This is an rather old thread but I'd like to give my 2c for future readers:
I was lead of a team modernizing a huge (300+ forms, 3+ MLOC) Delphi application. The major part of the modernization process was about styling it, using VCL Styles. We used Delphi 10.3 at that time, and then eventually we migrated to Delphi 10.4.
It took 3 months and we decided to purchase a 3rd party library (StyleControls) to make the process easier and faster. StyleControls has simliar controls (e.g. buttons) that work better with styles than the standard ones. Besides that, SyleControls have some classes to help styling controls that don't support VCL Styles directly (e.g. the DevExpress grid that we extensively use in our application). Disclosure: I'm not connected to StyleControls company in any way.
Regarding VCL code, some hacking was necessary to fix bugs that couldn't be avoided and no workaround was found (mostly runtime patching of VCL classes). We also used the Rodrigo Ruz's VCL Style Utils package, and it also required some tweaking (nothing major though).
Repainting of complex forms when resizing can also be problematic. A non-styled VCL form with hundreds of controls will repaint itself very fast and there is very little flicker. The same form when styled will cause a severe and ugly flicker that can't be ignored and we also needed to find ways to reduce or interrupt form refreshing in many scenarios in order to reduce this effect.
But basically I disagree with who says that it doesn't look professional, or "not quite there yet". The final result looks nice and professional, although there are things that could be improved and refined. The application has been in production, with thousands of users and the general feedback has always been positive. I think it's totaly worth it.