I wrote a quick test app and then drilled down into some folders using the app and compared with the Mac's native "Finder" to look at a set of virtual machines.
The Mac's Finder recognized the "Virtual Machines" entry as a folder and its file contents were the same list of virtual machines I can see in VMWare Fusion, each entry is a simple VM name, and the details pane shows when it was created, the bundle size, etc.
My test app, using just the TDirectory and TPath classes, showed "Virtual Machines.localized" as a folder name and allowed me to drill into that folder and then again into one of the ".vmwarevm" files, listing all the .vmx, .vmdk, .plist, and other files that make up a virtual machine package.
Same with the Applications folder: Finder shows the application icons whereas my app shows a ".app" extension for each entry which is a sub-folder that opens up the contents of the app giving me Info.plist, PkgInfo, etc.
My conclusion is that your app will need to recognize the file extension or file type and handle it differently--or like @Remy Lebeau says, use the FileManager API directly.