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Found 227 results

  1. Hi all, I just wanted to let you know my (long-awaited) FMX book is now available (actually it is rolling out on Packt and Amazon so availability may be different across different countries). If you like to read some details you can read my latest blog post: https://blog.andreamagni.eu/2020/10/book-delphi-gui-programming-with-firemonkey-now-available/ I really hope the book will be useful to spread Delphi and FMX as development platform. Thanks for the attention, Andrea
  2. is it possible to tweek the GExpert tool to search in the background for all function/procedure references and paint the result count on the source editor window like the attached picture? the Grep search feature now works great and it already has the functionality to jump to other files. so my proposition is to make the Grep search for all functions/procedure references that are found on the project path and lib path and the standard paths. then paint the count like visual studio is doing. and when the user clicks on the count the grep window is shown, and in future iteration it can be enhanced to show the implementation where the reference directly. This is just an idea that I had after spending an hour to locate all the references of a function in a large project.
  3. Dear visitors, I like to notify you that new version of NextSuite (VCL) is released. NextSuite includes always growing set of VCL components. Most important components are: NextGrid6 (StringGrid/ListView replacement, written from scratch). NextDBGrid6 (Db variant of the grid) NextInspector6 - An object inspector component.  and many more.  Now we also offer 25% discount for visitors of this website. Use DELPHIPRAXIS coupon code when ordering. Few screenshots:      Download big demo project from: http://www.bergsoft.net/downloads/vcl/demos/nxsuite6_demo.zip  Please read more at: http://www.bergsoft.net/en-us/article/09-05-20  Website: www.bergsoft.net
  4. Hi there. XCode 12 has been looming in the AppStore for roughly a week now. Has anyone gotten over themselves and installed it? If so, what did Delphi have to say?
  5. Hello I am getting this error when doing a GET in a url. "404 Connection aborted on request" or this mistake access violation in delphi xe2 This is my code in the button var data: String; HttpClient: TSslHttpCli; xmlDoc: TXMLDocument; dataStream: TMemoryStream; begin mResult.Lines.Clear; xmlDoc := TXMLDocument.Create(Self); HttpClient := TSslHttpCli.Create(nil); HttpClient.ContentTypePost := 'text/xml'; HttpClient.URL:= 'https://www.poemist.com/api/v1/randompoems'; HttpClient.RcvdStream := TStringStream.Create(''); try try ShowMessage(IntToStr(HttpClient.StatusCode)); //HttpClient.GetASync; HttpClient.Get; ShowMessage('-3-1-'); { SslHttpCli.SendStream := dataStream; SslHttpCli.SendStream.Write(Data[1], Length(Data)) ; SslHttpCli.SendStream.Seek(0,0); mResult.Lines.LoadFromStream(dataStream); } // xmlDoc.LoadFromStream(HttpClient.RcvdStream); // xmlDoc.Active := True; dataStream.LoadFromStream(SslHttpCli.RcvdStream); mResult.Lines.LoadFromStream(dataStream); // mResult.Lines.LoadFromStream(HttpClient.RcvdStream); Except raise; end; finally HttpClient.Free; xmlDoc.Free; end;
  6. I am writing up a program to allow users to update/add to registry entries. the registry is for ABC_Auto_File and has different options not just open... I have it up and working but am curious of a better way to parse the info in the registry string. examples of the string in question are: "c:\my folder\myapp.exe" -c "c:\my folder2\myconfigfile" "%1" c:\folder\myapp -c c:\folder2\myconfigfile %1 c:\folder\myapp %1 the -C is there 99.99% of the time but sometimes users have it working without it. but i will be add it in when updating the registry. like wipe and rewrite. myapp is consistent but may include the .exe. current i am removing all the " and %1 the look for the -c anything prior is a string value i want and anything to the right is a sting value i want. i am currently using the copy/pos commands to get that info but am ALWAYS curious if someone has better option for parsing.
