It is never a good ideal in high performance application to update a visual component like TMemo, scrolling the screen is expensive for heavy updates and will slow down or even stall your application, likewise calling Synchronous to do that stops your thread.
I've been slowly updating ICS samples like OverbyteIcsIpStmLogTst1.pas so that log lines build a string buffer which is written to a TMeno from a timer every one or two seconds which is fine for most purposes. It is better to use Windows messages or even a socket to send logging to the main thread, effectively they become a non-blocking queue.
Our tests with ICS indicate a single thread will handle at least two hundred simultaneous requests, provided don't block with SQL or start doing massive MD5sums or other horrible stuff.
If you look at the OverbyteIcsMailQueue.pas unit, that has a thread to send emails from a queue, updating by the main thread, and shows how to use a message handler while the thread is waiting to do something. However if your thread only makes continual sync Post requests, you might get away without a specific message handler because ICS calls one itself waiting for the request to finish.
But I'd still suggest creating an array of 10, 50, etc, TSslHttpCli all sharing the same event handlers, use Tag to identify which is calling an event and test that. This just works.