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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/20 in Posts

  1. Sherlock

    VERY SMALL IDE font sizes

    @PeterPanettone: Though you try to put humor in your writing, I recommend one of two things: Take a deep breath before you begin to write a reply, imagine what others may read in that reply, how they might feel, if you would want to be addressed that way and most importantly, if it will have any positive impact on solving your issue Read your posts after writing them, then take a deep breath, delete all and rewrite according to option 1 Please don't get personal. No good will come of it.
  2. This treats TPassword like a string yet in Berlin+ you can add a unique Record Helper for TPassword. TPassword = type string; // Example of a Helper for TPassword TPasswordHelper = record helper for TPassword function CheckPwdComplexity(const MinPwdLen: Word; const Level: TPwdComplexity): boolean; function ContainsLower(const Required : Cardinal = 1): boolean; function ContainsSpecial(const Required : Cardinal = 1): boolean; function ContainsUpper(const Required : Cardinal = 1): boolean; function Secure(const ProtectWith: TSecureStringProtection = ssFast): ISecureString; function BCrypt: TBCrypt; inline; end;
  3. Angus Robertson

    Running commandline app and capturing output

    This is a function I've been using for 15 years, including with OpenSSL command lines, not looked at your code to see how they differ, but might be worth trying it. Angus procedure GetConsoleOutput (const CommandLine : string; var Output : TStringList); var SA: TSecurityAttributes; SI: TStartupInfo; PI: TProcessInformation; StdOutFile, AppProcess, AppThread : THandle; RootDir, WorkDir, StdOutFileName:string; const FUNC_NAME = 'GetConsoleOuput'; begin StdOutFile:=0; AppProcess:=0; AppThread:=0; try // Initialize dirs RootDir:=ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)); WorkDir:=ExtractFilePath(CommandLine); // Check WorkDir if not (FileSearch(ExtractFileName(CommandLine),WorkDir)<>'') then WorkDir:=RootDir; // Initialize output file security attributes FillChar(SA,SizeOf(SA),#0); SA.nLength:=SizeOf(SA); SA.lpSecurityDescriptor:=nil; SA.bInheritHandle:=True; // Create Output File StdOutFileName:=RootDir+'output.tmp'; StdOutFile:=CreateFile(PChar(StdOutFileName), GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ or FILE_SHARE_WRITE, @SA, CREATE_ALWAYS, // Always create it FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY or // Will cache in memory // if possible FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH, 0); // Check Output Handle if StdOutFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then raise Exception.CreateFmt('Function %s() failed!' + #10#13 + 'Command line = %s',[FUNC_NAME,CommandLine]); // Initialize Startup Info FillChar(SI,SizeOf(SI),#0); with SI do begin cb:=SizeOf(SI); dwFlags:=STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW or STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; wShowWindow:=SW_HIDE; hStdInput:=GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); hStdError:=StdOutFile; hStdOutput:=StdOutFile; end; // Create the process if CreateProcess(nil, PChar(CommandLine), nil, nil, True, 0, nil, PChar(WorkDir), SI, PI) then begin WaitForSingleObject(PI.hProcess,INFINITE); AppProcess:=PI.hProcess; AppThread:=PI.hThread; end else raise Exception.CreateFmt('CreateProcess() in function %s() failed!' + #10#13 + 'Command line = %s',[FUNC_NAME,CommandLine]); CloseHandle(StdOutFile); StdOutFile:=0; Output.Clear; Output.LoadFromFile (StdOutFileName); finally // Close handles if StdOutFile <> 0 then CloseHandle(StdOutFile); if AppProcess <> 0 then CloseHandle(AppProcess); if AppThread <> 0 then CloseHandle(AppThread); // Delete Output file if FileExists(StdOutFileName) then SysUtils.DeleteFile(StdOutFileName); end; end;
  4. Imagine how fast it would be if you wrote code that didn't stress the heap allocator. That's the real route to performance. Real world benchmarks are the only ones that matter.
  5. Der schöne Günther

    TWebBrowser HDPI issue

    "It renders crap" is not a very accurate description of the problem you're having. Care to upload a screenshot? And maybe your application manifest?
  6. Fr0sT.Brutal

    class designation question

    Metaclasses are necessary when base Class1 is doing some things with Class2 or its descendants including creation. So you can either define virtual method CreateObj: TClass2 and override it (but that would require Class1 descendant) or just assign "class of TClass2" property.
  7. vfbb

