Hello, some time ago I thought of making a program that could be used by young programmers and students who need to write a project document and show them the possibilities of programs they could develop with Delphi. I have recently published the program and it is called TICdoc. The program also has a diagram editor and a code editor for saving code snippets that can be tagged for further searches. A project document is generated by uniting various types of sections (functional requirements, table of contents, Gantt charts, use cases, etc). Some of these sections have their own editor and the editable sections have a text editor (html) to which styles (css) can be applied. The program uses a SQLite database. It is free and does not have any usage restrictions. It is signed with an OV certificate, which I know shows some warning when downloading it in the browser.
You can see it at TICdoc , there is also a youtube channel (currently only in spanish) where you can watch short videos of program features
Small task editor at intro page:
Code editor to save snippets (SynEdit component):
Diagram editor (TMS Diagram Studio), you can insert this diagrams into project document:
Document editor (HTML component library):
In the editable section you can insert images, formulas, tables, data-bound tables, editor diagrams or PlantUML diagrams:
By clicking on the active language in the lower bar we can change the language (it is in a json file, so it can be translated into other languages, it is currently in Spanish and English)