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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/19 in Posts

  1. In case this of use to anyone: Quite often you find a bug in Delphi RTL and you come up with a fix. Patching involves replacing the RTL procedure with a new patched one. To do that you can use your favorite patching routine or library (I use Detours), but you need the address of the original function/method. a) Patching a non-virtual public method This is quite straight-forward: type TMethodType = procedure ... of object function GetAddress: Pointer; var MethodPtr : TMethodType; begin MethodPtr := TRTLClass(nil).PublicMethod; Result := TMethod(MethodPtr).Code; end; Note the type cast TRTLClass(nil). b) Patching a virtual public method If for example PublicMethod is virtual the above type cast TRTLClass(nil) with result in access violation, since to resolve the virtual method you need to access Self which is nil. You could create a class instance and use that instead of TRTLClass(nil), but apart from not being elegant, in some cases this has side-effects (for example it may require a valid windows handle). The trick is described in this Stackoverflow question. function GetAddress: Pointer; var VMT : NativeInt; MethodPtr: TMethodType; begin VMT := NativeInt(TRTLClass); MethodPtr := TRTLClass(@VMT).PublicMethod; Result := TMethod(MethodPtr).Code; end; This is based on two facts. A class is a pointer to the Virtual Method table (VMT) and an Object structure has as the first field a pointer to the VMT of its class. c) Patching a private virtual method The trick this time involves using a class helper to access the private method of the TRTLClass type TPrivateMethodType = procedure ... of object; TRTLClassHookFix = class helper for TRTLCLass function GetPriveMethodAddr: Pointer; end; function TRTLClassHookFix.GetPriveMethodAddr: Pointer; var VMT : NativeInt; MethodPtr: TPrivateMethodType; begin // Adjust Self to point to the VMT VMT := NativeInt(TRTLCLass); Self := TRTLCLass(@VMT); with Self do MethodPtr := PrivateMethod; Result := TMethod(MethodPtr).Code; end; That's it.
  2. Dalija Prasnikar

    Unable to install app after package name change

    com.1stlevel.mypackage_name is not a valid application id https://developer.android.com/studio/build/application-id It must have at least two segments (one or more dots). Each segment must start with a letter. All characters must be alphanumeric or an underscore [a-zA-Z0-9_].
  3. Stefan Glienke

    Patch a private virtual method

    {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses Windows; type TFoo = class procedure Bar; virtual; end; procedure TFoo.Bar; begin Writeln('broken'); end; procedure FixedBar(Self: TFoo); begin Writeln('fixed'); end; var f: TFoo; p: Pointer; n: UINT_PTR; begin {$POINTERMATH ON} p := @FixedBar; WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess, @PPointer(TFoo)[0], @p, SizeOf(Pointer), n); // 0 is the virtual index of the method to be replaced f := TFoo.Create; f.Bar; end. The virtual method index can also be found out programmatically.
  4. David Heffernan

    ShellExecute and passing of password

    You probably need to decide what you want to be secure from. As it stands it's probably impossible to give you specific advice.
  5. There is very powerful component for VCL and FMX. TECNativeMAP http://www.helpandweb.com/ecmap/en/tecnativemap.htm
  6. You may need a license to use Google Maps, while Open Street Map is free, you can even host your own map server. Also, I would rather trust in OSM than Google that they keep their service available and the APIs mostly unchanged. (Just remember why this forum exists. G+ anybody?)