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  1. I have published initial release of NX Horizon Event Bus for Delphi as Open Source on GitHub. Features: implements the publish/subscribe pattern, decoupling publishers and subscribers events are categorized by type any Delphi type can be used as an event supports four types of event delivery: synchronous, asynchronous, synchronous in the context of the main thread, and asynchronous in the context of the main thread provides generic record and reference-counted class wrappers for easier usage and management of existing types as events simple in both implementation and usage fast full thread safety https://github.com/dalijap/nx-horizon
  2. Stefan Glienke

    Do you need an ARM64 compiler for Windows?

    By that logic the Delphi team must be located near Piacenza 🙄
  3. sjordi

    Interbase VAR Licence and Demos or Free Versions

    To me everything is said here: no-one could forecast the sales. I always found the VAR agreement totally imbecile. Handing out $5K upfront in prevision, that is rollbacked to the next year, etc is so cumbersome. And some freelance developers can't afford this. That's why a one-time payment with then royalty free distribution is, to me, the only way to go. And unlike what you say, if you contact sales, no, you won't have a clear picture of the future, it's always confused, blurred, and it always gives the feeling that prices and conditions will vary depending on the customer. Doesn't make you feel confident. Leaves you with a feeling that you are just a cow being milked against your will...
  4. There are many legacy projects which are still in active production. This volume offers approaches to refactoring and modernizing the code base without the need for complete redesign and rewrite. Evolution, not revolution. These are approaches well suited to the incremental revision of production code, as is usually the concern with a commercial product. Motivated by my own experience with legacy apps and the need to find a manageable approach to transforming a product in current production. On Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B2TY6ZZ4
  5. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Do you need an ARM64 compiler for Windows?

    That's why the CB development is SOOOO slow 😄 Well, then you should be also frightening of USA developers that you don't know personally because CIA/DOD has long story of injecting backdoors into well-known tools. Not talking about Chinese developers that obey to communist party (goddamn commies want to eat the whole world!)
  6. Stefan Glienke

    EMonitorLockException help needed

    Only from TMonitor.CheckOwningThread (indirectly via the lookup mechanism from ErrorProc in ErrorAt) which gets called from two places: TMonitor.Exit and TMonitor.Wait.
  7. Dalija Prasnikar

    ANN: Open Source Event Bus NX Horizon

    Thanks! I will try to add some. I will need some time to prepare some meaningful examples that can show potential use cases. Event bus is a messaging system. Delphi already has basic event bus implementation in System.Messaging https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/CodeExamples/Alexandria/en/System.Messaging_(Delphi) You can also look at the examples there as those use cases apply to my event bus, too. Main difference is that System.Messaging is not thread-safe and you can only use it to send messages in the context of the main thread. If you want to send messages across multiple threads you need a thread-safe event bus, like NX Horizon. Because, it is thread-safe, it also has some additional features like dispatching events (messages) asynchronously in the background thread. Maybe the easies way to explain what is event bus is comparing it to a Button OnClick event handler. When user clicks a button code in the OnClick event handler will run. main difference (besides multithreading support) is that with button and its event handler there is usually deeper connection and there is direct link with the button and its event handler. For instance if you click Help button on some form, you would want to open Help window from its OnClick event handler. But in that case your form with button needs to know about help form. If you have many forms that need to open help form will create tight coupling between all those forms and help form. With event bus, you can declare TOpenHelp event type and then you can subscribe some code to such event type. In your forms with help buttons, you would still need OnClick event handler, but instead of directly opening help form from that OnClick event you can send a message to event bus that TOpenHelp event happened. And then subscribers to that event (there can be more than one) will receive it and run the appropriate code in associated subscription event handler. This way your forms don't need to know about your help form, and code handling your help form does not need to know from where TOpenHelp came from. Event type also serves two purposes. Its type tells that particular event happened, and its content (event can be any automatically managed or value type) is used to pass additional data. for instance if the TOpenHelp is integer type, you use it to store and pass help page number depending on which help button is clicked and then you can open help on particular help page. Another example would be downloading some files in the background thread and then sending TDownloadCompleted event from that thread with some data about particular download and then subscribers can handle and do whatever they need to do with that data. Process it further, show it to the user, or anything else.
  8. It is not a file. In RAD Studio, Delphi and C++ are implemented as separate "personalities", each with its own toolchain, IDE settings, etc. Each project specifies which personality it targets. Think of personalities as the IDE plugins for implementing different programming languages. So, the "missing personality" error means the IDE can't find the Delphi personality installed. Which Community Edition did you actually install? There is no RAD Studio CE, there are only separate Delphi CE and C++Builder CE. This is covered in the Community Edition FAQs. You can't open Delphi projects in C++Builder CE, as there is no Delphi personality installed. To work with Delphi projects, you need either Delphi CE, or the full RAD Studio.
  9. SwiftExpat

