Yes, if you can't specify the actual TKey/TValue Generic parameters up front at compile-time when defining how you access the dictionary object from the Sytem.Rtti.TValue record. In which case, you can't use a standard "" loop to enumerate the dictionary. All the necessary type information is lost once you access the dictionary object via the System.Rtti.TValue record if you can't type-cast the object. So yes, this is the only way I can think to enumerate the dictionary object using only RTTI and not caring what the actual Generic parameters are. I mean, if you really needed the RTTI for those types, you could take the dictionary object's ClassName() string, parse the typenames between the angle brackets, and resolve them using TRttiContext.FindType(), but that won't help you to enumerate the dictionary at all since you still need access to its enumerators (either via its GetEnumerator() method or its Keys+Values properties).
I really couldn't say. Probably not, if you use the RTTI correctly and handle the enumeration correctly. Hopefully the RTTI and Sytem.Rtti.TValue record will handle the complexities for you.
It doesn't, outside of the implementation code for the TDictionary class, where the TKey and TValue Generic parameters have meaning. Outside of the class, they don't exist. They are part of the class type itself, for instance TDictionary<string, int> and TDictionary<int, char> are separate and distinct types with no relation to each other.
No. {$HPPEMIT} has no effect whatsoever on how the Delphi compiler processes code. {$HPPEMIT} merely outputs an arbitrary line of text to a C++ .hpp header file, if one is being generated while the Delphi compiler is parsing the code.
Curious - what version of Delphi are you using? I have RTL sources up to XE3, and there are no {$HPPEMIT} statements at all in System.Generics.Collections.pas in those versions, so it must be something added in more recent versions.