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  1. Uwe Raabe

    Delphi 12 and *.dsv

    The docs explains it:
  2. Brian Evans

    GetWindowHandle + Ctrl V

    The replacement (SendInput function (winuser.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn) specifically mentions applications are permitted to inject input only into applications that are at an equal or lesser integrity level. Likely the same applies to the older API. This blocking just silently does nothing - no keys arrive.
  3. If this is the message window you are expecting, it is from Deputy available in GetIt.
  4. Gary

    Help with Query at run time

    @Columbo This is such a great sample app! Fine the way it is but simple enough that you can use it to experiment as you move forward. How about letting your users see your Dino's in the order they want? procedure TfrmDino.Reorder; begin tblPLife.Close; if rgSort.ItemIndex = 0 then tblPLife.SQL[1] := 'ORDER BY record;' else tblPLife.SQL[1] := 'ORDER BY name;'; tblPLife.Open; LoadList; LoadImages; end;
  5. aehimself

    Free profiler?

    That's a good thing!
  6. softtouch

    Free profiler?

    Thanks, I tried that already, but was not able to have it measure the execution time of my procedures.
  7. Edwin Yip

    New FastCGI for Nginx in Delphi

    Today I discovered a new FastCGI implementation for the Ngix web server in Delphi and think I'd share it with you: https://github.com/kylixfans/FastCGI PS, I didn't make this - it's by my fellow countryman, but I guess here is the best sub-forum to make such a post?
  8. Dave Nottage

    Android 13 ask permission for push notification

    Yes, you will need to manually add the permission to the manifest - one way is to modify AndroidManifest.template.xml to add: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS"/> A suitable location would be just below <%uses-permission%> You will also need to request the permission in your code, e.g: PermissionsService.RequestPermissions(['android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS'], procedure(const APermissions: TClassicStringDynArray; const AGrantResults: TClassicPermissionStatusDynArray) begin if AGrantResults[0] = TPermissionStatus.Granted then // Permission was granted end );