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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/16/21 in all areas

  1. Uwe Raabe

    Delphi 11 High DPI designer

    That comes pretty near to Option to design in Screen PPI but save in 96 PPI Definitely not: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-35301?jql=affectedVersion %3D "11.0 Alexandria" AND text ~ "designer dpi"
  2. dummzeuch

    The state of GExperts Support for Delphi 11

    I think I now got most of the modal dialogs show correctly in highDPI. There will probably be some glitches as I haven't had time to test them all yet.
  3. From R: Contributors (r-project.org) Incidentally, and off-topic, did you know that Duncan Murdoch was a originally a Turbo/Borland Pascal enthusiast, with many contributions to the Pascal community?
  4. The new High DPI Form Designer in Delphi gives you the following choices: Low DPI (96) default Auto DPI FIxed DPI Choice sounds good, however none of the choices is satisfactory: Working with the Low DPI setting in a High DPI monitor is next to impossible given the minute size of the form. Auto DPI is the version control nightmare. If you have different developers working with different screen resolutions, or even one developer working on say sometimes on a desktop with a DPI 96 and sometimes on a high DPI laptop, every time you touch the form on a machine with a different resolution all the coordinates widths and heights of the components will change. Absolutely no go. Fixed DPI has the same issues as Low DPI. You set the Fixed DPI to match one of the screen resolution, but when you open the form to another computer the form will show either too big or too small. What I would like to have is Fixed DPI, so that you avoid the version control issues, but automatic scaling of the form into the Screen coordinates and back to the Fixed DPI when you save the form. I know that the scaling from one DPI to another and back may result in changes of the original values. But the scaling back to the Fixed DPI does not need to happen unless a control is moved or resized. Is it just me that have issues with High-DPI designer? @Marco Cantu @David Millington Your comments will be appreciated.
  5. David Heffernan

    enable/disable the internet connection?

    With all your experience you shouldn't be surprised when people wonder if there are better ways to solve problems people face. I'm sure you do the same in your work.
  6. Tom F

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Another vote here for David to get the time to update the plugin. I'm so accustomed to using his great Bookmark tool that it's really frustrating to have to wait. It would be nice if Emb actually staffed the RAD Studio team so that things like this (and so many others) didn't get delayed.
  7. BruceTTTT

    LSP - Alexandria

    Thanks for this info. I've been wrestling with this issue for a while. 10.x had the ability to turn LSP off and use the legacy version, which often fixed the Ctrl-click issues. Not being able to Ctrl-click an identifier drives me nuts and I'm always looking for a good resolution. Newly opened projects seem to have less of an issue, but it is definitely the longer units for more complex projects that fail.
  8. Lars Fosdal

    On the use of Interposers

    I splitted this thread off this
  9. Vincent Parrett

    On the use of Interposers

    I generally only use interposer classes to fix vcl/rtl issues where I'm using runtime packages.. and then only very carefully - generally in a file that is a folder like VclFixes and where the filename would be something like Vcl.Forms.RSP1234.pas - it's hard to miss that you are using a patch/hack and makes it easier to review when upgrading delphi versions (ie do I still need this file). The other time I have used them is when messing with the IDE and don't have the IDE source code 😉