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  1. Uwe Raabe

    The Delphi 11.2 release thread

    Under Tools - Configure Tools add a new entry named Kill LSP with the following settings: Code: Program: taskkill Parameters: /IM DelphiLSP.exe /F
  2. Uwe Raabe

    The Delphi 11.2 release thread

    Is there a way to setup a shortcut to "re-run" the Delphi LSP instances?
  3. Vandrovnik

    creating circles and ovals programmatically Sin Cosin

    You can find some inspiration here: https://www.mathsisfun.com/geometry/unit-circle.html Sin and Cos in Delphi take argument in radians (not in degrees).
  4. Mike Torrettinni

    The Delphi 11.2 release thread

    Did you try switching between Release/Debug config? It helps my projects and I don't need to do the close and re-open.
  5. Serge_G

    delete record

    Really ! I don't think this use of recnum is serious. Why don't you use something like if FDConnection.ExecSQL('DELETE FROM mytable where Key=:K',[sysp^.key ])>0 then showmessage('record(s) deleted'); Even if I am not sure of this sysp^.key have the good value 😲 expect yes, but this should be tested by debug
  6. The ZLIB changes to use System.Zlib are now in SVN, considerably simplified so two defines are now only used once each in one unit, making it easier to support. But you do need to use the new OverbyteIcsDefs.inc or edit your own version, see the SVN notes. Angus
  7. Sherlock

    The Delphi 11.2 release thread

    OT: BPL hell. I build monolithic applications. copy the exe anywhere and run it. Never even considered using dll or bpl "technology". All I ever see is drawbacks to this kind of software development.
  8. sjordi

    VertScrollBox real size?

    Damn ! Of course I found the answer right after posting. For those facing the same problem... VertScrollbox.ContentBounds.Height // no comment
  9. Angus Robertson

    Web sockets server and client

    I've updated the ICS distribution with the Websocket server implementation (HIXIE and HYBIE protocols) ported from phpws project, written by Stan Korotky <stasson@orc.ru> (eight years ago). This demo may be tested against the web page websocketclient.html which should be accessed from a server using the same IP address as this application, such as the ICS demo web server. The web page uses the WebSocket API with Javascript to send data to the server which is echoed back to the page. Ideally, websockets should be integrated into the ICS web server so they can be used on the same ports, the request that starts them up is HTTP, and I'll do that is anyone needs it. Please note this is an experimental server websocket implementation, that needs a lot more testing in case the protocol has changed in the last eight years. But it works with the latest version of Firefox as a client. A websockets client component is more work, but using most of the same code as the server since it's a duplex protocol. Angus