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Found 70 results

  1. I've written a fairly small web app for testing and learning using WebBroker that makes a few InterBase database queries and I've got it working as both an ISAPI DLL under IIS on Windows and as an Apache Web Module for Apache 2.4 on Windows. I'm now testing it under Apache for Linux and while a simple database query still works, another part of this app does not. One of the web actions is hooked up to a TDataSetTableProducer and it requires a wait cursor (TFDGUIxWaitCursor) in order to work. That component has a Provider property where leaving it at the default of FMX worked just fine for Windows versions (IIS and Apache) but fails under Apache for Linux. I tried changing the Provider to Console and replacing the used units but that did not help. Does anyone know how to use datasets for Apache web modules under Linux using FireDAC which requires a wait cursor? Reference: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Sydney/en/FireDAC.Comp.UI.TFDGUIxComponent.Provider
  2. Hello - I think I must just be missing something, but I wrote some code that creates a list of strings setting up a transaction that writes data to a parent table and several child tables, linked by the key generated from the record in the parent table. (We have text files containing disparate data in a single record, all keyed by location and date/time. It had worked but now is not. I have done some editing of the code and tweaking of the table structures, but none I can think of that would cause the issue. The app loads the data from 2 text files into 2 temporary tables that are then queried in the sequence created in the transaction. I get all the records in the parent table, but none in any of the child tables. I'm at my wits end trying to figure out why it's not working. If someone can point me to something, even if it embarrasses me to no end, I'd be ever grateful. I have attached the generated transaction. Thanks. Teri SQLStr_Append.txt
  3. Mark Williams

    FireDac PostgreSQL and TBatchMove

    Has anyone been able to get the BatchMove component to work correctly with PostgreSQL in AppendUpdate mode where there is an auto inc key field? My BatchMove component creation code is below. In addition, either the FDConnectionPG ExtendedMetaData param is set to true or the FDQueryPG updateOptions.AutoIncFields is set. Either way produces the same result, although I understand there is an efficiency hit with use of ExtendedMetaData. The problem is that whilst new rows get added to the table and my auto inc key field value gets set, it is running backwards ie -1, -2, -3 etc. Am I missing something or is this a bug? var FBatchMove: TFDBatchMove; FReader: TFDBatchMoveDataSetReader; FWriter: TFDBatchMoveSQLWriter; F:TField; begin FBatchMove := TFDBatchMove.Create(nil); FReader := TFDBatchMoveDataSetReader.Create(FBatchMove); FWriter := TFDBatchMoveSQLWriter.Create(FBatchMove); try FReader.DataSet:=FDQueryPG; FWriter.Connection:=FDConnectionPG; FWriter.TableName:='dummy'; FBatchMove.CommitCount:=1000; FBatchMove.Mode := dmAppendUpdate; FBatchMove.options:=FBatchmove.Options+[poIdentityInsert]; FBatchMove.Execute; finally FWriter.Free; FReader.Free; FBatchMove.Free; end;
  4. Guys, i'm having trouble using TBatchMove in my project. I'm migrating data from a Firebird database to a PostgreSQL database. I thought to retrive the data from de FB database without the primary key fields, because the destination tables in the PG database already have a primary key setted as serial, therefore the DB would create the indexes i needed. However, TBatchMove doesn't seem to work well with implicit values, everytime i try to execute the command, it tries to pull the primary key value from the closest field. When i added mappings to the component... Well, it started to try sending null values to the table. I am getting desperate, any solutions for this problem?
  5. I am using a TFDMemTable to import text data. When processing comma delimited files with double-quoted values an error occurs when the last line in the file does not have a line feed. To reproduce this problem create a text file with the following values in notepad: "name","date","amount" "Alpha","1/1/2021","100" "Bravo","1/2/2021","200" "Charlie","1/3/2021","300" Make sure you save the file with the final cursor at the end of the "Charlie" line. The following error will occur on BatchMove.Execute; The error does not occur if double-quote characters are not used. The error does not occur if you add a line feed so the cursor is on the line after "Charlie" when the file is saved. myTable := TFDMemTable; myReader := TFDBatchMoveTextReader; myWriter := TFDBatchMoveDataSetWriter; myMover := TFDBatchMove; procedure Test (const p_FileName: String); var // --- Added in attemp to bypass the issue I: Integer; // --- Added in attemp to bypass the issue begin myReader.FileName := p_FileName; for i := 0 to myReader.Datadef.Fields.Count-1 do // --- Added in attemp to bypass the issue myReader.Datadef.Fields.DataType := atString; // --- Added in attemp to bypass the issue myReader.DataDef.WithFieldNames := True; myWriter.DataSet := myTable; myWriter.Optimise := False; myMover.Reader := myReader; myMover.Writer := myWriter; myMover.GuessFormat; myMover.Analyze := [taDelimSep, taHeader, taFields]; myMover.AnalyzeSample := 50; myMover.Execute; end; The files being processed are automatically obtained from other systems. We cannot control the presence of the linefeed without modifying the received file. Can you please advise on how to handle this issue?
  6. Serge_G

    SQLite, adding a function

    Hi, I am surely doing something wrong there, but I can't understand where. I wrote a FDSQLiteFunction (well more than one) All of these return me widestrings, I was expecting Currency, Date, Currency. Note, first one came from help http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/CodeExamples/Sydney/en/FireDAC.SQLite_Sample procedure TDM.FDSQLiteFunction1Calculate(AFunc: TSQLiteFunctionInstance; AInputs: TSQLiteInputs; AOutput: TSQLiteOutput; var AUserData: TObject); begin // from sample AOutput.AsCurrency := AInputs[0].AsCurrency * AInputs[1].AsInteger; end; procedure TDM.FDSQLiteFunctionAAAAMMJJ2DateCalculate( AFunc: TSQLiteFunctionInstance; AInputs: TSQLiteInputs; AOutput: TSQLiteOutput; var AUserData: TObject); var vSDate : String; vDate : TDate; begin vsDate:=AInputs[0].AsString; vDate:=EncodeDate(StrToInt(Copy(vsdate,1,4)), StrToInt(Copy(vsdate,5,2)), StrToInt(Copy(vsdate,7,2))); AOutput.AsDate:=vDate; end; procedure TDM.FDSQLiteFunctionMontantCalculate( AFunc: TSQLiteFunctionInstance; AInputs: TSQLiteInputs; AOutput: TSQLiteOutput; var AUserData: TObject); var vMontant : Currency; IMontant : String; begin IMontant:=AInputs[0].AsString; Vmontant:=StrToFloat(IMontant); if Ainputs[1].AsString='-' then vMontant:=Vmontant * -1; AOutput.AsCurrency:=vMontant; end; Don't understand why! Ok, it's at design time, but I think that matters.
  7. bazzer747

    Date Sorting Odd

    I have a MSSQL table of financial transactions and I retrieve the data with a FDQuery which has the following statement: 'SELECT * FROM tAccounts ORDER BY AccName, TxnDate, Deposit' And executing that from the TFDQuery gives the correct results - a list in Account order and within that date order. See attached SQLView.jpg, specifically records 501 and 502 (correct date order). However, when I view this same table in a DBGrid in my application, the order is not the same. See attached DBGView.jpg, note the 20 Feb is before 17th Feb. The field is a Date datatype and there is no alteration to the Select statement anywhere in the application. The DBGrid is the first thing shown in the application and neither Formcreate or FormActivate do anything to alter the data returned. This 'mis-sorting' shows on several other of the records and my thinking is that in the DBGrid the TxnDate field is sorted in yyyy-mm-dd order, as in '20210217', which numerically comes before '20210220'. So this is what's happening, it seems, but why, when the SQL returns the data in the correct order does the DBGrid 're-sort' in a numeric fashion?
  8. bazzer747

    Macro substitution in Locate

    Hi, I'm aware that you can use a macro substitution in a select statement when you don't know some value until runtime (like a fieldname). If there a similar function that can be used in a Locate? I am developing a 'Search' on an accounts program where the user first selects a fieldname in which he looks for a value, maybe a 'Payee' fieldname or an 'Account' fieldname or a 'Deposit' fieldname. So the field on which to conduct the locate isn't known until runtime. A usual locate might look like this: if fdqA.Locate('Payee', cPayee ), []) then ShowMessage('Located!') else ShowMessage('Failed!'); But the user might want to search on 'Account' or 'Deposit'.
  9. bazzer747

    Filter on InternalCalc field

    Hi I have a table with a field called 'cTaxYear', which is created as an Internal Calculated field (fkInternalCalc), it's a 7 character string field and contains, for instance, '2008-09', being a tax year (here in the UK) from 7Apr2008 to 6Apr2009. The calculation is based on the date a dividend is paid out and works out what tax year that dividend falls into. It works perfectly well in dbgrids etc. However, when I try to create a filter, for instance to filter all the records with a tax year of '2008-09' the dbgrid displays nothing. There are about 150 records which do contain '2008-09' in the 'cTaxYear' field and the filter expression is 'cTaxYear = ' + QuotedStr( '2008-09' ); Reading about filters I see it says 'Only the fkInternalCalc and fkAggregate fields can be used in filtering, sorting, or locating operations....' (which is why I created an fkInternalCalc field)) but says nothing more about any settings that should be used (like maybe setting indexfieldnames). Does anyone know for sure that an InternalCalc field can actually be used in a filter expression? Or if it definitely can't?
  10. bazzer747

    Assigning Null value to Parameter

    Hi I'm struggling to enter a Null value into a field with a Firedac ExecSQL Update. My code to update a record looks like this: dm.fdc.ExecSQL( 'UPDATE tbCalendar SET EventDate = :pEd, Event = :pEv, EventTime = :pEt, Venue = :pVe, EventType = :pEvt, [Order] = :pOr, Competition = :pCo ' + ' WHERE ID = :pID', [ dDate, edEvent.Text, edTime.Text, cbVenue.Text, cbType.Text, StrToInt(cbOrder.Text), Null, iMatchID ]); 'dm.fdc' is the connection in a Data Module (dm). The 'Competition' field is not filled in by the User so needs to be assigned a Null value. Adding a new record does this by default but if the user has added a value and then wants to remove it I need to assign a Null back to the field. The above code has worked but at other times gives an error message: ..' data type is unknown... Specify TFDParam.DataType or assign TFDParam value before Prepare/Execute call.' But what DataType is Null and how does that code look? I've searched for how to do this but can't find a clear result. I've seen that you can assign Null to a field using 'Clear', but how does this get implemented. I've tried dm.fdcCalendar.Edit; dm.fdcCalendar.FieldByName('Competition').Clear; dm.fdcCalendar.Post; And that gives an error - '..update table does not have a PK or row identifier, record has been changed/deleted by another user' which is of little or no help as there is no other user as I'm testing. The Embarcadero wikipedia help is of little help, fofr some reason it refrains from giving code examples on most items I look up. And other sources, whilst nearly echoing what my issue is aren't quite the same issue.
  11. hi, did anybody have this issue: 1) FDquery1 to some MSSQL table 2) view dataset of FDquery1 thru DBGrid - 3 distinct records (same result in SSMS) 3) FDMemTable1.CopyDataSet(FDquery1,[coStructure, coRestart, coAppend]) 4) view dataset of FDMemTable1 thru DBGrid - 9 records (3 original records copied 3 times) what could be a problem?
  12. Flavio Basile

    [Firedac] SQLServer Table Locked

    Hi All. I'm using Firedac to connect my VCL Application with SQLServer. Since some weeks, I have strange Lock on tables. I have a FDQuery whit a simple "Select * from MyTable". I show the result with a DBGrid (a simple DBGrid). Another User opens a form with a FDQuery: "Select * from MyTable where ID = 1". The FDQuery is in Cached Update. When the user POST the data, the application of the user that has the first form whit the DBGrid, freeze. And also the user that has posted the data will be freezed. An important think is that the table on DB has 2 triggers that fire when the table has changed and that makes computation on field of the table. I have created a T-SQL function that gives to me information about lock: the dataset that are opened for that table are in the list. There is something that I need to do to prevent this error? Thanks, Flavio
  13. Jacek Laskowski

    Reversing from CloneCursor method

    Firedac datasets have the method DestDataset.CloneCursor (SrcDataset : TFDDataset...), which clones the cursor from the dataset given as a parameter. After performing this method internally both datasets have the same buffer with records. Is there any way to reverse/cancel the result of this method, i.e. break the links to the "foreign" buffer and recreate the original cursor/buffer? I mean especially TFDMemTable.
  14. Sqlite give the possibility to create two different ':memory:' databases and attach tables from the one database to the other. Using firedac with a ':memory:' sqlite database, is it possible to attach TFDmemtables as sqlite (virtual) tables? If so, how? Thank you in advance
  15. John Terwiske

    Firedac Sqlite bug?

    In Delphi Rio 10.3.3 (I've not tested this on other versions) there seems to be a parsing bug with this recursive CTE: WITH RECURSIVE example1_cte (Id, No, ParsedText, Unparsed) AS ( SELECT Id, 0 as No, '' as ParsedText, TextToParse || ',' as TextToParseWithTrailingComma FROM test1 UNION ALL -- "ALL" is not strictly necessary in this example SELECT Id, No+1, -- increment the counter for this row SUBSTR(Unparsed, 0, INSTR(Unparsed, ',') ), SUBSTR(Unparsed, INSTR(Unparsed, ',') + 1) FROM example1_cte WHERE Unparsed <> '' ) -- SELECT from the recursive cte SELECT Id, No, TRIM(ParsedText) as ParsedText FROM example1_cte WHERE ParsedText <> '' ORDER BY Id ASC, No ASC; When executed a Firedac error message appears: [FireDac][Phys][SQLite] Error: no such table column: example1_cte.Id. And yet, if the line below the UNION ALL is changed to SELECT Id+0, (I.e. just adding a zero to Id), the error message goes away, and the CTE works correctly. btw, this query works fine without the "+0" in other SQLite query processors (SQLiteStudio). I think this is a bug, but cannot locate it in JIRA. Attached is a quick and dirty example project. (Change the FDQuery1 to remove the "+0" to see the error.) I don't have 10.4 so not sure this still exists. Project1.dpr Project1.dproj Unit1.dfm Unit1.pas
  16. If I connect a TFDTable to a MariaDB table containing 2000 rows, and immediately call FindLast(), I get back True for success, but it positions on the 100th row of the table, not the 2000th. FDTable1.Open(); B:=FDTable1.FindLast(); Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('Return=%s A=%d', [NameFromBoolean(B), FDTable1A.AsInteger])); FDTable1.Close(); I'm running Delphi XE10.2. I've dug through the FireDAC source code and found it is applying LIMIT 100 to the initial select query to populate the TFDTable, but I'm not understanding why the FindLast runs in that initial query result rather than the whole table. Is there any workaround for this? Thanks.
  17. Jacek Laskowski

    FireDAC and pooling parameters

    What exactly are PoolCleanupTimeout and PoolExpireTimeout in FireDAC connection definition params? Documentation not explain these parameters. @Dmitry Arefiev ?
  18. I have recently encountered a situation where code was explicitly setting queries to use FetchOptions.RecordCountMode := cmTotal. The query involved was rather complex and therefore expensive to execute and due to the RecordCountMode set, was being executed twice as per the FireDAC Documentation. As a result, together with all the other workload it was bringing SQL Server to it's knees. That got me thinking about what are appropriate (read least resource utilization with best performance) settings to use in the following scenarios: 1) You open a query to gather data and iterate over each record not updating the record itself but perhaps issuing other SQL Statements., or generating a report -such a query could be ReadOnly, ForwardOnly 2) You open a query with RequestLive = True and iterate over it updating values which FireDAC posts back to the database In both of the scenarios above, to display progress information you want the total record count. What do developers usually use for FireDAcC FetchMode/RecordCountMode and other settings in such scenarios and what if any combination of settings are done globally with a TFDManager vs. locally at the query level?
  19. Lajos Juhász

    FireDAC - TFDEventAlerter

    Did anyone else tried to use TDEVentAlerter on Informix? I have installed the DBMS_ALERT and setup everything. When the component tried to register itself the error is: When the Event alerter tries to execute: EXECUTE PROCEDURE DBMS_ALERT_WAITANY(:name, :message, :status, :timeout)", ATimes=0, AOffset=0] The error message is: [FireDAC][Phys][ODBC][Informix][Informix ODBC Driver][Informix]Argument must be a Statement Local Variable or SPL variable or argument for an OUT or INOUT parameter. Delphi 10.4.1 there is on RSP-30452.
  20. Few months ago I prepared small demo application used FireDAC SQLite connection on an Android system. And it worked fine in an application built in Delphi 10.3. Then I updated Delphi to 10.4. And now I got: Project xxx.apk raised exception class ESQLiteNativeException with message ''. and after that: [FireDAC][Phys][SQLite] ERROR: no such table: items. Even table 'items' exists in the database file and I did not any changes in sources. Anyone had the same issue?
  21. I have had issues before with master/detail relationships with FireDAC. Here is my situation: RadStudio 10.1-Berlin, connecting to Pervasive SQL via ODBC (although I have had similar problems with MSSQL-Native, and Access via ODBC. Master dataset is a simple TFDMemTable with a few fields, the important one being an invoice number named "InvNmbr". Detail dataset is an equally simple TFDQuery . In this case I only need ONE field in the query If I set the detail query SQL to a simple single-table "SELECT InvNmbr, TaxAmount1 FROM XTOTAL WHERE InvNmbr=:INVNMBR;", set MasterSource to my FDMemTable's datasource and set MaterFields to 'InvNmbr', I get the error in the subject line. HOWEVER, if I get the detail query SQL to include a join on two related tables (which returns an identical recordset) "SELECT XMASTER.InvNmbr, TaxAmount1 FROM XMASTER INNER JOIN XTOTAL ON XMASTER.InvNmbr=XTOTAL.InvNmbr WHERE XMASTER.InvNmbr=:INVNMBR", and set the MasterSource/MasterFields the same way, it works properly?! I am at a loss to explain this? Of note: - There is only the one parameter so why is FireDAC even messing about with a parameter #2? - I thought maybe the InvNmbr field and INVNMBNR parameters might be muddling things, so I tried fully qualifying it in the single table query (as "XTOTAL.InvNmbr") and it does the same thing. - In my ODBC database the XMASTER and XTOTAL tables are both keyed on InvNmbr, and one matching record per InvNmbr exists in each table. Code that does not work: fdqStatementMaster.SQL.Text := 'SELECT XTOTAL.InvNmbr, TaxAmount1 FROM XTOTAL WHERE XTOTAL.InvNmbr=:INVNMBR;'; fdqStatementMaster.MasterSource := dsCustomerStatement; fdqStatementMaster.MasterFields := 'InvNmbr'; fdqStatementMaster.Open(); Code that does work: PrepTempQuery(fdqStatementMaster, 'SELECT XMASTER.InvNmbr, TaxAmount1 FROM XMASTER INNER JOIN XTOTAL ON XMASTER.InvNmbr=XTOTAL.InvNmbr WHERE XMASTER.InvNmbr=:INVNMBR'; fdqStatementMaster.MasterSource := dsCustomerStatement; fdqStatementMaster.MasterFields := 'InvNmbr'; fdqStatementMaster.Open(); I am baffled and frustrated and will be extremely grateful for a nudge in the right direction.
  22. bazzer747

    FireDac Query Issue

    Hi, I'm using a FireDac query to select different sets of data in an MSSQL database. I open the first query like this: dm.fdq.Open('SELECT * FROM tblUsers WHERE MSL = :pMG ORDER BY Sname, Fname',[ 1 ] ); which works fine. I then need to select a different set of records so I issue this (assuming this replaces the above statement): dm.fdq.Open('SELECT DISTINCT Fullname, Fname FROM vPGCEnrolments WHERE MatchGroup = :pMG AND MatchYear = :pY AND YES = 1',[ gvMatchGroup, gvYear ]); This works but I start to get Access violation error messages. The select works fine though, as the correct data displays. As I think this has something to do with the select statement I issue the following statement at the end of this procedure: dm.fdq.SQL.Clear; .. but when I look at the SQL string with ShowMessage( dm.SQL.text ); it still shows the Select Distinct line shown above. The Clear statement doesn't seem to clear anything. I've saved the SQL (assigning dm.fdq.SQL.text to a variable: cSQL, at the start of the procedure), and at the end of the procedure restore with dm.fdq.SQL.Add( cSQL ); but this does nothing either. I've a feeling I'm not understanding how the above should work correctly. Any advice would be appreciated.
  23. Hi, I have searched for 'simple' stuff in using FireDac but havn't found the answer to the following, which would save me lots of keying ... I have a datamodule with a fdQuery & Datasource, and the fdQuery has the following: 'Select * from tTable where Company = :pC order by oOrderName' - so a parameter is created in the query. If in my code I want to set the query to different values do I have to do the select statement again in it's entirety, like: dm.fdc.Open( 'Select * from tTable where Company = :pC order by oOrderName', [ 'Debenhams'] ); Or can I simply specify the new parameter value like: dm.fdc.Open( '', [ 'Woolworths' );
  24. bazzer747

    FireDac MySQL Connectivity

    Hi I'm trying to use a MySQL database on a remote MySQL Server. I've setup the Firedac TFDConnection with the correct parameters but when I try to test I get the following message: 'Cannot load vendor library [libmysql.dll, libmariadb or libmysqld.dll) The specified module could not be found Hint: check it is in the PATH or application EXE directories, and has x86 bitness' (see attached screenshot). I then went to the Embarcadero docwiki site which says much the same with a little more detail. I've followed the links it has for the libmysql.dll library and download it and put it in my EXE directory. However, when I try the test again I get the same message. I've closed Delphi (10.3.3) down and tried again but still get the same error message. Has anyone had similar issues and can suggest a way to fix this?
  25. Hi I'm having great difficulty in getting the syntax correct on a query I need to make via a Firedac Q!uery. Basically I want to set a WHERE clause that picks up all records that have a 'S' or 'R' in a certain field. In 'normal' SQL this codes like this: SELECT * FROM tTableName WHERE Status IN ('S', 'R') ORDER BY EventDate ... which works fine on the SQL Server, but how do I do this via a Firedac query? It may look something like this: qQueryName.Open('SELECT * FROM tTableName WHERE Status IN :pSR ORDER BY EventDate',[ ('S','R') ] ); The issue is how do I format the parameter - the above doesn't work, nor any of the different ways I can think of of setting the parameter to 'S','R'. Any help would be appreciated.