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  1. Chris Pim

    iOS 17

    I've tested this fix on a more complex app too and it also stops the crashing issue on iOS 17, so thank you as always Dave!
  2. zdzichs

    iOS 17

    Works like a charm, thank you! I tested this solution for two apps: one with listview and SQlite and second with custom listview and (many) standard pickers, all working ok!
  3. Kas Ob.

    Hext to Byte to Text = x509 cert

    Well, may be not exactly what you need, but use it as you see fit. function LoadHexSpaceSeparatedFileIntoTBytes(aFileName: string): string; var i, c: Integer; st: string; LStingList: TStringList; begin LStingList := TStringList.Create; try LStingList.LineBreak := ' '; LStingList.LoadFromFile(aFileName); SetLength(Result, LStingList.Count); c := 1; for i := 0 to LStingList.Count - 1 do begin st := Trim(LStingList.Strings[i]); if (st <> '') and (Length(st) = 2) then begin HexToBin(PChar(@st[1]), PChar(@Result[c]), 1); Inc(c); end; end; SetLength(Result, c); finally LStingList.Free; end; end; Quick use of StringList to separate the values, of course you can parse it on your own and even skip the usage of HexToBin altogether by using your own.
  4. Roger Cigol

    Migrate an old app in Delphi 2009 to modren C++

    I'm not sure I totally agree here. Yes, if you use an automatic translation then old bugs will be converted to C++. But if you think whilst rewriting AND add unit testing for modules AND refactor if/when there are obvious weaknesses in the existing Delphi code structure then you can end up with a better system. But you need to be aware that it's a big task.
  5. avesuvorov

    iOS 17

    I tested (iOS17 SDK) it on an blank app and tested it on the main working app - everything works. Thank you very much!
  6. haentschman

    Is there a way for the formatter to do this?

    Hi... Why? This is not in accordance with the official style guide. https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Delphi’s_Object_Pascal_Style_Guide I know that you can create your own styles. But do you think about those who get your source code and can hardly read it?
  7. I have kept Kastri very much up to date, and I "officially" support the last 2 major updates, i.e. presently 10.4.x and 11.x. Rest assured that the same will apply to Delphi 12.
  8. Dave Nottage

    iOS 17

    No official fix as yet, however I have come up with the following workaround - Note: this has had no testing beyond a blank app: 1. Copy FMX.Platform.iOS from source\fmx into your project folder. 2. In the TApplicationDelegate.applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions method towards the end, make the following change (i.e. add the one line of code indicated😞 // Creating window WindowManager := PlatformCocoaTouch.WindowManager; WindowManager.Window := TFMXWindow.Create(MainScreen.bounds); WindowManager.RootViewController := TFMXViewController.Create; // *** iOS17 SDK crash issue - Add the following line: *** WindowManager.RootViewController.Super.init; WindowManager.NativeWindow.makeKeyAndVisible; Note also that this measure is needed only if you are building against the iOS 17 SDK - it is not required when building against earlier SDKs.
  9. Dalija Prasnikar

    When will we have a 64-bit IDE version ?

    The whole world does it is not much of an argument. Anyway, Android Studio is a Java application and it is rather memory hungry. Just starting it will gobble up 500MB of memory. Opening very small project will raise that to 1.5 GB. Comparing to Delphi which uses 116 when started and about 400MB when you open small project (similar to one in AS). So Delphi with opened project consumes less memory than AS without any. When you build that small project in AS it will go over 3 GB like it is nothing. Of course it only comes in 64-bit variant. macOS OS has been only 64-bit for over a decade. They have been pushing all applications to 64-bit from the very start and since 2019 macOS no longer supports running 32-bit applications. It is wonder they lasted that long as Apple is not much concerned with backward compatibility and the ability that their customers can run something or not. Or whether they will be forced to buy new hardware. Actually everything Apple does is to force people to buy new hardware. Visual Studio got 64-bit version less than 2 years ago. If the MS with all their resources haven't done that before nor though it was absolutely necessary, then certainly there is no reason why Embarcadero would have to jump into 64-bit immediately. I am not going to comment Lazarus, as I don't know to much about it. I seriously doubt MS would do that. Maybe when they switch to 128bit Windows.
  10. Vincent Parrett

    When will we have a 64-bit IDE version ?

    I'm sure we would all love to see a 64bit IDE, but emb have limited resources, and right now they need to focus on more important issues.
  11. David Heffernan

    When will we have a 64-bit IDE version ?

    This seems extremely optimistic
  12. David Heffernan

    When will we have a 64-bit IDE version ?

    This post here isn't going to have any impact
  13. David Heffernan

    Delphi TOIOBE index lifted in May 2022?

    I'm quite sure that the people at TIOBE are driven night and day by their intense feelings of envy towards Delphi. I really can't imagine they think about anything else.
  14. DelphiUdIT

    OpenSSL fails to Load

    I have the *.so OpenSSL 1.02 library for all Android SO (x86, x86_64, V7a, V8a) ... they are all date 14/06/2022 and may be the version is 1.02s I really don't know where i found them, and since I also use Indy SSL I researched all libraries for all supported systems. Like i told, I don't know who "create" the library but I used them and no problems were found. Bye openssl-1.02_Android.zip