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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/20 in all areas

  1. Then you end up with different names for the same thing. How can that be better? Refactoring tools get these names changed very reliably. I don't understand why people are scared of changing names. If you aren't prepared to change names then your code will be a mess.
  2. Remy Lebeau


    Unless the result of FPosition + Count is higher than High(Int64), in which case the result will wrap to a negative value. Granted, that is unlikely to happen, but it is still a possibility with signed integer arithmetic. Perhaps, but Seek() is a very low overhead operation in a memory stream, so this is not really an issue. Then you should take this up with Embarcadero directly, since they are the only ones who can actually change it.
  3. Anders Melander

    Your RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney issues

    Pfft. That is up to the customer to decide. [edit: before I start a sh*t storm let me rephrase that] It should be up to the customer to decide. Not you, not Embarcadero and not Microsoft. If the customer wants to run on Windows 7, which I perfectly understand in many cases, then I will support it. They are paying for that privilege. We are here to serve their needs, not the other way around. Windows 7 has a market share around 20%. Slightly higher than OS X... Works for me. It complained to install but I haven't encountered any issues that I can pin on Windows 7.
  4. Lars Fosdal

    Unnamed types and RTTI

    Undeclared types probably do not have RTTI because it kinda pointless to be looking up an unnamed type using RTTI, since you don't have a name to look up. Besides, if you were using unnamed types in a class in production code, I'd fire you from my team.
  5. Primož Gabrijelčič


    Sorry, impossible to guess 😞 Would need a test app that shows that behaviour to say more.
  6. Not really. Besides only working inside the current unit, ist is merely a find and replace respecting some scope.
  7. While refactoring is still not perfect and does not work every time, I could improve it with turning off "View references before refactoring".
  8. uligerhardt

    how to get a pseudo-design mode at run-time

    Maybe using TApplicationEvents.OnMessage like in the attached project. RerouteMouseDown.zip
  9. Patch (Patch Tool) Test 1.0 is no longer showing in GetIt. What is back, however, are (Parnassus) Navigator and Bookmarks. Available if you have a subscription.
  10. I've just run the patch, here a list of whats going on: Before install I had TChart and all Features I installed via welcome page this seems to be just a shortcut to the GeitManager Got the first message Yes, I want ... Then I've got a fullscreen terminal, which is odd. because I cannot see a hanging message-box request, it was behind the terminal. After pressing OK, it moved on Seems to de-install all features I've had installed before even Interbase and all SDK's ... Then its restarting the IDE Of course something is missing now, need attention later ... Then the features components 2nd page were all removed (as they were uninstalled), I had to enable them. Even the samples. Installing the components ... tea time ... Re-Installing also loads the TeeChart, I hope this is the new version then. I will see later in my tests. Finally after install Teechart is back I can compile Android, so also the SDK seems to be back, but I'm unsure if all Android-Components wer initialized. The welcome page still shows a patch, it seems to be an error in "patch installed" detection I re-enabled my TChart usage in a project, and compile the project for test. I found a few issues then: 1. The message box was hiding behind the full-screen terminal 2. All features were disabled and de-installed, even the samples. This is maybe for safety, but I think this could be optimized. 3. When IDE ist startin, to re-install, it noted about missing BPL Surely this could be optimized too, to set the IDE into a kind "installer mode" before, ignoring missing BPL. Then only show message after 2nd start, if still anything is missing. 4. Patch "installed" detection doesn't work reliably
  11. Now you have the type named incorrectly in thousands of places. It should be called TItemExArray. Seems far worse to me.