You are using the version of FormatDateTime() that relies on global variables initialized with your PC's locale settings. For instance, the '/' specifier is not a literal slash character, it is a placeholder that uses the global DateSeparator variable in the SysUtils unit. This is documented behavior.
You can update those globals to customize things like the date/time separators, but this affects the whole app, and is not thread-safe. When you need custom formatting that is locale-agnostic, you should use the version of FormatDateTime() that takes a TFormatSettings parameter, eg:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
lDate: TDateTime;
lFmt: TFormatSettings;
lFmt := TFormatSettings.Create;
lFmt.DateSeparator := '/';
lDate := EncodeDate(2025, 3, 26);
Edit1.Text := FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy', lDate, lFmt);
The alternative is to wrap desired literal text with quotes in your format string, eg:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
lDate: TDateTime;
lDate := EncodeDate(2025, 3, 26);
Edit1.Text := FormatDateTime('dd"/"mm"/"yyyy', lDate);