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  1. I cannot fathom the paradigm shift that would be. Well, I can fathom it, and I think it would be Delphi 8 all over again for them to introduce such a massive breaking change in concept and code. It would be nice if they could isolate the design-time packages enough to protect the IDE, but removing them from the IDE would eliminate one of Delphi's few core advantages over other systems. Whatever they change it to would also require the participation of everyone making packages, which is not going to happen.
  2. FICA taxes are social security and Medicare taxes. They have been mentioned. Pension will depend completely on your employment benefits. (Most US companies these days will participate in a 401-K program with you, and give you matching contributions to an investment account you own and take with you wherever you work.) Unemployment is a compulsory insurance program all employers participate in and it's not a line item on your paycheck stub but of course it is just another cost of employing someone. Healthcare has also been mentioned and most companies offer a health insurance benefit that you can opt into. Some of the cost is reflected on your pay stub depending on the program and what you choose to do and this all varies widely from one employer to another. Of course if the employer has a health insurance benefit, all of the employees are paying all of it, even if they don't "think" they are. It is yet another cost of employing people that the employer must pay.
  3. mvanrijnen

    Delphi / TCP/IP Server

    besides the threadsafety and the question if this is the best solution, probably your memo is getting "full", try to limit the total lines in the memo to for example max. 1000lines, and do the update between beginupdtae and endupdate. With which intensivity the clients send data )(e,.g. 100 times per second)? function TFServer.cliInfoMessage(info: TMemo; send, msg: string): Boolean; begin TThread.Queue(nil, procedure begin info.lines.BeginUpdate(); try info.Lines.Append('/' + send + '/' + msg); while info.lines.count>1000 do info.lines.delete(0); finally info.lines.EndUpdate(); end; end); result := true; end;
  4. esegece

    Delphi / TCP/IP Server

    Hello, I assume that when you say "my app freezes" you are referring to the server. Usually when the server freezes is because there is a thread-lock, Indy servers are multi-threaded but the the event handlers are not thread-safe, so if you need to update a VCL control when you read some data, this operation must be done in the main thread (using Synchronize or Queue). 25 concurrent connections is quite low, so Indy server can handle these connections without problems. If you can provide more info about your code we can try to help you. Kind Regards, Sergio
  5. mvanrijnen

    Delphi / TCP/IP Server

    I'm reasonably sure that you can accomplish this with Indy. You have multiple clients sending data to a single indy server i assume? Maybe you have some memory problems, not correct handling incoming connections and or data?
  6. Uwe Raabe

    Firemonkey DLL: loading a TBitmap in initialization fails (solved)

    I didn't try, but you might succeed with just using Winapi.GDIPOBJ.pas. It calls GdiPlusStartup when not inside a DLL.
  7. DelphiUdIT

    Import .NET Assembly

    Hello, with CHET you don't have do include nothing. It works on LLVM and this should be available in your system. A community edition of Visual Studio is typically necessary for this. Read the instructions for CHET. I cannot share the include file, 'cause they are not redistributable, but like i told in previous post you have to copy the .h files of halcon in one directory and go on. Some errors will be exposed because some files exposed a subdir path, change this and all will be done. Again, some functions refer to a wrong dll and you must change this in the wrapper (.pas file), but in my previous attachment you can see that. PS.: all Halcon libraries are converted in the wrappers that I posted. But in the wrapper that are only declarations, no code inside of course. Bye
  8. David Schwartz

    delphi Twebbrowser Javascript error

    Wait ... what? Didn't Bill Gates testify before Congress that IE is an "integral part of the OS" and that "Windows would not work without it?"
  9. Serge_G

    search between two dates

    👍 programmerd2k response, and, with firedac, you can simplify his code to : procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender : TObject) begin Salestable.open('',[DateFrom.Date,Dateto.Date]); end;
  10. DelphiUdIT

    Import .NET Assembly

    I knew that Halcon informally supported COM up to version 18.05. After that, COM support was dropped entirely. I think that you can use COM with 20.11 only for the old functions. But that doesn't matter, since they decided to remove COM support anyway and therefore it was still necessary to switch to something else. Meanwhile, I'm attaching the wrapper for 20.11 Steady (which is the penultimate version), then I'm attaching an example for 20.11 to use the wrapper similarly to how you now use COM. I'll give you the example with a THREAD, which is the best way to use Halcon. HalconC_2011.pas Bye
  11. DelphiUdIT

    Import .NET Assembly

    This is all that you need to work for the Halcon 22.11 Steady and Delphi. Hope this help you. Bye HalconC_2211.pas
  12. I read "branchless" and I cry - see RSP-21955