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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/24 in all areas

  1. Remy Lebeau

    Delphi Clipboard - WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE (sent, but no changes)

    Yes, it does. That is showing you that the sequence number isn't changing,which means the clipboard content is not changing. You are just getting spurulous messages. So check the sequence number on each message and if it hasn't changed value since the last time you called it then ignore the message.
  2. PawelPepe

    Delphi Clipboard - WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE (sent, but no changes)

    @Remy Lebeau It works! Thank you! @Brian Evans, @Kas Ob. Thanks for help!
  3. Kazantsev Alexey

    Font size in macOS app

    You can register your own IFMXSystemFontService.
  4. Remy Lebeau

    Delphi Clipboard - WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE (sent, but no changes)

    Try using GetClipboardSequenceNumber() on each message to check if the clipboard content has actually changed. Also, the OnCreate/OnDestroy events are not the best place to register/remove your listener. Those events are tied to the lifetime of the Form object, not its HWND window, which may be recreated dynamically during the Form's lifetime. You should instead override the Form's virtual CreateWnd() and DestroyWnd() methods.
  5. I used ApiMonitor to track this behavior, the result of all clipboard functions called for MMC.exe : One function in particular is the culprit so i tested it and found SetClipboardViewer(0); // invalid handle here This will trigger sending WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE to all registered handlers, mmc is calling it, i think many of these system administration tools will call it too. Save the clipboard content or part of it and compare for changes on every WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE.
  6. Brian Evans

    Delphi Clipboard - WM_CLIPBOARDUPDATE (sent, but no changes)

    Windows messes with the clipboard so higher integriity processes do not see/get content put there by lower integrity processes. This may be the source of the extra change messages. The problem tasks you list all run with a High integrity level while most things like File Explorer run with Medium. Might have to keep track of the clipboard content and check it is has really changed (not just went from empty to having something or the reverse).
  7. Kas Ob.


    Most likely you can, but just for editing files, it is easier to use Notepad++ than Delphi to edit JavaScript and HTML, from https://developer.kaiostech.com/
  8. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Any chance of getting a signed installer?

    Just a reminder about self-signed certificates: they're no more valid than no certificate for Windows, and that's normal. Nothing prevents someone from creating one with the same name as the original certificate and spreading malware in the software. The advantage of expensive certificates is that there is a check on the identity of the signatory or his company. This is the only reason to use certificates: to validate the issuer and ensure that the file has not been modified since it was signed. Self-signature can only be used within a company, with a key distributed to company devices for internal software. For external software, it's of no use at all. To create a personal certificate, all you have to do is go to the environment options in the Windows deployment level, and the IDE will suggest either using an existing certificate, or creating your own.
  9. Stefan Glienke

    What are the performance profilers for Delphi 12?

    I'll take that opportunity and talk about it for an entire session at the Delphi Day and the Delphi Summit (the schedule still lists me talking about spring4d but for once I pass on that topic) 😉
  10. Jim McKeeth

    Any chance of getting a signed installer?

    Understandable. I didn't realize they jacked up the prices and complexity of certificates. And thanks for all you do in maintaining GExperts!
  11. Lajos Juhász

    How to debug a Not Responding program element

    Sometimes a logging can help. Log the start and finish of every action you take when the menu is executed (starting loading this / finished, starting that / finished). The part that does not have the finished event in the log is caused the hang.
  12. PeterBelow

    How to debug a Not Responding program element

    If you can reproduce the problem in the debugger the Run -> Program Pause menu item should get you the code location the program is currently executing.
  13. Lars Fosdal

    How to debug a Not Responding program element

    Pausing the app in the debugger and inspecting each thread might also offer clues. In my experience, such hangs are typically caused by - forgetting to call an inherited method - deadlock on a resouce - loop that has exit conditions that are never met and in rare cases, slow recursions with low stack impact
  14. Anders Melander

    How to debug a Not Responding program element

    Install madExcept and use that to detect and report when the application freezes (provided the freeze is caused by the application not pumping the message queue).