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  1. David Heffernan

    Delphi 12 is available

    I don't care that much about the IDE. It's the compiler and the language that matters more to me.
  2. Leif Uneus

    Removing String

    In short, you want to remove all strings in brackets, including the brackets.
  3. Angus Robertson

    How to attach a DigiCert Token certificate to exeutable

    ICS has a lot of tools for certificate manipulation, reading and writing different formats, so can convert between them, and can read and write to the Windows Store. The OverbyteIcsPemTool sample does all this, it has more features than the XCA tool. A compiled version can be downloaded if you don't want to build it. Angus
  4. David Heffernan

    Removing String

    Your specification in the original post is incomplete so it's not surprising that people don't know what you want. Your clarification is still unclear. Until you can define precisely what you want the code to do how could you expect anyone, even yourself, to be able to write it.
  5. Search engines are your friend. Here is a small list. None of these offer structure like a training course or a classroom curriculum. But there are some worthwhile articles and videos. https://delphi.fandom.com/wiki/Delphi_Wiki https://www.delphibasics.co.uk/ Embarcadero YouTube LearnDelphi.tv Delphi Programming Tutorials Not free: Embarcadero Academy I personally prefer books. Shortly after I started using Delphi, my go to Delphi bibles were Mastering Delphi 2 and Delphi Developer's Handbook, both by Marco Cantu. Most everything in those books still apply, although they were written nearly 30 years ago. There are several good "current" Delphi books that would cover more recent language additions but may assume the reader already knows the basics. Coding in Delphi and More Coding in Delphi by Nick Hodges are good for the Delphi language itself. But check out other authors as well. There are a number of excellent books on Delphi by some great authors.
  6. That is SEH, a normal SEH, has nothing to do with SafeSEH from Windows OS. The resources about it are scarce but here a pointer https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25081033/what-safesehno-option-actually-do For SafeSEH you need the compiler and the linker to jointly produce Windows SafeSEH compliant structure. This will not help too, it will only make the OS more aggressive against your application with near zero tolerance for page faults. Code Flow Guard (CFG) is very similar to SafeSEH from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/exploit-protection-reference?view=o365-worldwide#control-flow-guard-cfg Hope that clear things.
  7. Angus Robertson

    How to attach a DigiCert Token certificate to exeutable

    PemTool has both, two buttons, Create Request from Props and Create Request from Cert, the former uses properties from another tab, lots of them. PemTool takes a while to understand, it is a development tool to test all the ICS certificate functions, and does not have a friendly GUI. It only writes files, no database like XCA. There is a second sample OverbyteIcsX509CertsTst that orders Let's Encrypt certificates and includes an 'Own CA' allowing you to sign your own local certificates with a private CA. Angus
  8. Dalija Prasnikar

    Delphi 12 is available

    My projects are all rather small, regardless of the platform and the tools I am using. I am personally using Android Studio with Java. Comparing to Delphi, Android Studio is way more resource hungry and slow. Opening a project takes more than a minute, building about 3 (also highly depends on how AS mood at the moment as rebuilding the same project can last up to 10 minutes). Similar Delphi sized project (actually a tad larger) opens up immediately, and builds in under a minute. AS gobbles up over 4 GB of memory while doing that and burns my CPU at 98%. While Delphi uses a little over 600 MB and 8% CPU. Also I had a AS bug report open for years before it was finally fixed, where it would eat up memory on opening second project, and crawl down to a halt and had to be killed through Task Manager. So if I had to switch projects I had to restart the IDE. I am sayin all this so that people wouldn't think that the grass is much greener on the other side and that there are no problems. But the IDE has more features than Delphi and it definitely has some I would want to have. My son is using IntelliJ for Java, and Rider for C# and he is very satisfied with both.
  9. DelphiUdIT

    Removing String

    There are others variant of that function, with options to replace all occurrences and case sensitive or not. See https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Athens/en/System.SysUtils.StringReplace for details.
  10. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    Delphi 12 is available

