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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/19 in all areas

  1. DiGi

    Git UI tools

    Many tools are just too basic. Only TortoiseGit provides almost all options in useful ways. Only issue is that it take time to configure it in way that you want and learn ways to do things. Like that you can create/switch branches from Log view etc. It last year there was really huge improvements in Git for Windows and TortoiseGit.
  2. haentschman

    Git UI tools

    Hi... TortoiseGit with overlay icons in the explorer and BeyondCompare as Merge/Diff Tool.
  3. When the method/routine being jumped to via procedure list is inside a collapsed region this region is not being expanded causing weird behavior. Same is the case for using "Previous/Next Identifier Reference" (Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down)
  4. dummzeuch

    Jumping to methods via procedure list does not expand region

    Please file a bug report.
  5. Only saw examples at online to select one file in explorer, and thought maybe someone else can also benefit from version that selects multiple files. Or harden this one if needed, -Tee- function OpenFolderAndSelectFiles(const AFileNames: TStringList): Boolean; procedure CheckFilesHaveSameRoot(const AFileNames: TStringList); var I: Integer; LDirectory: string; begin LDirectory := ExtractFilePath(AFileNames[0]); for I := 1 to AFileNames.Count - 1 do if not SameText(LDirectory, ExtractFilePath(AFileNames[I])) then raise EFileNotFoundException.CreateFmt('File "%s" is not in common root "%s"', [AFileNames[I], LDirectory]); end; var LDirectory: string; LPDirectoryItemID: PItemIDList; I: Integer; LFileArray: TArray<PItemIDList>; LDidInitCOM: Boolean; LAPIResult: HResult; begin CheckFilesHaveSameRoot(AFileNames); Result := False; LDidInitCOM := False; LDirectory := ExtractFilePath(AFileNames[0]); LPDirectoryItemID := ILCreateFromPath(PChar(LDirectory)); if Assigned(LPDirectoryItemID) then try SetLength(LFileArray, AFileNames.Count); for I := 0 to AFileNames.Count - 1 do LFileArray[I] := ILCreateFromPath(PChar(AFileNames[I])); while True do begin LAPIResult := SHOpenFolderAndSelectItems(LPDirectoryItemID, AFileNames.Count, @LFileArray[0], 0); if LAPIResult = CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED then begin LDidInitCOM := Succeeded(CoInitialize(nil)); if not LDidInitCOM then raise Exception.Create('Could not initialize COM'); end else Break; end; Result := LAPIResult = S_OK; finally ILFree(LPDirectoryItemID); for I := 1 to AFileNames.Count - 1 do ILFree(LFileArray[I]); if LDidInitCOM then CoUninitialize; end; end;
  6. C2H

    Git UI tools

    Git Extensions fills my needs! http://gitextensions.github.io/
  7. David Heffernan

    10.3 vers 10.2 Linux

    We are doing just that. These continued postings are just noise for us. Clearly you have a problem but unless you can provide a clear reproducible case then your latest piece of guesswork doesn't warrant an update here. These bugs can be hard to track down. That's why we use tools like valgrind. They track them down instantly.
  8. David Heffernan

    Git UI tools

    Hard to see how source tree could be slow to pull when all it is doing is shelling out to git......
  9. Dave Nottage

    Git UI tools

    SourceTree, on Mac
  10. Dmitry Arefiev

    Git UI tools

  11. We actually have Off-Topic here: https://en.delphipraxis.net/forum/17-offtopic/