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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/22 in all areas

  1. Our latest Grijjy article on how you could build your own Geolocation and Geotargetting in Delphi for your cloud service or backend, https://blog.grijjy.com/2022/01/04/grijjys-5th-anniversary/
  2. Dave Nottage

    AdMob in Delphi11

    I've just added a new demo: https://github.com/DelphiWorlds/Playground/tree/main/Demos/Advertising to the Playground repo
  3. Lars Fosdal

    AdMob in Delphi11

    Dave, you are a goldmine 🙂 There appears to be several must do, should do, could do (or do not's) that would help the fledgling developer to get started in a good way, and I bet those were hard earned learning points? I would love to see you author an article (or a book) on the ins and outs of doing an Android app with Delphi! Thank you for all your contributions, and a Happy New Year to you!
  4. The supports is misleading. The generic type parameter I is contrained to be of IBaseBroker and thus ABroker can directly be assigned to BaseBroker (as a side note in that case you would not get an AV because then the same interface pointer that points to the IMT for IFooBroker would be passed down satisfying the later call to GetMsg). However the bug is that the inherited Create call which has I as parameter (which is in this case IFooBroker) accepts the base type that it was constrained on. Here is the issue a bit more condensed - and showing it does not only apply to interfaces: type Base = class end; Child = class(Base) end; X<T: Base> = class procedure Test(obj: T); end; Y<T: Base> = class(X<T>) procedure Test(obj: T); end; procedure X<T>.Test(obj: T); begin end; procedure Y<T>.Test(obj: T); var b: Base; begin b := obj; // obj IS a Base because T is constrained to be a Base inherited Test(b); // this MUST NOT compile because the parameter is T and Base is not a T end;
  5. Now available on GetIt without the need to run my installation program.
  6. angusj

    tImagecollection, how to improve downscaling?

    Delete this line. It's only (sort of) useful for images without alpha transparency.
  7. Vanar

    AdMob in Delphi11

    Thank you !!! Please implement TestMode: = False :)
  8. bilal21dz

    AdMob in Delphi11

    Thank youuuu 👍
  9. PeterPanettone

    Delphi MRU Project Manager

    That's a good idea. One of the following things I will implement is FAVORITES and other project groups.
  10. Hi, Based on published free header/wrapper units of BASS audio library plus add-ons on www.un4seen.com, I have improved, modified and added more codes to ensure they work with all platforms that Delphi's FireMonkey and VCL frameworks support. I also collected, intensively tested and structured the libraries into a package for Delphi programmers to use with a very detailed guide accompanied. Finally I also included a simple but sufficiently complete demo project. I have seen so many questions on BASS forums as well as other forums regarding audio for Delphi so I just thought I could share my work. That's all my intention. Here you go: https://github.com/TDDung/Delphi-BASS