with the book at the LeanPub link above for just $5 more. NOTE: I'm mentioning this stuff here because it's so damn hard to find these things anywhere! You'll never find them searching for the term "video" because they're only referred to as "webinars". The couple of links I found on his blog specifically for these VIDEOS were dead and the ones in another place were wrong. I only found these because of one very brief and cryptic reply to a random question way down on one blog entry from 2015. I didn't notice them on LeanPub because I wasn't looking for "webinars". I started this search because I've been going around in circles trying to figure out the best way to deal with a collection of data displayed in a TListView with some data objects attached to the ListItems' .Data property, and I want to allow the user to hit a "Go!" button and have the code process the whole lot in parallel. They need to issue a bunch of REST service calls, so mostly they're just sitting idle waiting for replies, and I suspect they can all complete in the time it takes for the longest one to run. It turns out the ForEach<T> lets you iterate over the Listview's Items property using it's existing Iterator, and pass each TListItem into an anonymous Proc (by type!) and process it directly -- with each one running in parallel. You can easily do something when each of those threads finishes running, and also when the entire list is processed, all without having to send messages or go through crazy contortions to effect a fork/join operation. It's all handled invisibly. WHOA! The Pipeline abstraction is really something to behold. Many years ago I spent 9 months building a system that implemented a multi-step pipeline process that literally was spread out over a half-dozen different PCs on a LAN. Today they could all be done on one multi-core CPU, and using this bit of code would let me build it in less than a week (assuming all of the component parts were already working). In fact, i've built a few other systems that could have benefitted from this abstraction as well. And I can think of one coming up that might be able to use it. In summary ... maybe a lot of folks discovered this library when it was first published in 2010, but it seems to have virtually disappeared aside from an occasional mention in comparison to Delphi's Parallel Processing Library. Personally, I don't even think they're comparable. If you've never looked at it and are doing parallel programming stuff, take a look. And if you're famliar with it but may not have remembered all it does, give it another look and see if there's anything new worth studying. BTW, one thing that it had been criticized about was no way to Cancel threads in several places; the latest version (3.07.9) that's on github fixes that. It's relatively new, and not in the GetIt version.
  13. Looking at some " succinct " languages, I'd prefer verbosity... Perl `sub deleteDoubleDots($) { while($_[0] = m/\.\./) { $_[0] = s/\/[^\/]*\/\.\.//; } }`