  7. Hallo to all, since 10.4 (and 10.4.1) debugging c++ DLL for x64 Windows S.O. is impossible (for me of course). ALL THE PROJECTS ARE COMPILED FOR X64. If I launch standard debug from Delphi project, the DLL source code (made in c++) is ignored and no breakpoints are used in the DLL. If I launch LLDB debug from c++ DLL (setting the correct host of course), an error like this is generated and the app doesn't start. If you launch the app with or without Delphi debugger all is working. Same situation with remote debugger (via "old style debugger" or paserver). Before LLVM all is working and i can debug DLL c++ code. I miss something or do something wrong ? Attached is a very simple project group to test. Thanks for your attention. Test.zip
  8. Maybe a stupid question but not for me at the moment. Need a way to draw rectangles on a canvas and then to make it possible to resize, move, delete or clone. That is needed to automate some process of segmentation objects (same kind of objects by rectangles with same aspect ratio) on a bunch of images (>100K). For now I can draw rectagles on a TImage canvas wthout any questions. But can't figure out how to select that rectangle with mouse, resize it, scale it and move. Or maybe should I look at shapes?
  9. Check out how you can use Delphi's new Custom Managed Records feature to wrap C(++) APIs. https://blog.grijjy.com/2020/07/20/wrapping-c-apis-with-custom-managed-records/
  10. sgcWebSockets is a complete package providing access to HTML5 WebSockets API (WebSocket is a web technology providing for bi-directional, full-duplex communications channels, over a single Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) socket) allowing to create WebSocket Servers, and WebSocket clients in VCL, Lazarus and Firemonkey Applications. What's new latest versions - New Telegram API Component for Windows, Android, OSX and Linux. - Improved MQTT client component: support for 3.1.1 and 5.0. - Improved Indy Server + IOCP. - Improved Binance and Kraken APIs, now support full WebSockets and REST Protocols. - Fixed some bugs using OpenSSL 1.1.1 and TLS 1.3 - Several improvements about performance and stability.  Main Features: - WebSocket and HTTP Support: sgcWebSockets includes client and server-side implementations of the WebSocket protocol (RFC 6455). HTTP/s is also full supported. Support for plain TCP is also included. - SSL/TLS for Security: Your messages are secure using our SSL/TLS implementation. Widest compatibility via support for modern TLS 1.3, TLS 1.2, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.0 - Protocols and APIs: Several protocols are supported: MQTT (3.1.1 and 5.0), STOMP, WEBRTC, SIGNALR CORE, WAMP... Built-in protocols support Transactions, Datasets, QoS, big file transfers and more. APIs supported for third-parties like Pusher, Bitfinex, Huobi, CEX... - Cross-platform: Share your code using our WebSockets library for your Delphi VCL, Firemonkey, Intraweb, Javascript and C# projects. Includes Server, Clients and several protocols for building and connecting to WebSocket applications. - High Performance WebSocket Server based on Microsoft HTTP Framework and IOCP. Trial Version: https://www.esegece.com/websockets/download Compiled Demos: http://www.esegece.com/download/sgcWebSockets_bin.zip More Info: http://www.esegece.com/websockets
  11. Chester Wilson

