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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/24 in all areas

  1. Hello all, We're a small company, our Delphi developer team works largely remotely and I'm one of the members who actually lives in a different country from the rest of the team. We must frequently release updates of our various software products. Each team member uses Finalbuilder and Signtool to automate the process of compiling, code signing and generating setups. Some of our products consist of dozens of executables and dll's so the automation of the build-and-sign process is a must-have. Our Digicert EV code certificate expires in February 2025. We're now faced with the problem that certificate providers seem to expect you to have the certificate on a USB device which is kinda unpractical if developers work remotely from different countries. We need common access to the certificate and we need to be able to automate the signing process. I'd very much like to hear from other developer teams who are in the same boat, how they tackle this problem.
  2. Vincent Parrett

    Code signing in a remotely working team?

    We're working on a code signing server that supports tokens/pfx etc - allows you to do remote code signing very easily. All you need is network access to the server from a remote location (ideally over a vpn) and the client (a command line tool, which FinalBuilder will support). We're just tidying up loose ends (like the installer) before beta - hopefully in a few weeks.
  3. Anders Melander

    Code signing in a remotely working team?

    There's your problem. You should use a single central build server instead of delegating the build task to individual developers. If you don't have a central server which can function as a build server, at least designate one of the developers as the "build master".
  4. pyscripter

    P4D Android external library

    To automatically deploy python modules you need to use these related projects: Embarcadero/Lightweight-Python-Wrappers: Lightweight Wrappers based on Python4Delphi to make it easy to import Python modules into Delphi components. (github.com) Embarcadero/PythonPackages4Delphi: General collection of Python Packages wrapped for use in Delphi and C++Builder (github.com) Embarcadero/P4D-Data-Sciences: A collection of lightweight Python wrappers based on Python4Delphi simplifying Data Sciences development with Delphi (github.com) The second one already contains the wrapped MoviePy python package.
  5. pyscripter

    P4D Android error

    You need to deploy python to the Android device for this to work. Please see: Embarcadero/PythonEnvironments: Components to simplify the deployment for Python environments for Delphi applications using Python4Delphi. (github.com) and PythonEnvironments/samples/environments/deploy/sample_06_SimpleAndroid at main · Embarcadero/PythonEnvironments (github.com)
  6. dummzeuch

    GExperts 1.3.24 Beta1 for Delphi 12

    The current source code compiles fine in Delphi 12.2 and I haven't noticed any new bugs. The Installer for Delphi 12.1 works for Delphi 12.2. I haven't heard of any problems there either.
  7. Delphi 12.2 introduced a new text-processing engine, WebStencils, that can be used in WebBroker and other applications to generate HTML and other template-based text. To get my head around how to work with this, I wrote a couple of small WebBroker applications, one using PageProducers and the other doing the same thing using WebStencils. You can read about it in my latest blog entry, Introducing WebStencils and download the projects from Github. I hope this is useful for learning about this new text-processing engine.
  8. Joseph MItzen

    Delphi roadmap 2024

    Who do they feel the need to keep the details secret from? All 27 other commercial Pascal IDE vendors?
  9. pyscripter

    How to release memory used by exceptions?

    This was a reference counting bug. This is now fixed in version control. See Memory leak when PyErr_SetObject is used · Issue #485 · pyscripter/python4delphi (github.com). Could you please try with the latest version and report whether the issue is solved.
  10. Uwe Raabe

    Serialize/Deserialize Enums with no RTTI

    I know, that probably won't solve your problem, but I usually get rid of these kind of enumerations in favor of proper ones supported by RTTI. The numerical values are handles by record helpers: type TReportTypeCode = (reportTypeCodeSTR, reportTypeCodeLCTR, reportTypeCodeCDR, reportTypeCodeLVCTR, reportTypeCodeEFTR); TReportTypeCodeHelper = record helper for TReportTypeCode private const cMapping: array[TReportTypeCode] of Integer = (102, 106, 113, 14, 145); function GetAsInteger: Integer; procedure SetAsInteger(const Value: Integer); public property AsInteger: Integer read GetAsInteger write SetAsInteger; end; function TReportTypeCodeHelper.GetAsInteger: Integer; begin Result := cMapping[Self]; end; procedure TReportTypeCodeHelper.SetAsInteger(const Value: Integer); begin for var idx := Low(Self) to High(Self) do begin if cMapping[idx] = Value then begin Self := idx; Exit; end; end; raise EInvalidOperation.Create('invalid Integer value for TReportTypeCode'); end; Now there is no more casting to and from Integers.
  11. nader38

    Cannot build iOS 15.1 apps

    In case anyone has same issues with this. Dave Nottage pointed out to me that at least in my case the problem seemed to be the cache-dir-XXXX folders on the Mac. Once I deleted them and re-imported all was fine.
  12. Lajos Juhász

    fmxLinux missing?

    It was mentioned at Delphi 12.2 Webinar. After the death of Eugene Kryukov Embarcadero has no legal agreement to include it with version 12.2. They are working on to make an agreement to continue to include it in future versions of Delphi. https://blogs.embarcadero.com/eugene-kryukov-father-of-firemonkey-and-incredibly-talented-developer