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  1. Hi folks, after searching a lot for different possibilities, Alexander remembered me that we can use his components (https://delphihtmlcomponents.com/) to create very simply pdf files on the fly. If you search for a component to create PDF files without much code from HTML (incl. using images files) use this code: thtdocument.HTMLtoPDFFile(ahtmlstring:string; aPDFfile:string); Thanks to @Alexander Sviridenkov for his wonderfull components.
  2. miab

    TDataSet emulation without database

    Why don't you use?: -kbmmemtable -clientdataset -fdmemtable -zmemtable Michał
  3. That would be my guess. Most likely a network router thinks the HTTP connection has been idle for too long and is killing the connection. This is a common problem in FTP, for instance, where a long file transfer on a data connection leaves the command connection idle. The TIdFTP component has a NATKeepAlive property to address that issue. You will likely have to enable the same TCP-level keepalive on your HTTP connection, too (ie, by calling the TIdHTTP.IOHandler.Binding.SetKeepAliveValues() method). Otherwise, try switching to a different protocol, like WebSocket, or a custom protocol, that will let you send pings/pongs periodically to keep the connection alive over long periods of idleness.
  4. Bill Meyer

    New Delphi job opportunity

    In a software company? That only reinforces my opinion of MBA programs.
  5. Make sure you right click on the pch file in the project and select "Use for precompiling". This is set by default for a new project but won't be if you have an old project that used to be compiled with the classic compiler. With that set I usually find moving from Classic to Clang that the build takes around 4 to 5 times longer, which can just about be squeezed down to only twice as long using Twine.
  6. Vincent Parrett

    New Delphi job opportunity

    I've had zero success recruiting delphi developers in the last few years - devs here in Australia do not want to work with delphi. I have found most devs also only apply for jobs that state the toolset they will be using (or they ask when applying) - advertising a job that doesn't mention that doesn't generally help. I tried doing that once and had people walk out of interviews when I told them we use Delphi - sadly most said they had never heard of it plus the odd "oh is that still around" . Younger devs want to work with what ever is the current flavour of the month (js react, go, rust etc) and I can't really blame them for that. Unfortunatly delphi suffers from many issues which are a turn off for employers and prospective employees. Poor quality - this has been an issue for a very long time (since the Inprise era). Each release improves a little, but then bring new issues, and many issues remain unresolved for years. Lack of language evolution - the language has barely changed - where other languages like C# etc have - yes there has been some tinkering around the edges, but apart from generics not much really. Lack of investment - in the early days Delphi sold like hotcakes - but that income was syphoned off to other "enterprise" products that never went anyway (Inprise era). I don't see any evidence of that ever recovering. Imho the poor quality is what has really turned many people away. TBH I would be embarrassed training a new dev on Delphi, having to explain all the work arounds etc that I use almost without thinking (like restarting the IDE many times each day), it would be just too time consuming and frustrating. Some days the frustration levels have me looking for career change! So is it any wonder that delphi jobs are few and far between. Here in Australia I see one or two a year advertised - and then those usually worded to suggest the job involves migrating their projects to other languages like C#.
  7. David Schwartz

    New Delphi job opportunity

    I know, it's very odd to me as well. When I graduated from college I got hired by Intel. They tended to hire EEs; my degree was in math / computer science. Everything I worked with there was proprietary. I got caught up in their first layoff 5-1/2 years later. Looking for what was next, people kept telling me, "Well, you've got a CS degree ... you can learn anything pretty quickly, right?" I ended up getting hired at a Motorola division and they wanted me to learn C and Unix. C++ was just coming to the fore as well. After the world didn't come to an end on Jan 1, 2000 (Y2K) the market was flooded with about one million excess programmers, most of whom were here on H-1B visas. That changed the entire complexion of hiring practices across the software and IT industry. Jobs that used to get 5-10 job applicants were now getting hundreds. Executive Recruiters who used to have the ear of hiring managers disappeared, and everything was moved to automated systems. Job descriptions became more standardized and HR people didn't really have any clue what any given job entailed. People learned they could "keyword stuff" their resumes to improve their chances of getting a call-back, if not an interview, whether they knew what the jobs were or not. Things have devolved to the point where it hardly matters what your educational background is -- if you don't have 3-5 years immediate experience with whatever platform or stack a project is using, they won't consider you. Nobody wants to pay for on-the-job training any more. I was at the event when Delphi was announced in 1995 and got a free copy of it. I started playing with it and was quite amazed. Unlike VB, you could build Delphi extensions (components) in Delphi itself, you didn't need to use another language. And unlike VB and other things where all "extensions" were DLLs, Delphi's components could be linked into the EXE as normal library code, so there was no run-time penalty to use them. Over the next 5 years, I switched my focus from C++ to Delphi, mainly because Delphi was so much easier to work with, especially for UI-based apps. Since 2005, I've had a bunch of different roles that I got mainly because of my Delphi expertise. Every one of them had fairly complex systems that took many months to learn and were in application domains that were new to me and had very little in common other than they were all built in Delphi. Most of them were, in the words of one colleague, "keeping a comatose patient alive until the new system was built", usually that meant "porting" it over to C#/.NET. I never saw any of those "ports" get completed. The last place I was at, I kept hearing people at all levels of the organization say things like, "Well, you're the Delphi expert, so you understand how all of this stuff works, right?" (IOW, since I knew Windows, I obviously must also know how ALL Windows apps work.) This was an incredibly complex system and it took most of a year to start making sense to me. A guy they hired 8 months after I'd started didn't know much about Delphi but had 10 years of app domain experience, and he was able to come up to speed much faster than I did because of his extensive domain expertise. I discovered that the entire (Delphi) dev team quit in 2011, although very little had changed since 2009. My first day on the job I was told, "Do not touch ANY of the code!" It has always struck me as odd that hiring managers seem to think there's more relevance in knowing a given programming language / platform versus an application domain. The app domains are usually far more complicated and take a lot longer to learn than a new programming language / platform. I mean ... at some point programming is programming. Every imperative programming language is pretty much the same, and they all tend to have the same structure, so learning one more isn't a big deal. (Actually, they're all easy to read; writing new code takes a little more time.) I'm semi-retired now so I don't have to deal with this crap any more. I can do what I want with my time now.
  8. David Heffernan

    New Delphi job opportunity

    It just seems so weird to me that there is such a thing as a Delphi developer. Are companies really not prepared to teach people? How can it be harder to learn a new language than to learn a new code base? Nothing here computes to me.
  9. limelect

    LangMan for Delphi

    I have been using for years DKLang with great satisfaction https://github.com/yktoo/dklang However, on D7 I had DKLang Translation Editor which is needed. I used this library on many projects and https://yktoo.com/en/software/dklang-localization-package/ https://yktoo.com/en/software/dklang-translation-editor/