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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/23 in all areas

  1. Android HttpURLConnection converts GET to POST when there is a request body: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8760052/httpurlconnection-sends-a-post-request-even-though-httpcon-setrequestmethodget
  2. softtouch

    TButtonEdit and left button dropdown menu

    The menu is a TPopupmenu, but assigned to the dropdownmenu property of the TButtonedit buttons. And with that, it seems not to work and TPopupmenu.popupcomponent return always nil.
  3. We have equipment for linear movement that is controlled by 4 nanometer precision. All controlled by stepper motors with the help of integers. Even though it is pascal, the programming language is not important.
  4. Apart from the controller hardware (an element that should not be underestimated), on the numerical calculation part currently in hardware the precision you can obtain is in EXTENDED (80 bit) for 32 bit software and DOUBLE (64 bit) for 64 bit software . If you want to go beyond these limits you have to use libraries that take advantage of HW + SW to increase calculation precision. I can point this out to you, even though I've never used it. https://github.com/TurboPack/RudysBigNumbers Good luck
  5. Thank you for the response and input. I was replacing an older application and was copying the content of the requests and in the search request the search parameters was in a JSON payload in the body. But I have checked the server documentation and it seems like it is also possible to send the data using the query string. So this alternative will solve my problem.
  6. It can, but there are warnings against doing it. This is an interesting article on the topic. The fact that it is possible (even though ill advised) means that the code in Delphi that turns the GET into a POST on Android, is a bug. Jon R should describe why they need to subvert the warnings against doing it 🙂
  7. Standard strings are compiler-managed types. They are created dynamically and are also reference-counted, so the compiler needs to be able to manage and release them correctly. Don't just let them leak. Otherwise, use fixed-length character arrays if you really don't want to allocate their memory dynamically. Instances of a Class are created dynamically and must be Destroy'ed/Free'd to avoid memory leaks. Otherwise, use a Record instead of a Class.
  8. Rollo62

    Querying mvnrepository

    Maybe, if you are willing to bundle with Python or the ike, a headless browser could help. https://www.zenrows.com/blog/selenium-python-web-scraping#prerequisites But that is usually too fat for a simple, I would guess. Or if you are willing to think about online-services, maybe there were also some online webscraper tools out there, which have limited free tier, but thats also problematic to integrate. https://www.scraping-bot.io/pricing-web-scraper-api/ https://www.parsehub.com/pricing I'm not sure if something like HtmlComponents could handle that, I think the JS part is still missing and bundling with JS parsers would be also a big task. Maybe there is any full Pascal HTML5, CSS, JS engine out in te wild, which I'm not yet aware of ? That would be great for my projects too 🙂