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  1. Famous last woAccess Violation at address $00000000 ...
  2. Access through Items (GetItem) implements range check and throws exception if index is out of range. Using List gives you direct access to underlying dynamic array (which capacity may be larger than number of items) and there is no range check in place. If range checking does not bother you - because you know that you are looping through correct index range, then you can safely use List.
  3. Probably a bad idea. I would only do this in specific instances where you have timed your program and identified a bottleneck.
  4. NetHTTPClient has one huge advantage... When working with SSL/TLS it uses the system api and you don't have to fight with openssl, certificates etc.
  5. I'm a bit puzzled here, because usually it is a big no-no to assign code to a published event in a descendant component. Because the event is still published and anybody using your component can assign something else to this event and your added functionality is gone. Usually you should override the method which calls the event, add the functionality and call inherited. Only: Looking at the source code I see that this method (DoReceiveData) is both private and not virtual, so there's no chance to do it this way. I wonder whether there's a reason the Delphi developers did it that way, or why have they abandoned the usual component design patterns? Anyway, I would at least unpublish these events, along the lines in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53677049/hide-properties-and-events-in-new-component
  6. David Heffernan

    Tbutton Flashing

    Flashing can be quite visually aggressive. It is often preferable to highlight a control in some other way.