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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/23 in all areas

  1. david berneda

    Beep for Firemonkey

    Needed a "Beep" equivalent function for Android, capable of playing a sound at a specific hertz frequency, and ended up porting and adapting a Java snippet. Its freely available, hope it might help: https://github.com/davidberneda/FMX_Tone_Beep regards ! david
  2. aehimself

    AE BDSLauncher

    Some items from the to-do list are completed: File associations are now created by copying all details from the current Delphi association. This means that (in theory) icons and descriptions will stay the same, but launched with AE BDSLauncher. Unfortunately I could not test this because my associations were already messed up by Delphi and have no icons of anything... 😕 If no rule was able to launch the file, the version selector will select the Delphi version based on the contents of the .dproj, .bdsproj or .dof file. If it was created with a version which is not installed, an error message is shown, and the latest version is selected. Rules are now parsed based on an actual order, not alphabetically. For the time being reordering only can be done with the "Move up" or "Move down" option, I'll extend this with the classic drag & drop in the future. Also, Fixed some appearance issues and an AV if the program is started up with no rules Fixed parameter handling. Quotes are now removed if quoted, if unquoted all parameters will be appended to a single file name. Therefore, these two commands will be able to open the file correctly: BDSLauncher "C:\Path to my project\Project1.dproj" and BDSLauncher C:\Path to my project\Project1.dproj I'll probably beautify the detection code to similar of what dzBdsLauncher has as it's a lot more sophisticated than my if-s but at least it was quick to write 🙂 Due to detection is now possible, I'll probably add it as a possible option for a Delphi version in the rules.
  3. How up to date is your knowledge I was trained by OpenAI using a dataset that was current up until 2021, and I do not have the ability to browse the web or access new information, so my knowledge is limited to what I was trained on. I can still provide general information and assist with many tasks, but I may not have information on more recent events or developments. Is there anything specific you would like to know?
  4. That's no sandy beach at Südstrand (green grass only) and it's not near the Jadestadion (In my book >5 km does not qualify as "near".) There is a kind of sandy beach further to the east along the Jade Bight, where the second harbour entry used to be. But the nearest real sandy beach is at Hooksiel which is about 15 km to the north from Wilhelmshaven (and ChatGPT also mentions that beach), but you will be hard pressed to find any dunes there either.
  5. On the other hand it told me that GExperts is a library and that it provides the functionality to extract a function. Both are obviously wrong. It also inserts a random name picked from the contributor's list when asked for the maintainer or even the original developer (which was Gerald Nunn in the 1990s as far as I remember, before Erik Berry took over). It also told me about several functions in the jcl for importing a dll that don't actually exist. Or, for non programming questions: It told me that Wilhelmshaven has a sandy beach with dunes near the Jade Stadium. (No, it hasn't.) The problem with ChatGPT is that its answers are well formulated and appear so plausible, you don't question them.
  6. I got the following answer on the same question: " ICS (Internet Communications Suite) is a suite of applications that includes several programs for communicating over the internet, such as email, instant messaging, and web browsing. To use ICS to fetch a webpage, you will need to use a web browser program that is part of the ICS suite, such as Netscape Navigator or Mozilla Firefox. Here is a general outline of the steps you can follow to use ICS to fetch a webpage: Open your web browser program by double-clicking on its icon or selecting it from the list of programs on your computer. In the address bar at the top of the browser window, type the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the webpage you want to fetch, and press Enter. The URL is the web address of the webpage, and it typically begins with "http://" or "https://". Wait for the webpage to load. This may take a few seconds or longer, depending on the size of the webpage and the speed of your internet connection. Once the webpage has finished loading, you can scroll through it and interact with any links or buttons on the page. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. "
  7. programmerdelphi2k

    Beep for Firemonkey

    a little fix: procedure TViewMainForm.MyPianoKeyboardMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Single); begin if LUseMouseMoveEvent and (ssCtrl in Shift) then MyPlayIt(X, Y); end; function TViewMainForm.MyPlayIt(const X, Y: Single): Single; var Xint : integer; Yint : integer; LBitmap : TBitmap; LBitmapData: TBitmapData; LPixelColor: TAlphaColor; LPlayMyTone: Single; begin result := -1; Xint := Trunc(X); Yint := Trunc(Y); // LBitmap := MyPianoKeyboard.Fill.Bitmap.Bitmap; // if (LBitmap <> nil) then begin if LBitmap.Map(TMapAccess.Read, LBitmapData) then try begin LPixelColor := LBitmapData.GetPixel(Xint, Yint); // LPlayMyTone := MyFindColorTone(LPixelColor); // if LUseMouseMoveEvent and (LPlayMyTone = LLastTonePlayed) then exit; // if (LPlayMyTone > 0) then begin LLastTonePlayed := LPlayMyTone; // <---- result := LPlayMyTone; TTone.Play(LPlayMyTone, LPlayDuration); end; end; finally LBitmap.Unmap(LBitmapData); end; end; end;
  8. programmerdelphi2k

    Beep for Firemonkey

    hi @david berneda my contribution for your project, if it's possible! Keyboard colored to find your Musical Notes ( no "IF" anymore ) Play with mouse click Play with mouse moviment... (Ctrl + Mouse moving) Play your song notes (type your notes and play it) FMX_Piano_Keyboard_with_code_by_David_Berneda.zip
  9. Stefan Glienke

    The Delphi 11.2 release thread

    11.2 is a nightmare - prior to LSP the worst was that ctrl+click did not work. Now, most of the time nothing at all works because LSP dies all the time.
  10. Lajos Juhász

    The Delphi 11.2 release thread

    Do not worry everything is going to work perfectly in the new 64 bit IDE.