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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/21 in all areas

  1. Anders Melander

    ANN: Better Translation Manager released

    As I briefly mentioned yesterday I've released v1.2.7797 of Better Translation Manager: Changes since previous release v1.1.7465: Import translations from CSV and other delimited text formats. Small reduction in resource module size (1.2 Kb). Added check for out of date DRC files. Machine translation using Microsoft Terminology Service now works again. A bunch of minor bug fixes. Get it while it's hot: Installer: http://melander.dk/download/amTranslationManagerInstall-1.2.7797.22083.exe Source: https://bitbucket.org/anders_melander/better-translation-manager The CSV import:
  2. I have run into the same problem with the RESTClient (and any HTTPS based controls for that matter), and i suspect the issue you are having with windows 7, is due to the limited cipher suites available on 7 and 8.1 Some servers have switched to using strong cipher's for their TLS...and merely enabling TLS 1.2 will not work on operating systems older than Windows 10. I've seen some servers only support TLS ciphers such as TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 These are not supported on Windows 7 (and i believe neither on 8.1) - there is no way to add them either. Microsoft in their (lack) of wisdom never added them on their final cipher update, despite them being in use at the time, and now these OS's no longer receive any mainstream support and are considered EOL, they won't ever add them. If you try to connect to a server which uses the above ciphers for TLS, on windows 7, you will get the 12175 security error. You can see what ciphers are supported on windows 7 here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/secauthn/tls-cipher-suites-in-windows-7 You can test your servers SSL certificate here to find out what TLS ciphers it supports: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest If the server supports ciphers on the list, and yet you are still getting the error then the previous posts for enabling TLS1.2 on windows 7 may work, you may also have to set the appropriate SecureProtocols property on the RESTClient.
  3. pyscripter

    InputQuery texts

    There is a corresponding event OnReceiveUniData. Which is used is based on IO.UnicodeIO, which by default is true.
  4. Rollo62

    Examples of Android apps

    Maybe this for a start ?
  5. dummzeuch

    Examples of Android apps

    If I remember correctly (from Google+ times), sharedr is written in Delphi. And If you want a suggestion, what to write: A countdown timer (tea timer) for the lock screen. Meaning one that does not require me to unlock the phone to start a countdown. Currently I'm using Ingress Timer but that one requires me to unlock the phone. I'd be willing to pay 5 Euros for such an app. Not sure if anybody else would, though.
  6. Dalija Prasnikar

    Examples of Android apps

    You can find some videos on Embarcadero YouTube channel. Only sky is the limit. There are no limitations on what you can achieve, it is only matter of how much time you need to do that. At the moment the weakest point for Android development is using native 3rd party libraries that come in AAR form - packaged library with resources because integrating those can be painful process.
  7. Follow-up Solution - Well, after continuing to try different things... Just changing the "Host name:" in the "Connection Profile Manager" got me past the deploy error. "Host name" changed from: MacBook-Pro = This was successful when "Test Connection" button pressed. Unsuccessful at actual deploy to device. "Host name" changed to: = This was successful when "Test Connection" button pressed. Successful at actual deploy to device. It does not seem like much, but such a simple change was only discovered after hours of searching and trial and error. So sorry. Thank you.
  8. Joseph MItzen

    "Divided by zero" exception

    OK, let me try this then... Vandrovnik's code example raised different exceptions depending upon whether 0 / 0 or 1 / 0 was attempted, with no exceptions masked or calls to outside libraries. MDagg seemed to be justifying this because of the two returning different results. In that context I felt that they should both have raised a "division by zero" exception since that was what was attempted in both cases, regardless of returned value. And that's all I have to say on the subject lest I start thinking that 7 * 13 = 28....
  9. Vincent Parrett

    Several F2084 Internal Error on Delphi 10.4.2

    Are you volunteering to rework my application architecture if it's that easy - I have 100+ package projects in a project group, a few dll's and 4 exe's (around 4M lines of code) and I see these errors all the time. I cannot use LSP at all because of this, but even with it turned off the IDE and the compiler are unstable. I can't afford to spend months refactoring my code in the hope that the IDE or compiler might then just behave correctly 🙄