    iOS handle incoming url

    @Dave Nottage Hi Dave, I tested and works perfectly!! Thanks you so much, you are the man!! Just to register here the complete solution. (I preferred to patch the delphi source files because I already have others patchs in that files) iOS - Handle incoming url (custom schemes or universal links) In the file iOSapi.Foundation.pas put the code: // Dave Nottage code (https://www.delphiworlds.com/) NSUserActivityPersistentIdentifier = NSString; TNSUserActivityBlockMethod1 = procedure(inputStream: NSInputStream; outputStream: NSOutputStream; error: NSError) of object; TNSUserActivityBlockMethod2 = procedure of object; NSUserActivityClass = interface(NSObjectClass) ['{412EAEBF-5927-4D01-B83F-69D3B5DFE7B5}'] {class} procedure deleteAllSavedUserActivitiesWithCompletionHandler(handler: TNSUserActivityBlockMethod2); cdecl; [MethodName('deleteSavedUserActivitiesWithPersistentIdentifiers:completionHandler:')] {class} procedure deleteSavedUserActivitiesWithPersistentIdentifiers(persistentIdentifiers: NSArray; handler: TNSUserActivityBlockMethod2); cdecl; end; NSUserActivity = interface(NSObject) ['{B8C2F6C9-31FE-4282-B7CA-98C96E163033}'] function activityType: NSString; cdecl; procedure addUserInfoEntriesFromDictionary(otherDictionary: NSDictionary); cdecl; procedure becomeCurrent; cdecl; function delegate: Pointer; cdecl; function expirationDate: NSDate; cdecl; procedure getContinuationStreamsWithCompletionHandler(completionHandler: TNSUserActivityBlockMethod1); cdecl; function initWithActivityType(activityType: NSString): Pointer; cdecl; procedure invalidate; cdecl; function isEligibleForHandoff: Boolean; cdecl; function isEligibleForPrediction: Boolean; cdecl; function isEligibleForPublicIndexing: Boolean; cdecl; function isEligibleForSearch: Boolean; cdecl; function keywords: NSSet; cdecl; function needsSave: Boolean; cdecl; function persistentIdentifier: NSUserActivityPersistentIdentifier; cdecl; function referrerURL: NSURL; cdecl; function requiredUserInfoKeys: NSSet; cdecl; procedure resignCurrent; cdecl; procedure setDelegate(delegate: Pointer); cdecl; procedure setEligibleForHandoff(eligibleForHandoff: Boolean); cdecl; procedure setEligibleForPrediction(eligibleForPrediction: Boolean); cdecl; procedure setEligibleForPublicIndexing(eligibleForPublicIndexing: Boolean); cdecl; procedure setEligibleForSearch(eligibleForSearch: Boolean); cdecl; procedure setExpirationDate(expirationDate: NSDate); cdecl; procedure setKeywords(keywords: NSSet); cdecl; procedure setNeedsSave(needsSave: Boolean); cdecl; procedure setPersistentIdentifier(persistentIdentifier: NSUserActivityPersistentIdentifier); cdecl; procedure setReferrerURL(referrerURL: NSURL); cdecl; procedure setRequiredUserInfoKeys(requiredUserInfoKeys: NSSet); cdecl; procedure setSupportsContinuationStreams(supportsContinuationStreams: Boolean); cdecl; procedure setTargetContentIdentifier(targetContentIdentifier: NSString); cdecl; procedure setTitle(title: NSString); cdecl; procedure setUserInfo(userInfo: NSDictionary); cdecl; procedure setWebpageURL(webpageURL: NSURL); cdecl; function supportsContinuationStreams: Boolean; cdecl; function targetContentIdentifier: NSString; cdecl; function title: NSString; cdecl; function userInfo: NSDictionary; cdecl; function webpageURL: NSURL; cdecl; end; TNSUserActivity = class(TOCGenericImport<NSUserActivityClass, NSUserActivity>) end; ... function NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb: NSString; ... implementation ... function NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb: NSString; begin result := CocoaNSStringConst(FoundationFwk, 'NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb'); end; In the file FMX.Platform.iOS.pas, in the TApplicationDelegate class, in the private section, put the code: class function applicationContinueUserActivityRestorationHandler(self: id; _cmd: SEL; application: PUIApplication; userActivity: Pointer; restorationHandler: Pointer; restorableObjects: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl; static; In the file FMX.Platform.iOS.pas, in the implementation of the method TApplicationDelegate.CreateDelegateMetaClass, before the line "objc_registerClassPair(DelegateClass);", put the code: class_addMethod(DelegateClass, sel_getUid('application:continueUserActivity:restorationHandler:'), @applicationContinueUserActivityRestorationHandler, 'B@:@@@@'); In the file FMX.Platform.iOS.pas, in the TApplicationDelegate implementation, put the code: class function TApplicationDelegate.applicationContinueUserActivityRestorationHandler( self: id; _cmd: SEL; application: PUIApplication; userActivity, restorationHandler, restorableObjects: Pointer): Boolean; var LUserActivity: NSUserActivity; LURLString: string; begin Result := False; if Assigned(userActivity) then begin LUserActivity := TNSUserActivity.Wrap(userActivity); if NSStrToStr(LUserActivity.activityType) = NSStrToStr(NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb) then begin if Assigned(LUserActivity.webpageURL) then LURLString := NSStrToStr(LUserActivity.webpageURL.absoluteString) else LURLString := string.Empty; Result := PlatformCocoaTouch.HandleApplicationEvent(TApplicationEvent.OpenURL, TiOSOpenApplicationContext.Create(string.Empty, LURLString, nil)); end; end; end; Usage uses System.Messaging, FMX.Platform, FMX.Platform.iOS, FMX.Dialogs; constructor TipUrlHandler.Create; begin inherited Create; TMessageManager.DefaultManager.SubscribeToMessage(TApplicationEventMessage, ApplicationEventMessageHandler); end; destructor TipUrlHandler.Destroy; begin TMessageManager.DefaultManager.Unsubscribe(TApplicationEventMessage, ApplicationEventMessageHandler, True); inherited; end; procedure TipUrlHandler.ApplicationEventMessageHandler(const ASender: TObject; const AMessage: TMessage); begin case TApplicationEventData(TApplicationEventMessage(AMessage).Value).Event of TApplicationEvent.OpenUrl: begin Showmessage(TiOSOpenApplicationContext(TApplicationEventData(TApplicationEventMessage(AMessage).Value).Context).URL); end; else end; end;
  8. David Heffernan

    class designation question

    They all do different things. Rather than have us explain this, did you read the documentation? I don't think that item 3 is very widely used. However meta classes, item 2, is widely used. Classic example is the streaming framework. It is used when you need to instantiate a class whose identity is only known at runtime. When streaming properties the framework reads the class name, looks it up using RTTI and then uses meta classes to instantiate the instance if that dynamically determined type. Always seen with virtual constructors.
  9. How about fixing the issues that FastMM4 has rather than inventing yet another newly mostly untested and unproven memory manager?