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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/24 in all areas

  1. Uwe Raabe

    Show executable size after successful build?

    Also in the Project menu the Information for Project gives you the file size (and some more possibly useful information). It is not the same as to display it directly in the compile dialog, but some people (like myself) opt to automatically close it on success.
  2. Vincent Parrett

    Devin AI - Is it already happening?

    Here we are talking about AI integration in the IDE - meanwhile, code insight, code completion, code navigation etc - ie the basics of a modern IDE are still pretty much completely broken after how many versions of delphi?
  3. David Heffernan

    Show executable size after successful build?

    But it doesn't change from one build to the next. Or is your problem that on Monday you know that the executable is 25mb but come Tuesday you've forgotten. Maybe you should get some post it notes.
  4. Brian Evans

    Show executable size after successful build?

    After doing a build, on the Projects pane you can right click the active build configuration and select "Show in Explorer" to look at the files. A few times I have done it to check the size but mostly it is to copy the file to the Windows Sandbox for some testing.
  5. #ifdef

    Delphi 12 is available

    I can't believe they did it 🥲
  6. Stefan Glienke

    Devin AI - Is it already happening?

    It's really embarrassing to see how many people who work in software development don't know how generative AI works and are being fooled by it like an average TikTok teenager.
  7. Dalija Prasnikar

    Devin AI - Is it already happening?

    Once something is integrated, there is always a possibility of bugs. You have a setting that says you are not allowing some feature, but the bug creeps in and the feature ends up enabled behind your back. Another problem is that with AI, companies have incentive to make "bugs" and use anything they can get their hands on for training. Your data is the product. So while you may be fine with some parts of your code being used for training, there will be parts you will want to keep secret for security reason (if nothing else, various API keys and similar), but if you have AI integrated in the IDE, you can never be sure which parts of your code will be used for training and which ones are not. For some people and companies the security concern is real and even slight possibility that some parts of their code or other information can leak through AI can be a huge risk.
  8. DelphiUdIT

    Delphi 12 error when closing the ide

    I use them (almost more then 10 years) and I never had any issue with. And in every project there are one or more component of Jedi (visual and not visual). I always use the github version https://github.com/project-jedi
  9. Too bad they don't let you buy just what you need. If you just prefer to create Android and Windows, you should be allowed to buy just those two as add-ons. If you want Linux, then buy it as a addon. If iOS apps, or Mac OS apps..etc.
  10. Lajos Juhász

    Show executable size after successful build?

    Why would it matter if it is 10MB or 100MB or even 1000MB?