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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/21 in Posts

  1. Stefan Glienke

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    Has nothing to do with the debugger but with a refactoring to TList which I suggested: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-34681 (probably cannot see that as it still seems to be marked as beta report)
  2. David Heffernan

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    Irrelevant. Good products are cohesive. Different aspects work with each other and support each other. Funny. Binary literals, digit separators and avx512 asm. That's the entirety of new language features. That's a pace that can only be described as glacial. Cant be hard to get the old formatter to work. If it's an arse for them to do it, tough. Their adult for building up so much technical debt. Honestly, look at the quality of what comes out of Emba and compare to other mainstream IDEs.
  3. Joseph MItzen

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    So you're suggesting a better name would have been Delphi 11 Kabul Edition?
  4. I just released dzBdsLauncher 1.0.7. The only change is support for detecting .dproj files created by Delphi 11 (these have a ProjectVersion of 19.3).
  5. rudy999

    Delphi 11 first look issues

    (Windows 10 - I am admin on PC) 1. install did not work on one PC (this had 10.4-and was-is my'new version test PC'. (I could install it on another PC no issue) 2. IDE modification -settings do not get save between IDE sessions. -- Fonts --customizing toolbars Once Delphi is started again -back to initial installation settings.
  6. This issue was fixed on Delphi 11 Alexandria. Thanks
  7. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Send a message to App users??

    So you have 2 apps and intermediate file when you already have network server all app instances interact with. Why multiply matters? OnTimer: resp := HTTPReq('server/maintenance') if resp.Code = 200 then MsgBox('Server shutdown scheduled at ' + resp.Headers['X-MaintTime'])
  8. Uwe Raabe

    Add Method dialog layout in Delphi 11 Alexandria

    Indeed, I would never do that to MMX. Actually I would buy it myself if I would have any use for it that pays back. Usually I work for customers help them maintain or extend their existing software. Sometimes there are a couple of developers working on the project, sometimes I am the only one doing that. From all these dozens of customers I had in all these years only one had DevExpress and then only the grid. It doesn't matter what I think about DevExpress when the customer refuses to buy it. If the customer already uses DevExpress - no problem. So, if someone wants to write an MMX clone with the DevExpress Ultimate Layout Solution - go ahead.
  9. Attila Kovacs

    Add Method dialog layout in Delphi 11 Alexandria

    even if you would buy it for Uwe, I'm not sure he want to link all the devex* stuff to MMX :DDDD
  10. Uwe Raabe

    Add Method dialog layout in Delphi 11 Alexandria

    That is much easier said than done. While increasing the font size inside a text editor control is usually no problem, doing that in a dialog may destroy the complete layout of that dialog. Having larger fonts in an TEdit will automatically increase the height of the edit, but not its width. A checkbox will even keep its height when the font size changes. Using a larger font inside inside a TRadioGroup also leads to unreadable text. What you suggest would require the scaling of all controls including scaling the complete form. That is exactly what the system scaling is made for. If you want larger fonts in MMX dialogs - increase your system scale. Short answer: No. There are other areas where my free time is probably better spent.
  11. I just released Delphi Tools Manager 1.0.2 which now supports Delphi 6 to 11 (including all the versions with the odd names in between).
  12. I have updated my Delphi IDE explorer expert to work with Delphi 11.
  13. Daniel

    Delphi 11: Text size too small!

    *sigh* i see no reasons for getting personal. There are different ways to look at and to solve a problem.
  14. David Schwartz

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    You obiously haven't learned yet that this is pretty routine if you're in a super-hurry to install an update as soon as it's released. I used to enjoy playing with beta code. But these days, I usually won't bother to install a new update until their first patch is released. Just too many problems to be in such a hurry.
  15. Stefan Glienke

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    You're welcome - it is just a slightly improved version of what Aleksandr Sharahov already wrote years ago. Surprisingly they never used his purepascal code which compiles to almost the exact same code as the x86 asm version was doing. There are more than a dozen other improvements in the RTL that I have worked on - I cannot fix their compiler but I can certainly improve some suboptimal RTL code.
  16. Ralf7

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    As a Turbo Pascal user from the first hour, I am still following the development of Delphi with interest. I got out with Delphi XE and am amazed to find that people are still struggling with the same problems as they were 30+ years ago. Problems that also occur at other companies, but are completely fixed after a few weeks. Nothing gets better at "Borland".
  17. Joseph MItzen

    Delphi FireDAC .Post on Firebird table

    That's... not normal. This is as strange to me as the Delphi user on the old forum who said he never uses Delphi strings, only Pchars. You're not supposed to have control; the database is supposed to have control. You declare what you want and the RDMS query optimizer decides the best way to retrieve it. I can guarantee you there's no query optimizer designed with your "another way" in mind.
  18. Anders Melander

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    Please do. The name helps no one and just adds confusion. I don't know why they thought it would be smart to name versions. I have to google it every time someone refers to a version by name.