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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/19 in all areas

  1. sjordi

    MacOS development environment

    The best thing is to have a real Mac and Windows into a VM that can directly access the macOS while both environment run concurrently. I use VMWare Fusion for Windows 10 and it works flawlessly. Hackintosh should work but it is illegal to have a Mac VM outside of a Mac environment. Once you have to deploy your iOS or macOS app via Xcode, you don't know whether this is traced down.
  2. Daniel

    Is editing posts disabled?

    Understood. But how many typos do you find after 24 hours? Would 48 or 72 or (7*24) hours be a big difference?
  3. That only changes the perception of the problem, not its existence.
  4. Whenever I see such a statement I have to wonder: has the poster ever actually tried to work with a list that large? It is completely useless as an UI element in my opinion, nobody in his right mind wants to scroll around in such a list to find something he is looking for. Give your user a decent search function and show only the database records matching the search criteria. At least, if that is possible, devide the "data space" into chunks of manageable size, e.g all records where a person name starts with the same letter, then allow the user to select the letter to look for.
  5. Coming into a project which has built for years on the philosophy that a "sole developer" could deal with things, and then success led to 10 or more developers, I have to say I think it is best to plan for success. Legacy code is too often very ugly.
  6. I have to disagree with that conclusion. Whenever I encounter a form with a tab control I consider breaking it up into the form with only the tab control (and the common controls around it) and have the different tab sheets extracted to individual frames. IMHO that is much easier to maintain than 1 form alone. Just imagine a group of developers each one working on one tab content. Given that breaking complex forms up into smaller parts reduces dependencies and is way better to maintain, I would never go and glue different forms together into one.
  7. No. I'm not even sure what such a framework would look like. Sounds like massive overkill.
  8. First, this sounds like premature optimization. Yes it is 6 times slower, but you are talking about milliseconds for huge number of objects. Next, if you really need to optimize for speed, you can completely remove getter and setter methods. That is the beauty of Delphi - it does not need them at all and you can freely add getter and setter methods later on (if needed) without breaking the public API. Inline approach can solve the immediate problem, but keep in mind that inline directive is just recommendation for the compiler and under some circumstances such methods will not get inlined (though compiler will give you hint in those cases). Essentially you are writing a whole a lot of code for nothing.
  9. When the method/routine being jumped to via procedure list is inside a collapsed region this region is not being expanded causing weird behavior. Same is the case for using "Previous/Next Identifier Reference" (Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down)
  10. Stefan Glienke

    Jumping to methods via procedure list does not expand region

    @Larry Hengen How many open source projects do you maintain? So speak for yourself - I have received enough issue reports over the years not via bitbucket but on forums, via email or someone told me personally that I then either entered myself or just fixed (yes I need to make a habit of first reporting and then fixing so its documented outside of just a commit that says fixed xyz). It does not matter where but how and what. A poor report with zero info on bitbucket is as time consuming as a bad one elsewhere.
  11. Larry Hengen

    Jumping to methods via procedure list does not expand region

    I beg to differ. If you already have time limitations (who doesn't) and are supporting an open source effort that benefits the community, adding the requirement that you collect, properly interpret, and enter bug reports on behalf of people already benefiting from your efforts is not only inconsiderate, but substantially reduces the time you have to fix the bugs. Getting complete bug reports that are reproducible can be a challenge at the best of times so it requires a more structured approach to get the necessary information. Requiring the user invest some time in providing a bug report reduces the number of unreproducible bugs, and ensures the reporter has some skin in the game in terms of getting a fix. Heck, I don't even like it that EMBT doesn't have automatic bug report submissions to QP from the IDE when it throws and exception!
  12. Larry Hengen

    Jumping to methods via procedure list does not expand region

    That is like me saying I won't create a BitBucket account to file a report for Spring4D. How would you feel if people won't take the 2 minutes to sign up and file a report?