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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/21 in all areas

  1. https://blogs.embarcadero.com/rad-studio-10-4-2-general-patch-and-delphi-compiler-patch/
  2. Stefan Glienke

    TestInsight 1.2 released

  3. Remy Lebeau

    Prevent Alt or Ctrl + Print Screen

    On Windows 7 and later, you can use SetWindowDisplayAffinity() to specify that you want your Form window to only appear on a monitor display. That will omit (black) it out in screen captures, etc.
  4. Vandrovnik

    Several F2084 Internal Error on Delphi 10.4.2

    Patch for the patch has been released.
  5. Some that look interesting - I haven't investigated these in detail so can't give any opinions on them. The CodeProject ones would need to be ported. https://github.com/LUXOPHIA/Random https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1083372/Random-Number-Generator-Recommendations-for-Applic https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1190459/Randomization-and-Sampling-Methods https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5272482/Partially-Sampled-Random-Numbers-for-Accurate-Samp
  6. Since we're now in full bike-shed mode here's my contribution: https://hackaday.io/project/4628-nuclear-random-number-generator A random number generator based on radioactive decay.
  7. Lars Fosdal

    Two new 10.4.2 Patches released

    @Dalija Prasnikar notified me that the try...finally issue that is mentioned as fixed is not actually fixed by those patches. There will be another patch soon. https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-33117
  8. Martin Wienold

    Prevent Alt or Ctrl + Print Screen

    Obligatory The Daily WTF link: Copy Protected
  9. Stano

    Help Understanding SQL Parameters Utilization

    I can't help but feel sick when I see sql.add (). The readability of the code is lousy I do not know if this also applies to your case. In general, a parsing of SQL text is performed after each sql.add. It is an unnecessary waste of system resources First, I compile the entire SQL text according to the user's choices and at once I assign the entire text to SQL. I usually have a separate function for each choice. So I won't get lost in it. I apologise. It happened by mistake.
  10. Vincent Parrett

    Find exception location from MAP file?

    I haven't tried this, but if you have the map file, you could use map2pdb and then use windbg to figure out where the exception occurred. As @David Heffernan mentioned, madEcept or Eurekalog are the way to go - they are invaluable for getting usable stack traces, I've fixed countless bugs in my code thanks to madExcept.
  11. Don't know about good PRNGs, but get your seeds here. https://www.random.org/