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  1. jbg

    IDE Fix pack for Rio

    And another development snapshot is available. This time the functions in StyleUtils.inc (Vcl.Styles) got optimized what makes the UI rendering faster. IDEFixPackD103RegDev.7z fastdccD103vDev.7z
  2. Tony Hoyle

    IDE Fix pack for Rio

    In practice you end up using the second version because the msbuild scripts shipped by emba have dcc32 hardcoded deep inside them. I keep a backup of the bin directory first so I can roll back for updates.
  3. In Delphi 10.3 or in version before is new ToolBar in Editor: Is possible to hide this ToolBar? Today morning I had option Hide in right mouse button menu which hide toolbar: But after change view to another unit, ToolBar was showing again... https://streamable.com/igpzd Now the Hide option has disappeared,.. I do not know what it involved ... I want hide it because I'm using CnPack which has same ToolBar but more comfortable in use.
  4. In Editor Options - Display disable Show Navigation Toolbar
  5. Sherlock

    Travis CI joins Idera

    Well, now reality has arrived: https://www.heise.de/developer/meldung/Folge-der-Uebernahme-Idera-entlaesst-offenbar-viele-Travis-Mitarbeiter-4315673.html Or a taste of it in English: https://twitter.com/hashtag/TravisAlums?src=hash
  6. jbg

    IDE Fix pack for Rio

    Here is a new development snapshot of IDE Fix Pack for Rio. This version detects the WebInstaller and disables IDE Fix Pack inside the WebInstaller so that it doesn't crash the installer anymore. fastdccD103vDev.7z IDEFixPackD103RegDev.7z
  7. timfrost

    Rio.1 does not save all layout settings

    I found this as: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-23655 I suggest you vote for it (as I have)
  8. I think that the syntax was always there and I use it a lot. I found it more useful especially it provides a compiler check about the indexing type. This code : NodeNames: array [TInfoType] of string = ('itProject', 'itContacts', 'itWorker', 'itWorkers'); Is exactly equivalent to this one : NodeNames2: array [Ord(Low(TInfoType)) .. Ord(High(TInfoType))] of string = ('itProject', 'itContacts', 'itWorker', 'itWorkers'); Note that you can also use range: NodeNames3: array [itContacts .. itWorkers] of string = ('itContacts', 'itWorker','itWorkers');
  9. The docs say about static arrays: So any ordinal type (which includes enumerations) are valid as array index. That has been this way since the invention of Pascal.
  10. Fellow Delphi Developers! We updated our ribbon skins collection for BusinessSkinForm VCL. http://www.almdev.com Now it includes skins for new office ribbon UI, which MS provided in latest updates for Office. See Office2019_* skins in collection. BusinessSkinForm VCL library helps you to create applications with skins support for forms, menus, hints, many standard and DB controls. This library includes Office 2010 / 2013 / 2016 / 2019 Ribbon UI control, Ribbon UI Application Menu and skins. You can create your skins with special editor. Use the latest generation of Ribbon UI and you'll be on the wave of the latest trends! Package can be used since Delphi 5 version, has a cool performance and support of OS since Win 98 version! Regards, Almediadev
  11. FredS

    IDE Fix pack for Rio

    From: https://andy.jgknet.de/blog/ide-tools/ide-fix-pack/ fastdcc There are 2 ways to use fastdcc. 1. Using fastdcc directly Extract the 7z file into your $(BDS)\bin directory. Start fastdcc32.exe as if it was dcc32.exe Start fastdcc64.exe as if it was dcc64.exe Start fastdccaarm.exe as if it was dccaarm.exe 1. Replacing dcc32.exe by fastdcc32.exe (don’t do this if you want to be able to install future RAD Studio/Delphi/C++Builder updates) Extract the 7z file into your $(BDS)\bin directory. Rename dcc32.exe, dcc32.jdbg and dcc32.de/fr/jp to dcc32compiler.exe/jdbg/de/fr/jp. Rename dcc64.exe, dcc64.jdbg and dcc64.de/fr/jp to dcc64compiler.exe/jdbg/de/fr/jp. Rename fastdcc32.exe to dcc32.exe Rename fastdcc64.exe to dcc64.exe Rename fastdcc32Hook.dll to dcc32Hook.dll For XE3 or newer: Rename fastdcc32Hook.dllx to dcc32Hook.dllx (“x” is necessary for Delphi’s copy protection) Rename fastdcc64Hook.dll to dcc64Hook.dll For XE3 or newer: Rename fastdcc64Hook.dllx to dcc64Hook.dllx Start dcc32.exe/dcc64.exe or msbuild.
  12. I have moved the discussion about the TStringHelper into a separate topic: https://en.delphipraxis.net/topic/738-mis-behaviour-of-tstringhelper/
  13. Lately I often use helpers to map those enumerations to their ordinal values. type TEnum = (plough, foo, bar, wtf); TEnumHelper = record helper for TEnum private const FMap: array[TEnum] of Integer = (5, 9, 14, 1000); function GetAsInteger: Integer; procedure SetAsInteger(const Value: Integer); public property AsInteger: Integer read GetAsInteger write SetAsInteger; end; function TEnumHelper.GetAsInteger: Integer; begin Result := FMap[Self]; end; procedure TEnumHelper.SetAsInteger(const Value: Integer); var idx: TEnum; begin for idx := Low(FMap) to High(FMap) do begin if FMap[idx] = Value then begin Self := idx; Exit; end; end; raise ERangeError.CreateFmt('invalid integer for TEnum: %d', [Value]); end; This is pretty simple to use: var enum: TEnum; begin enum.AsInteger := plough.AsInteger + foo.AsInteger; if enum = bar then begin ShowMessage('Hooray!'); end else begin ShowMessage(wtf.AsInteger.ToString); end; end;
  14. Neutral General

    IDE Fix pack for Rio

    Well yes.. but it's also sad that they couldn't (wouldn't?) fix those bugs for like a decade. And for a company selling a compiler + IDE I expect them to be able to fix such bugs themselves. And even if they didn't know how to do it themselves, why didn't they include the IDEFixpack earlier? The IDEFixpack existed for many years before they decided to include it. Now that they've included it, they only seem to have included very minor fixes, because you STILL need to install the 3rd party IDEFixpack for the IDE to be somewhat stable. So to be honest I'm not really that hopeful anymore. I'd really like for Emba to (positively) surprise me with 10.4, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
  15. Primož Gabrijelčič

    ANN: Parnassus Bookmarks and Navigator will be included in the next release of RAD Studio

    @David Millington Can you - or Embarcadero - please publish Bookmarks and Navigator 1.6 for older platforms? Or create a version that does not depend on share "Core" DLL? I think the community would very much appreciate it. I know I would.
  16. Remy Lebeau


    I'm here!