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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/24 in all areas

  1. Hi Everyone, My name is Tim and have been using Pascal forever (among other languages) since the 90s. For a variety of reasons I've transitioned (/transitioning) into tutoring and mentoring, and have launched a YouTube channel dedicated to all things Delphi. My first video, "Starting an Adventure with Delphi," is here - In the future, I'm planning to cover a range of topics, including: - Building modern Delphi applications for FireMonkey - Essential data structures for Delphi developers - Tips for debugging those tricky Delphi problems I'm really passionate about keeping Delphi alive and well. Whether you're a complete beginner or a seasoned developer looking to brush up your skills, I hope you'll find something valuable on my channel. Let me know what you think - especially if you have any topic suggestions!
  2. I'm running a survery on Essential Delphi Addins and would love if everyone could vote and share the survey with other Delphi developers. https://forms.gle/xuFWpSrE5TDdordNA What is your favorite Delphi addin?
  3. Angus Robertson

    Essential Delphi Addins survey

    I only managed to tick a few boxes, guess I've managed without all those tools for 25 years. My experience is the IDE is more stable to less third party stuff you install. Angus
  4. Ali Dehban


    A new Delphi plug-in for automatically implementing the client side of a Rest API is now available in beta version. Repository: https://github.com/AliDehbansiahkarbon/OpenAPIClientWizard Demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B7nSHIsV64
  5. corneliusdavid

    Essential Delphi Addins survey

    Yes, you can manage, but you might be missing out on productivity features or tips for improving your code by not taking advantage of some of these tools, many of which are free.
  6. Jim McKeeth

    Essential Delphi Addins survey

    Thanks, I will add it.
  7. dummzeuch

    Essential Delphi Addins survey

    Probably this: https://github.com/HashLoad/delphi-docker Never heard about it either.
  8. Jim McKeeth

    Vote for MMX Code Explorer

    Vote for MMX Code Explorer in the Essential Delphi Addins survey https://forms.gle/xuFWpSrE5TDdordNA
  9. I would love to see a bug-fixes-only release, but I am realistic enough to put my hopes pretty low. I also know that a lot of complaints about missing new features will be triggered by such a release.
  10. Brandon Staggs

    New to Delphi 12, can't turn off adaptive icons

    Probably easier just to compare your current changes to your last commit.
  11. Dave Nottage

    Deploy Delphi 12 iOS 17 XCode 15.4

    So it's more than likely a profile/certificate issue, especially given the original message. You could use the Keychain Access app on the Mac to check whether certificates are valid, e.g. on mine:
  12. Well, bugs happen and knowing more about edge cases will save time, it is good thing to know more. Learning English is important, learning programing on deeper level is importanter.
  13. rossh

    Delphi 12 start menu entry

    Yes, I find it annoying and unnecessary. I have not found a setting to stop it. But this will hide it from showing in the Start menu. In a DOS box, set the Delphi 12.lnk file to hidden. attrib +h "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Delphi 12.lnk"
  14. This is wrong on D7 too. Don't believe everything you read.
  15. Beantreeze

    Using FireDAC with Access accdb file

    @Roger Cigol Yes, I think I will try compiling to 64-bit and open the database upon creation of the data module and see if that works for me. Otherwise, I'll have to make the changes on my old laptop then recompile 32-bit. Thanks all for the leg up!
  16. Roger Cigol

    Using FireDAC with Access accdb file

    You can only open MS Access files on a PC using either 64 bit apps (in which case you need to install the 64 bit MS Access drivers into Windows) or 32 bit apps (in which case you need MS Access on the machine (or at least the drivers). You cannot have both on the machine at the same time.
  17. I spent a bunch of time with this tool last week and am developing a big script for our use. One of the clunky steps in our migration process is converting a TPanel with TSpeedButtons to a TRzToolbar with TRzToolButtons. The original instructions had us manually editing a descendant form's DFM outside of Delphi before opening the project because of all the errors we'd get otherwise. Now, ReFind modifies the DFM and PAS file for us smoothing that process significantly. This, along with several other unit and method signature changes, the migration process will likely be reduced by several days or even weeks! Comparing with my experience using DelphiParser, there are still a few things things DelphiParser can do, like adding a new unit to the uses clause, which, as an action by itself, reFind cannot--it can replace an identifier and add to the uses section that way but there is not just a stand-alone unit addition command in reFind. DelphiParser seems to actually understands the Delphi syntax better and work with different unit sections and objects and variables whereas reFind is mostly a line-by-line string replacer. I'm over-generalizing and there's a lot of overlap but the reFind tool, being free and command-line based is much more accessible and easier to use. Thanks again, @Jim McKeeth for reminding me of this tool.
  18. Roger Cigol

    Using FireDAC with Access accdb file

    This is true for design time connections. But you can compile to 64 bit application and then connect at run time (but if you do this you CANNOT connect at design time because of the limitation I mention above).