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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/21 in Posts

  1. Carlo Barazzetta

    Looking for SVG support in Delphi?

    Good news about 2.4.0 version of SVGIconImageList: - Added new engine: Image32 library (ver.3.0) by Angus Johnson (VCL+FMX) - Image32 is now the default native Delphi engine, because has more SVG functionalities like blur, gradient, merge, drop-shadow, markers, simbol, pattern, subpixel. - Added support for Android and iOS platforms (by Image32 engine) - Added support for backward Delphi versions (from XE3) - Added demo to compare the four engines (SVGViewer)
  2. angusj

    Resource Hacker

    Resource Hacker A resource editor for 32bit and 64bit Windows applications. It's both a resource compiler and a decompiler - enabling viewing and editing of resources in executables (*.exe; *.dll; *.scr; etc) and compiled resource libraries (*.res, *.mui). Resource Hacker also provides many options for compiling and decompiling resources from the command-line. http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/ Download: http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/reshacker_setup.exe
  3. Pieter Bas Hofstede

    Refactoring Enum to string using enum helpers

    FYI both release/win32 Fast RTTI in 10.4.2 🙂
  4. ioan

    Amazon Cloud (SNS service)

    Here are the units I use. I don't remember where I got them from, it was several years ago: https://drive.google.com/file/d/180sOWUiToBllr7vxgQfhb4yaidJYPQqr/view?usp=sharing To send a SNS do something like this: uses AWS.SNSService; snsService := TsnsService.Create(nil, GlobalVar.AmazonSNSKey, GlobalVar.AmazonSNSSecret); try snsService.Publish('arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:58644269878413222:_YOUR_TOPIC_', 'Your Subject', 'Your Message'); finally snsService.Free; end; AWS-SNS.zip
  5. Angus Robertson

    THttpAppSrv - Add*Handler for PUT and DELETE

    Beware the ICS web server samples include a lot of code for dynamic demonstration pages, which you can mostly remove to give yourself the basis of a commercial web server service listening on multiple IP addresses. ordering SSL certificates and with request logging. However the REST sample page is implemented as a virtual page not a URL handler, other pages are URL handlers. The main issue with the current ICS web server being a single thread, so blocking SQL calls can reduce performance. My experience over 10 years is my SQL calls mostly take 10ms or less, so the performance hit is minimal, it can still support 50 requests a second (but not new SSL connections). The long term ICS wish list has a heavy web server, that will be configurable to allow x connections per thread, down to one if they are effectively blocking. Angus
  6. dummzeuch

    New Community Edition

    ping @David Millington
  7. mvanrijnen

    Trim, SplitString

    var numbers : TArray<string>; begin numbers := '10 * 20 * 30'.Replace(' ', '', [rfReplaceAll]).Split(['*'], TStringSplitOptions.ExcludeEmpty]); Trim removes only the starting or ending whitespace.
  8. Roger Cigol

    Is this C++ builders new FORUM ???

    I too have had a look : and yes it does seem to work and have a lot of the old stuff - so thanks to Jim for getting this running and pointing us to it. I have spent ten minutes puzzling over the ordering of the "Latest Changes on this Web Site" items at the home page: Code news fast home page and would welcome anyone's guess on this !
  9. oliwe

    Is this C++ builders new FORUM ???

    This is really great - one of the best news in a long time - can only be beaten by RAD Studio 11!? 🙂 I tested the archive briefly - seems to work.
  10. Roger Cigol

    Is this C++ builders new FORUM ???

    I think the original subject line for this thread is one where this is quite understandable (and not a bad thing). There is a role for a forum where "rambling discussions" are accommodated. If you look at many other threads here they are more "particular problem focused". Mind you I am completely with everyone here, agreeing that Embarcadero made a disasterous decision when they chose to close down their forum. If you are looking at a new development system in this modern age one of the first things to check is how active is the community on the forum..... As I've said before as well as losing community visibility and the huge volume of useful technical knowledge they also closed down a valuable source of customer feedback. So "Kind of ridiculous... very sad.".
  11. Lars Fosdal

    Is this C++ builders new FORUM ???

    I do too, and I don't... There were those that abused that usability to spam threads, simply because it was so easy to do so. But yeah, the old newsgroups were underrated and should have survived and evolved.
  12. Lars Fosdal

    Is this C++ builders new FORUM ???

    Please note that we started with just a single sub-forum for the C++Builder guys because we had no idea how many there are and how many questions there would be. We can divide up in more subforums if the usage dictates it.
  13. Carlo Barazzetta

    Looking for SVG support in Delphi?

    I've published an article about SVGIconImageList and IconFontsImageList:https://ethea.it/icons_in_delphi/
  14. ConvertToUTF8.7z Using the ZIP2 component (but unit can be renamed to Zip to use the Delphi default) for creating backup copies. Finished 3000+ files in 90 seconds in our project at work. It checks for BOM existence; so if you have actual UTF8 files without BOM it can cause issues.
  15. TotteKarlsson

    Is this C++ builders new FORUM ???

    Devastating.. just look at this "thread". Completely unorganized after just a few replies. Like a text message thread, but worse. And wondering when this site is to be retired? Next week, a year?? There is no guarantee at all on a site like this, as I can see it. Kind of ridiculous.. very sad.