Thank you for the unit!
I have found a bug regarding attachments in mvAnsi mode (two times there should be TMapiFileDesc instead of TMapiFileDescW; ^ is missing in FillChar).
Original code:
if LAttachCount > 0 then
GetMem(LAttachments, SizeOf(TMapiFileDescW) * LAttachCount);
FillChar(LAttachments, SizeOf(TMapiFileDescW) * LAttachCount, 0);
Please change to:
if LAttachCount > 0 then
GetMem(LAttachments, SizeOf(TMapiFileDesc) * LAttachCount);
FillChar(LAttachments^, SizeOf(TMapiFileDesc) * LAttachCount, 0);
I have also added a simple procedure SetMapiDll (on clients computers, GroupWise is installed and used. Outlook 2019, which is also installed, but not used, keeps overwriting the registry entry, so I will probably have to load directly C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\GroupWise\gwmlt1.dll there).
procedure SetMapiDll(const AMapiDll: string);