    GDB server problems in 10.4

    Just put Delphi 10.4 up. Impressed so far, but one problem: Whatever value I put into Run / Parameters / -debugport <nnnnn> on trying to run, it instals the programme fine, the programme works, but there is no debugging. On closing the compile window, the error message "Unable to start GDBserver on port nnnnn. Port is already in use.". I have restarted the system a few times, with no change in the error message.
  12. limelect

    3 explorer running

    I have an application running that uses and depends on explorer (NOT INTERNET EXPLORER). For some reasons once in a while working on my computer explorer closes and I have to open a new one. While this happens I have an explorer open and another one that is unseen.(Hidden). The problem: For my software to work properly I need ONLY ONE open explorer. The solution: To close the unseen explorer. What I tried: OleCheck(CoCreateInstance(CLASS_ShellWindows, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER or CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IShellWindows, ShellWindows)); try for i := ShellWindows.Count - 1 downto 0 do < here shall window.count show 3 (for example). 2 unseen. one open ok. begin Dispatch := ShellWindows.Item(i); if Dispatch<> nil then Down the software, I can see the directory that the explorer shows the directory. The problem : in the loop down to 1 and 0 Dispatch is nil finally, I would like to have all 3 explorer and choose which one to close. P.S if I restart my computer I have 1 explorer open and everything is OK. Thanks for your help. Any piece of software can help. This is the program very useful http://limelect.com/downloads/explorer-list/
  13. Hello,I am learning to use the TJSONIterator(Readers and Writers JSON Framework) under delphi 10.3.3 and I found a russian link putting this into practice through the creation of an application assessing the negative impact on the environment: https://webdelphi.ru/. Firstly, i have a custom class definition named "NVOS.JsonParser.pas" and the "open-data-1.json" file, i don't know how to proceed However, I can't figure out already knowing that the result should look like: "App.png". open-data-1.json
  14. Dear All, I need to fill two fields in a form and then submit it. As I'm not well versed in this area, I come here and for some guidance. The page where they sit is coded as follows: <html> <body> <form id="form1" name="form1" action="envia_arq2.php" method="post"> Senha: <input TYPE="password" NAME="senha" SIZE="12"><br /><br /> Seu nome: <input TYPE="text" NAME="nome" SIZE="12"> <input name="enviar" type="submit" value="Enviar"> </form> </body> </html> This is a FMX application, so I can't use TWebBrowser as I've found in several articles in the internet. Furthermore, even the VCL version I couldn't make work, after navigating to the page the Document property is nil, making it impossible to retrieve the fields as indicated in those articles. I then moved on to ICS TSslHttpCli, tried a few basic things, but I came up empty on the very first attempt where I just set the URL (https://www.trivial.com.br/envia_arq2.htm) and did a GET to try and see how to proceed from there. An exception is raised signaling a missing SSL Context. Perhaps this is not the way to go. Could you please kindly share some light on this? Thanks in advance. -- Carlos
  15. In my Service I want to to receive notification when the system is suspended or resumed (Hibernate/Sleep) so that I can Close Active Sockets connections. Similar questions have got the answer 'the service must use a HandlerEx() callback via RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerEx()' but I have not been able to use it in Delphi. Need more assistance please.
  16. Hello, I was developing a mobile application for my school, I were using Delphi Rad Studio Rio 10.3. Here is brief description what application is doing: in some editboxes user adds data -> proceed to next tab On second tab user is choosing video that he wants to preview, while video is playing he is clicking some buttons to mark duration of some activities on video that he loaded ... After that i am making a PDF report and saving to storage. I made whole application and it is working great, problem is that I used this library for slowing down video preview -> https://github.com/Zeus64/alcinoe i had some issues with this library ( most of them were configuration issues ) but at the end I managed to resolve all of them and make my app. So why I used this library? Answer is that it had option to set speed preview of video. Before I started using this library i was trying for a few days to implement this -> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18526336/playback-video-in-slow-motion-in-android check answer from " karanatwal.github.io " Problem was that I didnt know how to rewrite this android code into delphi FMX code : videoview = (VideoView)findViewById(R.id.videoview); videoview.setVideoURI("Your Video URI"); videoview.setOnPreparedListener(new MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener() { @Override public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer mp) { //works only from api 23 PlaybackParams myPlayBackParams = new PlaybackParams(); myPlayBackParams.setSpeed(0.5f); //here set speed eg. 0.5 for slow 2 for fast mode mp.setPlaybackParams(myPlayBackParams); videoview.start();//start your video. } }); So now I would like to rebuild my application and exclude this " alcinoe " library cuz I use it only for setting playback speed.. Can somebody help me rewriting this to a delphi code ? Thank you EDIT: I will later post code snippet of how i retrieve path of video and how i load it, code is not that great because it was one of my first projects but maybe it will help someone who reads this.
  17. https://community.idera.com/developer-tools/b/blog/posts/get-ready-for-the-10-4-beta-with-update-subscription
  18. bazzer747

    RadioGroup Oddity

    Hi, I have a table which has an internal calculated field nHcap. It is a numeric field with values from 1 to 54. In the table I have another field which has a value of either 'Div 1', 'Div 2', or 'Div 3'. I use a RadioGroup with these three values available for selection, and when a selection is made I filter the table to show only records that have a certain nCap value. These values are 'Div 1' from 1 to 17, 'Div 2' from 14 to 21, and 'Div 3' from 20 to 54. The OnCLick event for the RadioGroup looks like this: procedure TfLadyMembers.rgDivsClick(Sender: TObject); var cChoice: String; begin dm.vMembers.Filtered:= False; //Start with clean slate cChoice:= rgDivs.Items[ rgDivs.ItemIndex ]; with dm.vMembers do begin if cChoice = 'Div 1' then Filter:= 'nHcap < 17'; if cChoice = 'Div 2' then Filter:= 'nHcap > 13 AND nHcap < 21'; if cChoice = 'Div 3' then Filter:= 'nHcap > 20'; Filtered:= True; end; if cChoice = 'All' then dm.vMembers.Filtered:= False; end; The problem I'm seeing is that when 'Div 1' is first clicked the filter gives incorrect records. Clicking the other buttons gives correct results, and subsequent clicks on 'Div 1' gives the correct results. I've traced the code in debug mode and the correct select/filtering is executed, so why am I getting incorrect records on the first selection. Very odd.
  19. bazzer747

