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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/25 in all areas

  1. Remy Lebeau

    FormatDateTime in Delphi 12

    You are using the version of FormatDateTime() that relies on global variables initialized with your PC's locale settings. For instance, the '/' specifier is not a literal slash character, it is a placeholder that uses the global DateSeparator variable in the SysUtils unit. This is documented behavior. You can update those globals to customize things like the date/time separators, but this affects the whole app, and is not thread-safe. When you need custom formatting that is locale-agnostic, you should use the version of FormatDateTime() that takes a TFormatSettings parameter, eg: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var lDate: TDateTime; lFmt: TFormatSettings; begin lFmt := TFormatSettings.Create; lFmt.DateSeparator := '/'; lDate := EncodeDate(2025, 3, 26); Edit1.Text := FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy', lDate, lFmt); end; The alternative is to wrap desired literal text with quotes in your format string, eg: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var lDate: TDateTime; begin lDate := EncodeDate(2025, 3, 26); Edit1.Text := FormatDateTime('dd"/"mm"/"yyyy', lDate); end;
  2. PeaShooter_OMO

    Creating an app to play Youtube videos

    He can also be notified if the clipboard changes. There is also a sequence number that indicates the change. I suggest a thorough read of Using the Clipboard
  3. Anders Melander

    Job Bruxelles hybride

    The pdf appears to be 🐸-encrypted 😉
  4. If it's just data synchronization, is not user initiated, and you want it in Delphi code, you may be stuck.
  5. dummzeuch

    Cannot register at German delphipraxis.net!?

    Da das hier geklärt ist, schlage ich vor, die E-Mail Adressen in den Posts wieder zu löschen, sonst hagelt es nur unnötig Spam.
  6. If you start by 0, I would also say no, this should not be underestimated, If your question goes in the direction of an existing ERP bringing to web technology, I would say yes. Otherwise C#, PHP/Laravel or even Python will close that gap nowadays. Even large ERP systems were developed with web-technologies much faster and much more capable than desktop, before we even can start an *.EXE file This is just my opinion, perhaps there were different opinions or experiences too.
  7. For me, the generic answer would be "no", but you have to look at the use, the need and adapt. A lot of software goes online for reasons of maintenance and “simplified” access everywhere. If your software needs to be used from smartphones and desktops, the simplest solution will always be the website (even if it's sometimes complicated to do, even with tools available for Delphi developers).
  8. Joel Spolsky has written about this some 23 years ago in his famous "Fire and Motion" article. In short, Microsoft "invents" new technology, and while devs try to adapt to that, Microsoft just drops that for a "newer, better" technology. And so on, and so on.
  9. @bravesofts Place a feature request at EMBT's JIRA. Nothing is decided on this board.
  10. @bravesofts Maybe you would have better chances of convincing people if you would write your own thoughts instead of letting AI write them for you Delphi already has VCL and FMX frameworks. Feature wise it makes very little sense for Embarcadero to introduce yet another visual framework. Wrapping WinUI can be done through 3rd party, it doesn't have to be supported by Embarcadero. I would prefer that they focus on things that cannot be provided by 3rd party, like: compiler, debugger, language features, IDE functionality....
  11. Not quite. See for instance Ohh...WinUI3 is really dead! - When can we expect the announcement? · microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml · Discussion #9417 The Microsoft strategy for GUI App development is utterly messed up: WinForms WPF Xamarin Forms UWP WinUI3 MAUI And there is no longer a GUI designer. You have to develop XAML in a text editor. Discussion: WinUI 3.0 XAML Designer · Issue #5917 · microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml