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  1. David Millington

    New in 10.3: IDE UI Improvements in the Main Window

    We use it internally, daily, and so it's had a lot of revision over time as we made changes. While nothing is ever perfect, I can tell you I love using it much more than 10.2.3 - it's is just nicer. The animated videos on the blog should give you an idea of what using it is like, I hope. If you have requests about other areas, let me know. There are two more blog posts in the UX series planned, on other areas in the IDE.
  2. Kryvich

    Delphi SQL Formatter

    I think 5 function calls or 5 assigments is not the best code style. Consider these variants: SQL.Add('SELECT EntCity, EntStageName' + sLineBreak + 'FROM Entertainers' + sLineBreak + 'WHERE 1=1' + sLineBreak + 'AND TEST=''TEST''' + sLineBreak + 'ORDER BY EntCity ASC, EntStageName ASC'); CommandText := 'SELECT EntCity, EntStageName' + sLineBreak + 'FROM Entertainers' + sLineBreak + 'WHERE 1=1' + sLineBreak + 'AND TEST=''TEST''' + sLineBreak + 'ORDER BY EntCity ASC, EntStageName ASC'; Optionally replace line breaks with spaces: SQL.Add('SELECT EntCity, EntStageName ' + 'FROM Entertainers ' + 'WHERE 1=1 ' + 'AND TEST=''TEST'' ' + 'ORDER BY EntCity ASC, EntStageName ASC');
  3. Mujkoni

    Delphi SQL Formatter

    SQL to Delphi code Download Default option is CommandText, but you can change it. There is also option SQL.Add
  4. Seems the new Delphi 10.3 Rio will get a new modern style, it's first major redesign since Delphi 8/2005 https://community.embarcadero.com/blogs/entry/new-in-10-3-ide-ui-improvements-in-the-main-window
  5. dummzeuch

    Set Tab Order expert

    The Set Tab Order Expert has two modes, the first one is simple: It displays a tree view of the currently selected control and allows you to move child controls by dragging them to other positions or using the new (since last weekend) buttons to move them up or down. The second mode is more complex: If you have selected more than one control (which must share the same parent), they are listed in the reverse(!) order in which you selected them. After you press OK, their tab order will be changed to that order. I didn't even know about this second mode until I just now found that code and read up on it in the documentation. Now I wonder whether it is a bug that the reverse order is being used. I think it's counter intuitive. If I want to set the tab order of controls, I would normally select them in the order I want the tab order to be. Is that just me? Do you use that functionality? (I am aware that CnPack does it very differently (and I like that approach up to a point) but that's not the topic here.)
  6. Kryvich

    Time bomb

    As a side note: ... mov [ebp-$04],eax mov eax,[ebp-$04] // <--- ??? call @UStrAddRef ... Compiler optimization is on. There is a place for optimizations. 😉
  7. David Millington

    New in 10.3: IDE UI Improvements in the Main Window

    @Attila Kovacs I look after the IDE, so it is "my work" in that sense, but credit really needs to go to our very hard-working developer, and the UX designer I worked with to create the new look. @Lars Fosdal + vs > is a stylistic choice, since > seems to be more common today.
  8. Kryvich

    Time bomb

    function x(const input: string; var output: string): boolean; begin output := input; UniqueString(output); //... end; ?
  9. Markus Kinzler

    Change the background color of a TEdit

    The "official" way is to create a new style with a copy of the component and switch at runtime.
  10. Sherlock

    Change the background color of a TEdit

    Tried it, and this is what it looks like: To the edit I added this line of code to the OnChangeTracking Event: procedure TForm20.Edit1ChangeTracking(Sender: TObject); begin Rectangle1.Visible := Edit1.Text.Length > 5; end; That's it.
  11. The Set Tab Order expert in GExperts allows you to change the tab order of controls by dragging them in a tree view. I have always wondered why the standard Tab Order dialog of the IDE has got buttons to move the current control up or down while the one in GExperts does not. https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/11/01/two-buttons-to-make-a-difference-in-the-set-tab-order-expert/
  12. il2

    Extracting SQL from Delphi code and DFMs

    Hi Dany! I'm interested in your tool either. May be a case for "I made this" sub-forum?
  13. Bill Meyer

    We need a Delphi Language Server

    Given that I doubt we will ever see a fully repaired IDE, the language server would be a boon, were it not for the issue of a form designer. The notion of using a CSS-like solution reminds me of the Regex joke: I had a problem, but solved it with Regex. Now I have three problems.
  14. Stefan Glienke

    Inline Variables Coming in 10.3

    Using that feature in code that also needs to compile in versions before 10.3 makes no sense - however once we migrate to a version that has this feature I will use it in company source code with great joy.
  15. Attila Kovacs

    Inline Variables Coming in 10.3

    {$ENDIF Something}? Rather: procedure DoesSomething; var var1: Integer; {$IFDEF Something} {$IFNDEF DXE103UP} var2: Integer; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} begin // use var1 {$IFDEF Something} {$IFDEF DXE103UP} var var2: Integer; {$ENDIF} // use var1 and var2 {$ENDIF} end; How many of you can start using the new syntax without paying attention?
  16. Memnarch

    Directions for ARC Memory Management

    Records have no reference counting, and never had