    Startup Forms

    Hi When Delphi starts up an existing project, it shows some existing forms. I always thought it would show the forms that were in use when the project was last worked on. This isn't the case, as several forms are opened which haven't been worked on and have been closed down, yet still they are opened when that project is opened again. Where is this detail stored? I can only think in an ini file or the registry somewhere, but more important how can they be changed? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  20. Devart, a recognized vendor of connectivity solutions for various databases and cloud services, released the public beta of ODBC driver for NexusDB. The driver can be used to access data in NexusDB databases from various analytics, database management and reporting tools, IDEs and programming languages on Windows (32/64 bit): Excel, Power BI, Tableau, RAD Studio, Lazarus, dbForge Studio, RStudio, and many others. The vendor also notes that Devart ODBC driver for NexusDB provides full support for the standard ODBC API functions and data types and can connect to the NexusDB server directly via TCP/IP. It also supports multilingual NexusDB databases, be it Latin, Cyrillic, or Chinese. As an extra benefit comes cost-effective deployment: the driver is a standalone installation file that does not require the user to install or update any dependencies, while large organizations with hundreds of machines can use the silent install method with an OEM license. Users can download the new driver on the vendor’s website to test it for 30 days for free with the third-party tools. The driver is also available for pre-order. To learn more about the recent release, visit https://blog.devart.com/odbc-driver-for-nexusdb-beta.html About Devart Devart is one of the leading developers of database tools and administration software, ALM solutions, data providers for various database servers, data integration and backup solutions. The company also implements Web and Mobile development projects. For additional information about Devart, visit https://www.devart.com/.
  21. I am using TSslFtpServer , TSslWSocketServer along with TSSLContext component successfully when using the SslCAFile , SslCertFile and SslPrivateKeyFile properties to point to files on the Hard Disk. I noticed there are matching SslCALines , SslCertLines and SslPrivateKeyLines . I filled these properties with text from the corresponding files but it did not work. I am asking this because I would prefer not to expose the Certificate files.
  22. AllanF

    Some assistance on SSL required

    Hi, I am using ICS TFTPServer and TWSocketServer on my Server side application (Delphi Seattle). I want to use SSL to secure the connections. This question is more related to SSL rather than ICS. I have read on SSL and checked the Demo programs too. I yet need some clarity. Mine is a backup application and will be sending critical data over the WAN. If I generate my own certificates via OpenSSL where do I keep the PEM files for the ICS Server components to access ? Should I generate a different PEM file per customer upon installation or can I supply a common one ? I files are large can I have only password exchanged secretly and data without encryption (My data is already compressed with AES ) ? Regards Allan (Thanks for all the new features in ICS)
  23. bazzer747

    Master-Detail Example

    Does anybody know where I can find a (simple) example of setting up a Master-Detail on two tables (MSSQL in my case)? All I can find via the internet are either overly complicated examples or in non-English languages. The Help in Delphi/Firedac is the former and very difficult to follow.
  24. Can someone help me? We are having a bug (access violation) with SSL (HTTPS support) only in 64bits. My current Overbyte ICS version is 8.63. The bug is attached image. {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *} { V8.57 convert wire-format concactanted length prefixed strings to TStrings } function IcsWireFmtToStrList(Buffer: TBytes; Len: Integer; SList: TStrings): Integer; var offset, mylen: integer; AStr: AnsiString; begin Result := 0; if NOT Assigned(SList) then Exit; SList.Clear; offset := 0; while offset < Len do begin mylen := Buffer[offset]; if mylen = 0 then Exit; // illegal offset := offset + 1; SetLength(AStr, mylen); Move(Buffer[offset], AStr[1], mylen); SList.Add(String(AStr)); offset := offset + mylen; end; Result := Slist.Count; end;
  25. There are 50 new cross platform samples for Delphi 10.3 Rio FireMonkey available over on Github. The demos heavily feature … http://www.fmxexpress.com/50-cross-platform-samples-for-android-ios-osx-windows-linux-and-html5-in-delphi/