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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/23 in Posts

  1. Full release notes for V9.0 will follow next week, meanwhile these are the main changes: New samples Samples/Delphi/SslInternet/OverbyteIcsSnippets.dpr - Small samples of codes for FTP, HTTP, sockets and email. Samples/Delphi/OtherDemos/OverbyteIcsNetMon.dpr - Internet Packet Monitoring Components, display packets and traffic using Npcap and raw sockets. Samples/Delphi/OtherDemos/OverbyteIcsNetTools.dpr - Network Tools Demo, uses all the main IP Helper functions, also TTIcsNeighbDevices, TIcsDomainNameCache, IcsDnsQueuy, TDnsQueryHttps, TIcsWhoisCli, TIcsIpChanges, TPing and TPingThread. Samples/Delphi/PlatformDemos/IcsHttpRestTstFmx.dproj - FMX HTTPS REST and OAuth, Send SMS and DNS over HTTPS functions demo. Samples/Delphi/PlatformDemos/IcsSslMultiWebServ.dproj - FMX Advanced multi host web server demo. Samples/Delphi/SslInternet/OverbyteIcsMQTTst.dpr - MQ Telemetry Transport message queuing service. Note this sample needs the VirtualTree component to be installed. Major sample updates for new components Samples/Delphi/SslInternet/OverbyteIcsHttpRestTst1.dpr - Uses TSslWebSocketCli for WebSocket Client, New embedded TOAuthLoginForm window using TOAuthBrowser for OAuth2 logins. Select client SSL certificate from the Windows Certificate Store. Samples/Delphi/SslInternet/OverbyteIcsSslMultiWebServ.dpr, OverbyteIcsDDWebService.dpr - Uses THttpWSSrvConn for WebSocket Server. IcsHosts can use server SSL certificate from the Windows Certificate Store. IcsHosts can now request a SSL certificate from the remote client. WebSocket server support. Uses TIcsDomainNameCache for multiple reverse DNS lookups. Samples/Delphi/SslInternet/OverbyteIcsPemTool.dpr - Can now export an SSL certificate from the Windows Certificate Store with its private key. Samples/delphi/OtherDemos/OverbyteIcsBatchDnsLookup.dpr - Uses TIcsDomainNameCache for multiple lookups. Samples/Delphi/SslInternet/OverbyteIcsSslMailSnd.dpr, OverbyteIcsSslMailRcv.dpr, OverbyteIcsMailQuTst.dpr - New embedded TOAuthLoginForm window using TOAuthBrowser for OAuth2 logins. Samples/delphi/OtherDemos/OverbyteIcsNsLookup.dpr - Uses single or multiple DNS servers, including built-in list of public servers, also sync requests. New Components TIcsDomainNameCache and TIcsDomNameCacheHttps - Cache forward and reverse DNS lookup requests, using several methods. TIcsMonSocket - Internet monitoring using raw sockets. TIcsMonPcap - Internet monitoring using Npcap NDIS driver. TIcsIpChanges - Monitors IP address changes dynamically. TIcsNeighbDevices - Builds historic LAN MAC device and IPv4 and IPv6 address table using ARP, neighbourhood and IP range scanning with reverse host lookup. TOAuthBrowser - OAuth authentication browser window VCL/FMX form. TSslWebSocketCli - WebSocket client protocol. TIcsMQTTServer and TIcsMQTTClient - MQ Telemetry Transport message queuing service, client and server. Major Component Upgrades TDnsQuery - Add synchronous methods and more response properties. Check multiple DNS server hosts including public DNS lists. TSslWSocketServer - IcsHosts can use server SSL certificate from the Windows Certificate Store. IcsHosts can now request a SSL certificate from the remote client. TIcsFtpMulti - Send NOOP command periodically during multi hour transfers so connections are not closed accidentally. New classes and Functions THttpWSSrvConn - WebSocket server protocol. Internet Helper Functions - Unit OverbyteIcsIpHlpApi.pas includes IpHlpConnsTable, IpHlpAdaptersInfo, IpHlpAdaptersAddr, IpHlpIpAddrTable, IpHlpIpNeighbTable, IpHlpIPForwardTable, IpHlpIpPathTable, IpHlpGetDnsServers, IpHlpIfTable2, IpHlpIPStatistics, IpHlpUDPStatistics and many other functions. TIcsMonFilterClass - Filter network traffic on protocols or IP addresses. TIcsTrafficClass - Maintains network traffic statistics by protocols and IP addresses. Angus
  2. Due to the large number of new components and changes, ICS V8.71 has been renamed to ICS V9.0 for final release. All the source units have updated versions and copyrights, some unused units have gone. All the active samples (per readme9.txt) have also been updated with new versions and copyrights and there is a new ActiveDemos.groupproj group that allows them all to be built together. ICS v9 is available from a new SVN repository https://svn.overbyte.be/svn/icsv9/ and also from the Zipped Daily Snapshot section of https://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download The snapshot download URL is: https://wiki.overbyte.eu/arch/icsv9w.zip The final release notes and updated wiki pages are still being written and will be available next week. Meanwhile, I'd appreciate it if some active ICS users could download V9 now and test for installation and backward compatibility with existing applications, particularly with Delphi 7 and XE compilers. I updated literally hundreds of package files manually, for the last time, and it would be good to know they actually install before the final V9 version is released. There is also a new ICS V10 SVN repository for the next major version with Linux support, but this is many months away from being complete, so please ignore it for now. ICS V9 is planned to be a long term support release with no new components or major features added, just bug fixes as needed, major changes will be for V10. V9.0 has been tested with Delphi 7, but I had to make changes to several new components due to missing language features and TWebBrowser does not exist, so V9.0 will be the last tested with D7. Delphi 2007 is easier to support for those building ANSI projects and will become the oldest version supported. Angus
  3. Tommi Prami

