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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/24 in Posts

  1. Version 3.0 of the PLABEL VCL components has been released, this is a version written from scratch and using the Skia library to render graphics. The previous version was used to add a label editor to our applications: text, paragraph, images, barcodes, etc. In this new version, the possibility of editing flowcharts and technical drawings (layers, dimension measurement, operations with lines, scale, etc.) has been added. Drawings can be printed or saved as pdf, png, jpeg, gif or svg. Saving as SVG can be interesting for web projects, or if you need to show technical drawings in documents such as quotes and orders. At https://www.mesurasoft.com/Plabel/Gallery , you can see several examples of created documents, some of them as SVG. The appearance and functionality of the property inspector has been changed, now it is better organized and more compact. In labelling mode you can rotate left or right the label. Link label elements to data: TDataset descendant, csv or json. Table element to print records from detail tables. Inplace editing text, align positions vertical and horizontal. Set background rounded rectangle. Symbols can be created by code and saved in categories and libraries, to then be inserted in a certain position, scale and angle of rotation. Symbols can have one or more connection points, to link to other elements in the drawing. You can organize the elements of the drawing in layers, which you can hide or print as needed. You can add dimensions and measurements to the drawing, their appearance can be modified using dimension styles. In technical drawings, apart from the units, you can define a scale greater than one, which will be taken into account when placing the dimensions and measurements New elements: nutriscore display, level, rank, show box sizes At https://www.mesurasoft.com/Plabel you can find downloadable demos of the three editors: labels, flowcharts and technical drawings, an example of generating a dynamic SVG from a browser with webbroker, as well as a pdf document where the editor's functionalities are explained for the end user. Here https://www.youtube.com/@MESURASOFT are some videos showing funcionalities It is available in versions Delphi 10 (Seattle) to Delphi 12.0 (Athens) Previous users who purchased the PLABEL VCL 2.8 license of the components have a special access price to this version. There is a 20% discount coupon [ PLABEL ] until September 4.
  2. JohnLM

    Receiving an 'Unsafe app blocked' message

    Success!! Okay. I figured out what was causing the problem. I need new glasses. I could not see the part about the link and clicked "Got it" which does not install. 1. So, I deleted the Android folder from the project folder. 2. Then, I restored a backup copy of the origianl unaltered "AndroidManifest.template.xml" file. 3. Compiled/deployed to android. 4. when a "Unsafe app blocked' message appears on the android phone, just above the large blue "Got it" button, click the "More details" link. 5. when you see additional details display, click on the "Install anyway" link. 6. enter your phones sign-on password 7. a dialog of security questions will appear, I just click the Continue button, bottom right. 8. another dialog box pops up for "look for updates.." and "ok". select OK button. 9. app will now load up. -- finished
  3. Darian Miller

    Unicode Statistics Tool

    27398 attached 27398_unicode_statistics_tool.ZIP
  4. Remy Lebeau

    What component I can use to display images in Android ?

    Another option would be a TListView with an image per list item: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/en/FMX.ListView.TListView
  5. JonRobertson

    What component I can use to display images in Android ?

    I would try placing a TScrollBox on the form, then place three TImage components inside the scrollbox. I suspect there are other ways that may provide more flexibility. I don't have the experience with FMX to suggest a better option.
  6. Remy Lebeau

    What component I can use to display images in Android ?

    Did you look at the TImage component yet? https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/en/FMX.Objects.TImage
  7. That would not work. That is taking the last character and type-casting its value to a pointer, which is not the same thing as taking a pointer to the last character. I would have used this instead: CharPrev(PChar(S), PChar(S) + Length(S)); That would work with both 0-based and 1-based strings.
  8. It is written for 1 based strings where length(s)+1 is ending #0 (unless string is empty). Are you compiling it with 0 based strings, where it would go beyond it? I do not know, why Pointer(S) and not @S[1]. Pointer probably works also correctly with empty strings, but there is already empty string check. CharPrev itself is Windows api function that accepts PChar parameters.
  9. I have this pain when i press Ctrl-C a lot but i think this cause a 3-Party tool. Have deinstalled Bookmarks and Navigator. Now it‘s better. Not so often.
  10. silvercoder79

    Sending message to previous instance

    I know that your code uses C Builder but you might also get a couple of ideas (separate to those of the prev. posters) from here ... https://github.com/project-jedi/jvcl/blob/master/jvcl/run/JvAppInst.pas
  11. microtronx

    Delphi 12.1 : Freezed during words search

    I've been dealing with this issue for years, even before Delphi 11, and it's incredibly frustrating—especially when it happens after I forget to save my work.
  12. Dave Nottage

    Receiving an 'Unsafe app blocked' message

    There were Windows Phones. If you want an environment where the development requirements are not going to change, that's probably your best option.
  13. Lajos Juhász

    Receiving an 'Unsafe app blocked' message

    As it was mentioned earlier developing for mobile platforms is a moving target. In case of Android you have to follow the rules that Google sets every year. You cannot use the same tool for years like for Windows.
  14. Brian Evans

    "Death to WITH" in your Delphi Code

    If they added the ability to provide an alias the ambiguity would be gone. Aliases in SQL are useful and perform a similar function. Shortening repeated references can make code easier to read, the problem is the current WITH creates ambiguity. A code snipped from the blog post redone with the ability to provide an alias as an example: procedure TMyForm.UpdateInventoryItem(const NewQty: Integer); begin with dmStoreInventoryData as A do begin with A.tblUpdateItemForStore as B do begin B.Edit; B.FieldByName('Qty').AsInteger := NewQty; B.Post; end; end; end;