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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/22 in Posts

  1. I would concur with creating your own Repository. Also, please don't leave us purely VCL programmers behind. 🙂
  2. Remy Lebeau

    Where is the VC++ option check box

    I don't have 11.2.1 to verify this, but the checkbox should be in the initial dialog when creating a new DLL project. It is not something you can toggle in the Project Options after the project is created.
  3. gkobler

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Added filter in v1.0.4.B15
  4. Lars Fosdal

    NetGroupGetUsers strange errors on Win64 on buffered reads

    Check out unit web.win.AdsTypes: Here is some code I wrote to find out if a user had an AD membership. unit ActiveDSUtil; /// Written by Lars Fosdal, 16 DEC 2014 /// Note that calling AD functions is slow. interface uses Classes, SysUtils, ActiveX, ActiveDS_tlb, web.win.adstypes; type TADGroupList = array of String; TAnonParamFunc<TA,TR> = reference to function (const v:TA):TR; /// <summary> Enumerates the group memberships of an AD user </summary> function EnumADUserGroupMemberships(const aDomain, aUser: String; EnumHandler: TAnonParamFunc<IAdsGroup, Boolean>):Boolean; /// <summary> Returns a list of all AD groups for an AD user </summary> function GetADUserGroupMemberships(const aDomain, aUser: String):TStringList; /// <summary> Checks if an AD user is member of one or more specific groups</summary> function UserHasADGroupMembership(const aDomain, aUser: String; const GroupList: TAdGroupList): Boolean; implementation function EnumADUserGroupMemberships(const aDomain, aUser: String; EnumHandler: TAnonParamFunc<IADsGroup, Boolean>):Boolean; var hr: HREsult; User: IADsUser; Enum: IEnumVariant; varGroup: OleVariant; EnumHelper: LongWord; begin Result := False; CoInitialize(nil); try hr := ADsGetObject('WinNT://'+aDomain+'/'+aUser+',user',IID_IADsUser3 , User); if not Failed(hr) then begin try Enum := User.Groups._NewEnum as IEnumVariant; while Assigned(Enum) and (Enum.Next(1, varGroup, EnumHelper) = S_OK) do begin try if EnumHandler(IDispatch(varGroup) as IADsGroup) then EXIT(True); finally VariantClear(varGroup); end; end; finally User := nil; end; end; finally CoUninitialize; end; end; function GetADUserGroupMemberships(const aDomain, aUser: String):TStringList; var List: TStringList; begin List := TStringList.Create; List.BeginUpdate; try EnumADUserGroupMemberships(aDomain, aUser, function(const Group: IAdsGroup):Boolean begin Result := False; List.Add(Group.Name + ' ' + Group.Class_); end); finally List.Sort; List.Insert(0, aDomain +'\'+ aUser); List.EndUpdate; Result := List; end; end; function UserHasADGroupMembership(const aDomain, aUser: String; const GroupList: TAdGroupList): Boolean; begin Result := EnumADUserGroupMemberships(aDomain, aUser, function(const Group: IAdsGroup):Boolean var GroupName: String; begin Result := False; for GroupName in GroupList do begin Result := CompareText(GroupName, Group.Name) = 0; if Result then Break; // Return true for first match end; end); end; end.
  5. dummzeuch

    Saving ProjectGroups to a new folder

    You make it sound like git was the first Source Code Management tool ever invented, but in fact git is only the one of latest additions to that class of tools. As for "easily": There are SCMs that are easier to use in particular for a single programmer.
  6. October 17, 2022—KB5020387 (OS Build 22000.1100) Out-of-band October 17, 2022—KB5020435 (OS Builds 19042.2132, 19043.2132, and 19044.2132) Out-of-band How is with this patch ?
  7. gkobler

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Fixed in new version 1.0.3.B13. It just released.
  8. Dmitry Arefiev

    Delphi 11.2 Patch 1 bug ??

    Is on the Tools -> Options -> User Interface -> Form Designer -> Enable VCL Styles ? If yes, then try to turn it off. Does it help ?
  9. Hextor is a hexadecimal editor with a set of tools for binary data analysis and reverse engineering. Main features include structure analyzer, disassembler, regex-like search and many more. https://github.com/digitalw0lf/hextor I mostly write it as a tool for my main job tasks, but would be glad if it can be useful for community. Feedback and feature suggestions are welcome.
  10. Hi, I have just released new book: Delphi Thread Safety Patterns. https://dalija.prasnikar.info/delphitspatt/ It is on promotional sale until June,14. You can use Coupon Code: DTSPATT10 at checkout to get a $10 discount. At the moment there are two options: you can purchase eBook only or bundle: eBook and paper edition (those are separate purchases that go through different sellers and you will receive instructions for paper book with the eBook order). Paper book only on the Amazon is not available for the time being. Thank you all for the support!
  11. Lars Fosdal

    GameVision Toolkit

    I haven't been on Facebook since 2018, and I am not going there again.