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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/22 in all areas

  1. I am a systems administrator and with every upgrade there is always risk and someone's system becomes unusable. To avoid some grief here is a pre-check list of the basics from a system level to help put together a back out plan. 1. Full backup via system image As always, data loss is unacceptable and not being able to roll back is unacceptable. Take a system image. 2. Source files - Branch or Backup I plan to branch my projects for the first few days in 11.2 so I have a rollback. Anything that is not in source control should obviously get a snapshot via zip or backup software. 3. Registry export reg export HKCU\SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\22.0 Pre_11_2_BkUp.reg Always have a backup, and read the release notes / known issues before you upgrade. No need for good luck with this upgrade, you have a back-out plan !
  2. Don't use json. I usually send via MultipartFormData, encoded in WebP with 80% quality, as it is practically identical to the original. See attached the original png image of 2292 KB and the WebP with 80% quality resulting in 61 KB. photo.webp
  3. Brian Evans

    FireDAC array DML performance issue

    Would suggest using the Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server - OLE DB Driver for SQL Server | Microsoft Docs instead of ODBC. Without seeing your code it is just guessing why it is slow. Certainly a large difference between local and over the network suggests your code isn't using ArrayDML with a large enough batch size or any batch size at all.
  4. Would the System.IOUtils TDirectory.Delete() work for you ? It has the "Recursive" parameter option. class procedure TDirectory.Delete(const Path: string; const Recursive: Boolean); var PostCallback: TDirectoryWalkProc; begin CheckDeleteParameters(Path, Recursive); if Recursive then begin PostCallback := function (const Path: string; const FileInfo: TSearchRec): Boolean var CompletePath: string; begin Result := True; if (FileInfo.Name <> TPath.FCParentDir) and (FileInfo.Name <> TPath.FCCurrentDir) then begin CompletePath := TPath.DoCombine(Path, FileInfo.Name, False); // clear read-only, system and hidden attributes that can compromise // the deletion {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} FileSetAttr(CompletePath, System.SysUtils.faNormal); {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} case FileInfo.Attr and System.SysUtils.faDirectory of System.SysUtils.faDirectory: // remove empty directories RemoveDir(CompletePath); 0: // remove files DeleteFile(CompletePath); end; end; end; // delete all the files and subdirectories WalkThroughDirectory(Path, '*', nil, PostCallback, Recursive); // DO NOT LOCALIZE end; // delete the directory itself {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} FileSetAttr(Path, System.SysUtils.faNormal); {$ENDIF} RemoveDir(Path); end; BTW: It has also a CreateDirectory, which uses ForceDirectories(FullPath); and seems a little bit more reliable class procedure TDirectory.CreateDirectory(const Path: string); var FullPath: string; begin FullPath := TPath.DoGetFullPath(Path); CheckCreateDirectoryParameters(FullPath); ForceDirectories(FullPath); end;
  5. Fellow forum members educated me of feature I did not know existed, or I knew, but I never used it this way. I've attached pdf-file for the info. Thanks all helping to get the call count, this is pretty cool. Get call count with Delphi Debugger.pdf
  6. Der schöne Günther

    Get call count with Delphi debugger

    I just noticed that if the breakpoint has a condition, the pass count reflects the number of times the condition was true. That's actually pretty nice. Now if only one line could have multiple breakpoints with different conditions... 😇 PS: Fun fact: If you kill the process with [Ctrl]+[F2] rather than letting it terminate gracefully, the IDE will still show the last pass count for a breakpoint.
  7. Add a breakpoint at the proper source line and open the context menu on that breakpoint. Set the Pass count to some high value. For more info see the docs: https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/Add_Source_Breakpoint
  8. Remy Lebeau

    How to force update to label during a loop

    No, but Repaint() is. In any case, depending on what the rest of your loop is doing, it may be worthwhile to move the logic into a worker thread, and then have that post updates to the UI thread when it wants to display something.
  9. DennisTW

    Python/Delphi synchronization

    Have you found the solution? I seem to have found the solution. I created the pythonengine and pythonmodule etc in a background thread procedure TQuoteThread._CreatePython(TheNil: TObject); begin RichEdit1 := TMemo.Create(nil); PythonGUIInputOutput := TPythonGUIInputOutput.Create(nil); PythonGUIInputOutput.UnicodeIO := true; PythonGUIInputOutput.Output := RichEdit1; modDBFireDac := TPythonModule.Create(nil); modDBFireDac.OnInitialization := modDBFireDacInitialization; modDBFireDac.ModuleName := 'DBFireDac'; PyDelphiWrapper := TPyDelphiWrapper.Create(nil); PythonEngine := TPythonEngine.Create(nil); // 4.17 PythonEngine.IO := PythonGUIInputOutput; modDBFireDac.Engine := PythonEngine; PyDelphiWrapper.Engine := PythonEngine; PythonEngine.LoadDll; pyObj := PyDelphiWrapper.Wrap(self); // 4.15 with GetPythonEngine do begin // Define a new variable "T" in the DB module //4.37 modDBFireDac.SetVar('MainForm', pyObj); modDBFireDac.SetVar('BackgroundThread', pyObj); //4.37 Py_XDecRef(pyObj); // Excecute the script ExecStrings(aLines); end; end; Then in the python script, it assigned the delphi thread to a python object delphithread = DBFireDac.BackgroundThread When I need to pass output to Delphi, from within python script, I simply call the delphi thread method delphithread.AddLine(text) In Delphi, the Delphi Thread method use TThread.ForceQueue to call a Form Method which add the output text to a TStringList procedure TQuoteThread.AddLine(TheLine: String); var aObj: TStringObj; begin if (TheLine <> '') and Assigned(UIEvent_PrintLine) then begin TThread.ForceQueue(nil, procedure begin aObj := TStringObj.CreateWith(TheLine); UIEvent_PrintLine(aObj); FreeAndNil(aObj); end, 1); end; end;