    Oh, that's you, I heard that nobody is perfect 😉
  11. FreeDelphiPascal

    Delphi 12 is available

    You are right, we are going through dark ages (I would also call them sad ages). So, when are we all going to sign a petition to Embarcadero and ask for a modern Delphi that does not crash every 10 minutes, it is not stuck in the 2000 and does not have the fart-smell of an 100 grandpa? We should all promise that we won't buy next version until they really really fix it. And we want a true road map. Embarcadero should understand that they don't own Delphi. They cannot do whatever they want and when they want. We are the customers. They cannot release 12 new tiny features and pretend it worth buying Delphi 12 just for that. I mean, come on! I would be ashamed to tell my users that in the next version they will be able to write text on two lines instead of one! This is not something even worth mentioning. Presenting this like a brand new shiny feature means "Hi Delphi guys, we full around last year, then we were busy to fix some bugs that were not supposed to be there, and improve the C++ which nobody uses anyway, so for you, we didn't have much time left, but at least we did this impressive feature that lets you split your string on two lines. PS: you have to pay for it. PSS: you have to pay also for the bug fixes!". Have you seen how fast are other languages advancing? Take a look at Julia! High level language BUT in some benchmarks it beats the craps out of grandpa Delphi. And its costs... nothing! Slap a nice IDE as VS Code on top of it, and you got a nice environment. Updates? Every few weeks. I am afraid to admit it, but I think I am (we all are) in love with what Delphi was in 95, when it was indeed cutting edge. Now we are all a bunch of gray beards and bold heads. No new blood to Delphi. I haven't heard of a single new startup company that uses Delphi. All the jobs around are offered by companies that started in 90-95 with pascal/delphi. All of them hove now 2 million lines of legacy code and a desperate need of Delphi developers. I know a few of them that never-ever take down the Delphi job position because it is never filled. Or if they find a good (and pretty old) programmer every 2-3 it is not enough to replenish the big number of old programmers that now are at the retiring age. For each new programmer they put their hands on, two retires. And as the "new" programmer is close to retiring age also, it only perpetuates the avalanche. Been there, seen that with my own eyes. I was the young one there, even though I am not that young anymore. You also see the lack of Delphi programmers when the job is announced as Delphi "slash" C++. They try to lure-in some C++ Builder programmers this way. Trick them into a Delphi position. I personally try to promote Delphi. But all my kids around me (nephews, friend's children, etc) are going with the cool wave. The old PHP is getting to be the new cool kid in the town now. Internet technologies. C#. I am not saying they are better. But they are definitively "cool". Embarcadero, with all its old guys there (good guys/programmers but not in touch with the new generation, with the new ways) and with its "get the money first - give the quality later" policy is not "cool". And cool is ******** important, because you don't lure in into the language old die-hard C or ASM gurus, you want to lure in kids. My kid is having more fun with Delphi than with Scratch. But I wouldn't put him on a Delphi-career path. Not with Delphi's featured being almost sealed. Embarcadero! The time to reverse the tide is running out! Delphi opportunity window is almost almost closed! I do see some efforts from Embarcadero (some blogs, some barely-voted youtube videos, some shy promotions), and in general Embarcadero is going into the right direction. But too slow. Waaay too slow. The biggest positive move was the Community Edition. I would have paid > 1000 euros to buy a license for my kid! (I still don't have words to say how dismayed I am that Emba didn't offer a free license until few years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Wellllll..... In theory, I should shut up and relax, and fave fun with Delphi until my retiring age comes. I never ever had problems getting income with Delphi. But I love Delphi too much. It will be such a shame for Delphi to get retired the same day I retire! I do the same! I never use a new released feature in the first 3-4 years. I wait for it to get ripe and stable. 🙂Well, some things like "skins" (styles), 64 bit compiler, obviously took more than 3-4 years. FMX, still way to go... How many years ago they announced first time that Delphi has support for high DPI? Today, I can't still build decent high dpi apps in Delphi. I personally, won't buy a new license until I get a usable version to worth the price. It simply not fair to pay for bug fixes. My users will laugh at me if I would dare to ask money for a showstopper bug that was not supposed to be there. I always said (joking) that if Emba will release one-single-true-stable-version they will get out of business because everybody will buy that version (remember Delphi 7?) and lock into it. Nobody will upgrade to the next version for 8-12 years (unless the next version is as good as the other one). I am kinda doing that with 10.4.
  12. Primož Gabrijelčič

    Calling Async from a thread causes an exception

    For starters - why are you running Async from a background thread and not from the main thread?
  13. Brian Evans

    FireDAC ReadOnly connection

    Put the extra parameter in ODBCAdvanced for the FDConnection (under Params after selecting the MSSQL driver) or FDPhysMSSQLDriverLink.
  14. Delphi has for a while contained two classes that simplify stream compression: TZCompressionStream TZDecompressionStream I had not used them before and when I tried to use them now to compress and decompress some binary data that is stored as part of a large file, I got some inexplicable results. So I wrote this little test program to find the problem. Read on in the blog post.