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  1. Der schöne Günther

    Herb Sutter on C++20

    Thank you for the video. I have recently picked up a C++ project and I actually enjoy it. But to be honest, I would rather build a big monolith app in Delphi than in C++.
  2. Uwe Raabe

    REST-JSon-Helpers got an update

    REST-JSon-Helpers unit got an update. The unit contains the sources described in my articles Serializing Objects with TJson and Serializing Generic Object Lists with TJson. While the previous version as described in the article was based on declaring a new interceptor class given to the attribute, the current implementation doesn't need that interceptor, but derives from the (now generic) attribute. The new implementation allows to decorate the derived list class directly removing the need to decorate each field with that attribute. In addition the new approach is able to convert a list instance directly into a Json array with out the need of a wrapper class. Also supported is reverting a Json array into a TArray<T>, which can easily be added to a corresponding list.
  3. Rinzwind

    code completion?

    I thought let's try out C++ Builder for fun. Downloaded Community edition, installed, created empty VCL application, code... and find out code completion/insight is not working at all. When hovering over a variable it says 'bla bla is being indexed' forever. When I change the compiler to classic it works again. Anyone else? Seems like a huge hindrance? Anyone where everything is working fine? The structure viewer is also missing things like buttons... which are there in Delphi.
  4. Remy Lebeau

    Avoiding use of BPLs

    Design-time code (property editors, component editors, IDE wizards, etc) are simply not allowed in runtime executables, period. So, your home-grown component needs to be implemented in a runtime-only package, and any code that relies on the DesignIDE package needs to be implemented in a designtime-only package that "requires" the runtime-only package. Your component should have no concept of design-time whatsoever (outside of things like the csDesigning flag in its ComponentState property, the CM_DESIGNHITTEST message, etc). If that is not the case, then the component is not architectured properly.
  5. David Heffernan

    Avoiding use of BPLs

    You've probably answered the question yourself. DesignIde brings the others with it. Now your exe will link to different instances of rtl and vcl I think. Statically linked rather than runtime packages. Which might be a problem. Solution likely to involve getting rid of dependency on DesignIde.
  6. Anders Melander

    Herb Sutter on C++20

    One hour into the video I wanted to shoot myself in the head - But then I remembered that I no longer program in C++ 🙂 Apart from that; Good stuff. When I heard Bjarne at the end I thought: He sounds tired of C++. Maybe he should try Delphi 🙂
  7. Fr0sT.Brutal

    simple PDF editing need

    That's much simpler. PDF split to images - many tools can do it, f.ex. free PDF-XChange viewer. Then add your ID with image processing tool that allows batch processing (IrfanView is free and powerful). Then join images back to PDF - the same PDF-XChange viewer can do it too
  8. The appropriate place would be something like \Program Files (x86)\<Your Company or System Name>\<Services>\YourServiceHere.exe
  9. Fraser

    code completion?

    When I type #include < characters get entered automatically that I don't want. I'm not sure what this technology is called but it is a pain. I have some of my own headers that I include with <> because they are used by multiple projects. How is this turned off? I have 10.4 Community.
  10. Achim Kalwa

    GExperts 1.3.19 Alpha for Delphi 11

    No, Delphi 11 is not guilty here 😉 There is some code in GX_Configure.pas which looks like some debug leftover: In line 311...316 the dialog is inflated to a minimum of 1000 x 1000 pixel. Remove that code an the configuration dialog will become usable.
  11. Uwe Raabe

    RzButtonHints ?

    Showing an image inside the hint. For this screenshot I set the buttons Hint property to "My Title|Hello World|0":
  12. Zoran Bonuš

    Firebird Admin Tool

    Flamerobin www.flamerobin.org (free, opensource) Database Workbench www.upscene.com (paid) IBExpert ibexpert.net (paid)
  13. Uwe Raabe

    IDE Code Coverage Plugin available

    @Jim McKeeth Here it is: Delphi Code Coverage Plugin
  14. Uwe Raabe

    IDE Code Coverage Plugin available

    Unfortunately, yes! Currently that is the only way to do that. I am aware that there is plenty of room for improvement in this plugin.
  15. Uwe Raabe

    IDE Code Coverage Plugin available

    Unfortunately not. It uses some ToolsAPI interfaces only available in later versions.