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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/23 in Posts

  1. David Heffernan

    Delphi 11.3 is available now!

    I guess my sarcasm didn't shine through
  2. Lars Fosdal

    D 11.3 Word occurrences marking - colour setting

    @havrlisan Report it. Make a video. Describe what we see vs what you expect.
  3. GPRSNerd

    App crash on close when windows style = windows

    I can confirm that Delphi 11.3 has the issue fixed. No more exception on close when the default style "Windows" was used/changed during runtime.
  4. TurboMagic

    TComPortDrv V3.1 released

    Hello, yesterday I released V3.1 of TComPortDrv, a RS232 handling component for Delphi. It is available here: https://github.com/MHumm/ComPortDriver/releases/tag/V3.1 And most likely via GetIt as well. There it's still V3.0, but I already sent in V3.1 to update the entry. What's new? fixed the wrong handle type used, which made it fail in 64 bit applications => it's 64 bit compatible now fixed a deadlock situation which could happen if somebody called MessageDlg from an eventhandler. That called that event handler again which called MessageDlg again which... 😉 So enjoy it TurboMagic
  5. I use WebView4Delphi as well. Recently I needed to manipulate a web site to navigate to, select a report, run it then download the report as a csv file. WebView4Delphi had all the needed control. I have never done web development, so it took several days and multiple Stack Overflow posts to get it to work but it has been running flawlessly for weeks now, downloading every half hour.
  6. So I've finally selected WebVew4Delphi from Salvador Díaz Fau which is amazing! It includes many (all?) options to control the WebView's behavior (including allowing local files), is easy to use, fast and well maintained. Highly recommended!

    Delphi 11.3 is available now!

    Of course, other editors such as UltraEdit, Notepad++, Atom, VSCode, SublimeText have long had that functionality, and even delphi itself when installing CnPack. The new thing is that it will come as an integral part of the IDE.
  8. David Heffernan

    Delphi 11.3 is available now!

    The fact that you have a different workflow from me doesn't mean my workflow doesn't exist
  9. I've attached a pretty old unit with numerous functions for managing semi-transparent VCL.Graphics.TBitmap controls. However, unless your graphics needs are minimal, I strongly recommend you consider using an open source graphics library. Two graphics libraries for Delphi I can recommend: Graphics32: Multiple developers contributed over the last 20yrs and is widely used. Image32: Recently developed by me. IMHO it's a lot simpler than Graphics32 while almost as fully featured. AlphaBitmaps.pas
  10. John R.

    Software licensing system recommendations

    We've been using WyDay LimeLM for years now with mixed feelings. On the plus side: Provides Delphi samples and easy to integrate Supports both named and floating licensing models Supports online/offline licensing Keys have custom extra data attached to implement advanced scenarios such as version/date checks... Easy and reliable REST API for key management... Support is fast and skilled but you have to push them hard to prove that you or the end-user is not at fault, which is taking a lot of time and efforts There is a public forum which can be browsed to evaluate their support and get useful info: https://wyday.com/forum/ But: I haven't seen such a stubborn company/developers elsewhere: when something is not working correctly, they ALWAYS say that end-user messed up their computer and must re-install everything, or that we, as developers, caused the bug. Never will they admit that its their fault! They've promised features for YEARS as "coming soon" without update or delivering: https://wyday.com/forum/t/4823/licensechest-is-coming-soon/ In the past, they've implemented server side breaking changes, such as limiting the number of IPs which can connect to their API, without previous notice, apologies, and despite multiple critics on their forum, they merely relaxed their policy saying they are right, customers are wrong 😲 You are captive to a monthly subscription. They have increased the price in the past and it is very hard to do anything about it: if you change your licensing system and stop using them, how would you handle customers using older versions of your software with perpetual licenses ? All in all, it's a decent solution to get started fast and strong. But given the price, I expect better. We have now past the hard times with them so I'm not sure if we will ever change, but I can't say that I'm not frequently looking for alternatives, including home made solutions. Hope this helps.
  11. Like others, we use https://oreans.com/WinLicense.php. We've been using it since 2012 and have gotten great support when we needed it. It's a stable, well-respected product that never triggers virustotal or other malware detectors. As part of their product, they include a CRM database. We preferred to create our own, and use their DLL locally to generate software keys. It's less than US $500. We consider our having selected it as having been a good technical and business decision.
  12. https://oreans.com/WinLicense.php
  13. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Software licensing system recommendations

    Microsoft Store and the TWindowsStore component ?
  14. Lachlan Gemmell

    EULA declined installing 11.1 with Network Named license

    It makes for a much more lightweight VM than one based on Windows 10. If you have a multitude of VMs that makes a difference both in terms of memory and disk consumption (particularly since we took a backwards step in capacity terms with SSDs). I use them purely for writing code in, I don't go browsing random websites with an outdated Win7.
  15. Incus J

    Restore Delphi File Associations?

    Thank you. I haven't found the repair option yet - sometimes software offers repair in the Add/Remove Programs window. But I could only see Uninstall offered there. I tried setting file associations manually via the Windows right-click Open With... option, but couldn't get the setting to stick. Windows kept displaying the Open With... dialog in a never ending loop. Not sure why. Luckily I found an answer in another post on this forum. Just in case it helps someone else: In Delphi IDE Options there is a section listing File Associations. Unticking them all, then ticking them again seems to have fixed the issue. Phew!
  16. Ian Branch

    Single Instance of Dephi IDE?

    Suggestion submitted to QP. RSP23412 https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-23412