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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/18 in all areas

  1. I just published a blog article about how to write clean code, and also high-performance code. http://blog.synopse.info/post/2018/11/12/EKON-22-Slides-and-Code These were sessions at latest EKON 22 conference in Germany: we were more than 140 Delphi developers! Hope this helps!
  2. Is it possible to place the "mark site read" button on top bar of the site? And where is the button on mobile version of this site?
  3. When using the </> button in the text editor, it always defaults to HTML syntax highlighting. Can this be changed to Pascal by default?
  4. ByteJuggler

    New official Embarcadero forums online

    I was biting my tongue about this, but I must agree, it grinds my gears that at least the login page does not use https. (And if you have it for the login page you might as well have it for the entire site.) Passing login credentials in the clear is IMHO simply not acceptable, especially given the ease of procuring even free SSL certificates (https://letsencrypt.org/) these days. I mean, even little me runs my own mail server that has (LetsEncrypt) SSL both for the mail server and the web interface. It's not that hard.
  5. I wrote a simple & elegant calculator for Android using Delphi Tokyo 10.2.3 and released the source code on GitHub: https://github.com/bLightZP/ElegantCalculator This sample demonstrates basic scalable Android UI, taking screen scale into account. I wrote a basic string math formula parser since I couldn't find anything free that would compile for Android. You can check out the compiled Elegant Calculator on the google play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.inmatrix.ElegantCalculator
  6. Yaron

    Where do I store my own images on Android?

    @John Kouraklis I guess it really depends on how the images are used. I use the resource approach where the images are elements in my UI (buttons, sprites, etc). Unlike windows which places all the resources in the executable, if you look into the installation folder on Android, you'll see that all the resource files are in their own folder as actual files, so the resource function is just re-routing to these files. I also use a caching mechanism in my apps where the images are scaled in high quality to the UI resolution and then saved uncompressed to speed up future loads.
  7. Daniel

    RSS feeds for new posts ?

    Lars, this is the public thread. 😀
  8. Daniel

    RSS feeds for new posts ?

    Actually I'd prefer the second one, because it is the internal solution without plugins. For the moment I just want to know if it satisfies or not. 😉 So I am offering both for the moment and waiting for feedback. As soon as it becomes clear that this feed will help us, it will get a real name and it's final url.
  9. Arnaud Bouchez

    Clean Code and Fast Code Slides at EKON 22

    Yes, camel-casing or using commas are options. Since some of the code is expected to run on Delphi 7 (for several convenient reasons, no technical ones) we didn't use comma. But the point of the proposal was that we won't use the project name, but the *folder* name within the unit name, to ensure 1. that the file is easy to locate in the SCM or at file level 2. the folder logic is not about projects, but to ensure data/ui/projects/etc... are uncoupled. Folder layout, therefore unit name layout, therefore the system architecture, should not be project-oriented, but domain-oriented - see https://martinfowler.com/tags/application architecture.html
  10. I have about 6-7 different devices, including Android & iOS, for direct testing. But I mean that I'm lucky to have also several Beta-Tester, with more devices, so usually I can test about 20 different devices before upload to the stores.
  11. Edwin Yip

    Testing needed

    done: https://sourceforge.net/p/gexperts/feature-requests/47/
  12. Z Vadim

    Smart Mobile Studio 3.0.1

    Great. I hope Delphi will move tmapview to OSM too as Google Maps now costly for popular apps. Also u get paid for the app once but will be paying google forever for maps usage.
  13. Uwe Raabe

    fast file searching, what do you recommend, please?

    Look at the different overloads of GetFiles and use that one matching your needs. If you have to specify TSearchOption.soAllDirectories you should specify that to the appropriate overload. files := TDirectory.GetFiles('C:\Temp\', TSearchOption.soAllDirectories, function(const Path: string; const SearchRec: TSearchRec): Boolean begin Result := TPath.MatchesPattern(SearchRec.Name, '*.exe') or TPath.MatchesPattern(SearchRec.Name, '*.dll'); end);
  14. Stefan Glienke

    New in 10.3: IDE UI Improvements in the Main Window

    It will not get them more customers just because it's 64bit and runs out of memory later because all the instabilities and the compiler getting into a bad state because of compile errors or what not crashing the IDE will still be there as will the poor code tooling. Going the easy/cheap way every time is what puts Delphi and the IDE into the current situation of constantly having to react to external factors and tinker around edges. Sometimes I really have a hard time believing that or you just avoid certain features or have subconsciously developed a certain habit to do things differently. Or you just use it to prepare demos.
  15. Everything is the best tool ever. I use it multiple times a day and I find every file i need. In one second.
  16. Andrea Magni


    Welcome in this subgroup dedicated to MARS-Curiosity (MARS in short), a REST Library for Embarcadero Delphi! First of all I want to thank the Delphi Praxis team for the opportunity to have a dedicated subgroup here. MARS is an open source project, at the time I am writing this I am by far the main contributor. The project is hosted on GitHub ( https://github.com/andrea-magni/MARS ). This forum will supersede the G+ community and it is the right place where to ask questions about the project. If you actually find an issue with the library (and it is not a matter of knowing how to achieve something using the library's functionalities), please use the GitHub Issue tracker. Feel free to let me know your opinion about MARS as well as suggest new functionalities or changes in the library. I will be happy to hear from you all. Sincerely, Andrea
  17. Sherlock

    Been stupid for years

    I have been waiting for that reply ever since I first used that nick in an other forum back in 2000. 18 years...wow!