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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/21 in Posts

  1. Hi there! How can we deploy our classic desktop or client-server software to the cloud (it can be Delphi, Visual Studio/C+, or Java software, developed 5-10 years ago)? Which options do we have? What's the difference between cloud and well-known deployment to an on-premises server or datacenter VM? This video will be described the most popular options of deployment to the cloud, including Ms Azure and AWS (Amazon Web Services), discuss the pros and cons of each option. Which benefits we will have if we deploy our software "as is" or after re-engineering?
  2. Darian Miller

    macOS missing redist OSX64 folder

    Some persistent problems with the installer and the \redist\ folder https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-30852 https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-33640
  3. Wil van Antwerpen

    VMWare Workstation PRO vs MS Hyper-V

    Hi, That is correct, see also: https://communities.vmware.com/t5/VMware-Workstation-Pro/Shared-VMs-are-back-in-Workstation-16-1/td-p/2811423 Even if it doesn't come back, I have a product for that (Vimarun, you can find it via the link in my footer) written in Delphi of course 😉 . It does not only take care of auto start, but also auto suspends your VM(s) on shutdown. As for what product to use... Don't really ask me as I'm a long time VMware user that even has a few VMware related products and is an active user moderator at their forums. VMware Workstation / Fusion / Player and vSphere have always worked very well for me. However I strongly believe that you should use what works for you. Hyper-V, Virtualbox, KVM, Parallels etc.. are all very mature as well.
  4. Fr0sT.Brutal

    How and when install the Patches.

    Knowing where an app resides in the XXI century? Knowing where an app's settings reside in the XXI century? Knowing what a "file" is in the XXI century? Surely there's still pretty much to un-know (OS vendors seem to be doing everything for this ) 😄
  5. Attila Kovacs

    Overloocked Format( ) options

    you mean %0:s?
  6. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Overloocked Format( ) options

    I find useful indexed placeholders: Format('One more %0:s found nearby. Interesting how much %0:ss there are?', ['zombie']);
  7. David Heffernan

    Micro optimization: Math.InRange

    I'm betting that improving the performance of InRange has no impact on the performance of these reports.
  8. dummzeuch

    Overloocked Format( ) options

    Format is very flexible but unfortunately there is no compile time checking for the (or has it been added in newer Delphi versions?). Unfortunately it's also difficult to debug (from user error reports) since you don't see the format string in the error message. That's why I always hook this function and add the format string to the error message. If anybody is interested, I can post that unit here.
  9. Alexander Sviridenkov

    ANN: HTML Library 4.4 released

    What's new: 1. Flex support. Supported properties: display: flex flex-direction justify-content align-items align-self flex-basis flex-grow flex-shrink flex-wrap flex 2. CSS letter-spacing support for FMX/Windows canvas. 3. FontAwesome is upgraded to version 5.6. 4. CSS only-of-type pseudoclass sypport. 5. CSS clip-path support. 6. CSS break-after support. 7. Custom fonts support for FMX canvas (Windows and Linux). 8. Faster shadows in DX and FMX canvaces. 9. Faster text rendering on FMX/Windows canvas. 10. Smooth scolling of FMX Panel/Editor. 11. New global canvas class selector: HtUIDefaultCanvasClass: used by UI controls (Checkbox, Radio, Button, Listbox, etc.). By default is set to GDI. 12. HTML rendering (THtDocument.Draw) can now be used in threads. Use second parameter in constructor. 13. Added workaround for bug in VMWare v.16 which leads to blue screen when using DX canvas. 14. Faster rendering on DX canvas. 15. FMX.HtPanel.ScreenshotMode property for faster UI transitions. 16. Improved text rendering on GDI canvas. 17. HtMetafile class for all platforms with ability to save/load from stream/file. 18. Support for WOFF fonts (when using Office library). What is HTML Library: the only 100% native and cross-platform (all FMX platforms) HTML/CSS/SVG/MathML rendering library for all Delphi versions (5 - 10.4) and Lazarus. WYSIWYG HTML Editor with embedded toolbars, spellchecking and DOCX/RTF import / PDF export, powerful reporting engine with embedded SVG charts and QR codes, visual Math Equation editor, FastReport and ReportBuilder integration, Pascal scripting engine with debugger, SQL transformation/validation/translation and DB schema framework, Email sending/receiving framework and much more. Library is used by thousands of Delphi developers on all Delphi versions (from 5) and platforms. https://delphihtmlcomponents.com/
  10. Remy Lebeau

    Is there any way to install delphi 10.4 package into Delphi 10.3?

    Package binaries are specific to each compiler version. 10.3 can only use packages that have been compiled for 10.3, etc. If you have the source code for the 10.4 package, you will have to compile it using 10.3's compiler.