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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/19 in all areas

  1. Just finished a personal project for consuming and creating YAML in Delphi: https://blog.grijjy.com/2019/06/03/a-yaml-library-for-delphi/
  2. Im building a new app that's based on a similar app i've already built in Delphi. No way i'm using Delphi now. I just renewed my maintenance and will make every attempt in the next 12 months to make sure I don't have to renew again. This is just acting in bad faith. I hate to say it but Stallman was right about a lot of things. I'm building this new app on top of open source components. I'll help contribute if I can, but im not using anymore commercial development tools. Except for Xcode because I dont have much choice there.
  3. I pay for the subscription and am happy to do so. It's pays for itself. However, when they pull shenanigans like not allowing people who bought a perpetual license to run software they paid for it makes me wonder if this is a company I want to do business with. They better respond in crystal clear fashion that they are making a permanent change to this process to avoid people getting locked out of software they paid for.
  4. Erik@Grijjy

    A YAML Library for Delphi

    Yes, my library isn't really suitable for very large files, since it loads the entire file into memory. Since YAML is used a lot for small(ish) files, I wanted to keep it simple. I may add a SAX type interface at some point. Libyaml already provides a such an interface (it is what I used to build the DOM) and it could be adopted to something more Delphi-friendly...
  5. David Heffernan

    Good design for "file was just saved" message

    Sure, if you ask for an audit, then you want to see the outcome no matter what. But a program that yaps when it manages the to successfully save a file is poor UI. In fact, I've never ever seen such a program.
  6. David Heffernan

    Good design for "file was just saved" message

    Much more valuable is not to show any dialog at all and not to ask them to make a choice about whether they want to see it, and just have the program do the right thing.
  7. David Heffernan

    Good design for "file was just saved" message

    Last thing I want to see from an application is a modal dialog telling me that the app just did what I told it to.
  8. dummzeuch

    Good design for "file was just saved" message

    That depends: A transient message is fine, a persistent one that I have to click to get rid of it, can be annoying. If it provides the additional options you propose, it might be less annoying. But that's a matter of taste.
  9. Uwe Raabe

    MMX needs new icons

    While things are already in motion now, I thought it might help to go a bit more public: MMX Needs New Icons – Are You Willing To Help?
  10. Stefan Glienke

    MSBuild and genearating MapFile

    DCC_MapFile=3 See BDS\bin\CodeGear.Delphi.Targets starting at around line 400
  11. If this is true, then Embarcadero is not anymore a Partner you can trust.
  12. As an aside to this. What happens if Emba goes bust? are we all just locked out of the software? I have an active subscription but I'm of the opinion that this change makes using Delphi a very risky choice as Emba seem prepared to cut us off from using the software we own. Why can't we just move an activation from one machine to another without needing to go through the process of phoning in to ask permission?
  13. That is outrageous. Especially for older versions which were sold as a perpetual license. Now it seems that customers cannot legitimately continue to use software they own and have paid for. Is Delphi ransomware now?