    TDataModule OnDestroy event never triggered?

    On MacOS the process is killed, so the app never gets to shutdown correctly. I opened a support ticket with Embarcadero and was not given a resolution to this. I ended up with a timer to save state every x seconds 😞 Maybe someone else has a better solution.
  10. I'm glad to inform you about a new release of the HTML Library. It is used by thousands of developers from 50 countries, and now even the RAD Studio IDE. From version 11.2 library will be used by the IDE to render rich text. What's new in version 4.6: Core 1. Packages names are now the same for all IDE versions (starting from Delphi 11). 2. Faster parsing and style calculation 3. SAX XML parser class with special text extration mode. 4. THtLabel now allows text change in click events. 5. CSS serialization (modified CSS StyleSheet can be saved back) 6. Direct PDF export on all platforms including Linux (when using Office library) 7. Document sections (custom header, footer, page size and orientation for each section). 8. Support for different page sizes in print preview (each page can have own size) 9. System theme colors support (Windows, OSX), f.e. background: window) with ability to use custom theme color callback. 10. Converting HTML to paged payout SVG (print preview can be viewed from browser) 11. Zoom from Cursor mode in HtPanel/Editor. 12. New TElement.InsertHTML method. 13. CSS outline propety support. 14. CSS focus-within pseudoclass support. 15. CSS marker pseudoclass support. 16. CSS list-style-position property. 17. Added w-resize and h-resize for CSS cursor. 18. THtDocument now can be used from threads (Special parameter in constructor for use separate font collection). 19. Workaround for FMX bug: rectangle and rounded rectangle with large pen width incorrectly drawn on Android. 20. New HtPanel properties: MinScale, MaxScale Editor 1. Support for style attribute inside MathML elements. 2. New editor option: eoDisableBlockJoinOnPaste - do not join pasted blocks with current 3. New editor option: eoPasteTextBlockAsPara - convert text blocks divided by blank lines to para. 4. eoClearPastedFormatting now removes span elements wuthout attributes. 5. New editor method: PasteTextfromClipboard - paste plain text only. Reports and Scripts 1. Chart now supports style attribute in chart element. 2. Reports library now supports Lazarus (including print preview) 3. Scripter: support for calling chained indexed properties, f.e. Obj[k]. https://delphihtmlcomponents.com
  11. Ah you used LockBox component... what a shame! Real professionals don't use other people's components they make their own. But it's OK, it works.
  12. Carlo Barazzetta

    Looking for SVG support in Delphi?

    Good news about 2.4.0 version of SVGIconImageList: - Added new engine: Image32 library (ver.3.0) by Angus Johnson (VCL+FMX) - Image32 is now the default native Delphi engine, because has more SVG functionalities like blur, gradient, merge, drop-shadow, markers, simbol, pattern, subpixel. - Added support for Android and iOS platforms (by Image32 engine) - Added support for backward Delphi versions (from XE3) - Added demo to compare the four engines (SVGViewer)
  13. Carlo Barazzetta

    Looking for SVG support in Delphi?

    I've published an article about SVGIconImageList and IconFontsImageList:https://ethea.it/icons_in_delphi/