    What makes code not to compile

    Emit Runtime type information for Debug build was on.
  4. Brian Evans


    Hard to follow, can you explain how 0505444457 is considered a duplicate of 0509503671? Showing the report design would help others see what you are doing and narrow down possible issues. Or attach the .fr3 file instead of dumping it's contents in the text of a post. The band types chosen, their positions and the lack of linking between master and child look all wrong in your report - suggest working through some example reports and the documentation to get a feel for how they are used.
  5. It is not clear to me what this issue is about. Currently you can use the abbreviated version as well as the verbose one. I don't see where hint/warning/error settings come into play here, besides the directives affecting them.
  6. limelect


    I do not think it is in the XML but in the component itself
  7. Wouldn't TParallel.For() be more appropriate in this situation? procedure TForm2.RunButtonClick(Sender: TObject); const NumberOfParts = 1; begin TParallel.For(0, NumberOfParts - 1, procedure(counter: Integer) begin RunWork(counter); end ); // or simply: // TParallel.For(0, NumberOfParts - 1, RunWork); end;
  8. +1 for Wireguard. It is secure and simple. It is well-known, open source, and well-understood. There are countless tutorials on setting it up and using it. Unless you are going to get paid a lot of money and have some kind of contract that absolves you of liability, just don't. https://www.wireguard.com/
  9. Writing your own VPN software in Delphi. Would you write your own Firewall too? Just say no. You don't need the liability.
  10. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Paradox 7 >>> Firebird 3 DATA transfer

    Depending on a structure, it could be simpler to write the transfer by yourself. Just query from source, copy to dest query, next record. There is also FDBatchMove component
  11. Sherlock

    Some REST help please.

    Yeah, I'm sorry, but that is not how this forum works. If every question would be resolved via PM, anyone looking for an answer to the same questions would get to find nothing here... and have no motivation to share his knowledge in this forum.
  12. If you have a loop you will have a capture problem, except in most trivial cases. It is not that hard to spot. The main problem is that plenty of people are completely unaware of the issue as they haven't used anonymous procedures much.
  13. Lars Fosdal

    How to update and install into new Delphi

    @FLDelphi Use your favorite git tool (I prefer GitKraken) and clone the OTL main branch to the folder of your liking. If you use components, build and install them. Use the git tool periodically to check for / pull updates.
  14. The problem in your code is that the anonymous method calling RunWork uses the counter variable directly. While it is correct that this variable is captured for the anonymous method, it is captured by its address and not by its value. Therefore the RunWork call uses the value of counter that is given in the moment of that call. Usually that is different from what you expect. You can solve this by injecting a method returning the anonymous method with the counter value at that time. function MakeRunWork(ACounter: Integer): TProc; begin Result := procedure begin RunWork(ACounter); end; end; procedure TForm780.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); const NumberOfParts = 1; var counter: integer; TaskArray: array of iTask; begin { --- run button --- } SetLength(TaskArray, NumberOfParts); for counter := 0 to NumberOfParts - 1 do begin try TaskArray[counter] := TTask.Run(MakeRunWork(counter)); except on E:EAggregateException do ShowMessage( E.ToString); end; // try end; // for counter end;